

Chapter 3


Today’s youth of the nation are all tech-savvy, broad-minded and rebellious with vast ideas, who could mobilize people of all religion, caste and creed as the youth of India play a crucial role in promoting communal harmony which will lead to socio-economic constitutional changes in maintaining peace in the country, as the youth are the future leaders of tomorrow.

The youth’s education in engineering, medical, pharmacy, bio-technology, automobile engineering, R&D, management and in all fields of study, can mobilize people due to professional understanding in maintaining peace and communal harmony without interfering in issues like caste, creed, religion or ethnicity Tech-savvy youth spreads the peace, love and communal harmony thro’ social media tools like Face book, LinkedIn, Twitter, WhatsApp and blogs. Rapid changes took place through media postings then, after the conviction of culprits in December 2012 Delhi rape case issue. Nirbhaya Fund for survivors of gender violence started due to this case. So, the above tools play an important role in bringing about social harmony.

Fine Arts play an important role in spreading the message of brotherhood and peace. Also, young authors, writers, poets and artists come together to enlighten people of India about the secularism in Indian Constitution.

One can understand the culture at major cities like Mumbai and Delhi, that the youth cares for personal growth based on their talents rather than they do about caste or religion.

Youth having good jobs by virtue of their talent, can bring changes on people around them to maintainpeace and harmony in the society without any negative mind set on caste, creed or religion.

The government has to work with the youth to bring about unity in diversity for the future of nation.

NEXT DAY: Following DayResults came out. Anurag Varma and three other friends, Rani and two of her friends passed their degrees I Distinction. All exchanged their pleasantries and wished each other, had small sweets out of their happiness and aid bye to each other and disbursed.

After few days, Rani Devi got an Offer Letter as DSP at Delhi.Anurag Varma too got an Appointment Letter as Software Specialist in a Software Company at Delhi.

Anurag Varma and Rani Devi both are unaware of their placements at Delhi. Each one has their own separate routes. Both settled in their regular profession.

Rani Devi: Telephoned to Airport and booked a ticket to Bengaluru.

Rani Devi: Sir, I Want one week leave. I am leaving for Bengaluru. Given the Leave Letter to her Officer.

Officer: Any Marriage proposal to you Rani? Nor anything like that? Rani, please tell me.

Rani Devi: Nothing like that at this moment. My college-mate marriage. I am going to attend to her marriage. So also, I want to spend some time with my parents. It is a quite long time that I spent with them. Moreover, I am happy to see my place. Rani, left for Airport.

After customs checking, Rani Devi boarded the flight and sat in her seat 10 minutes before the take-off time. Anurag too suddenly took his seat in the same flight and sat next to Rani’s seat.

Rani Devi: Reading some book, after settling down in her seat.

Air Hostess: Madam, any cool drink please?

Rani Devi: Took the Thumps-up small bottle, said Than Q, and looked at side. The next seat occupied by Anurag Varma, Rani could identify Anurag Varma. Hi Anurag, It’s a surprise. You are here, astonishingly asked Rani.

Anurag Varma: Hi Rani, Really I am surprised to have a seatnext to you. Really wonderful. I am happy.

Rani Devi: Anurag, are you coming Bengaluru?

Anurag Varma: Yes, out college-mate Gayatri marriage. I am attending to her marriage. I am going to Bengaluru for this marriage. What about you Rani? Asked Anurag Varma.

Rani Devi: Yes. I too go to attend Gayatri’s marriage.

Anurag Varma: Rani, you got married? How many children? What is your job? Where did you join? All question poured one after another without any breathing

Rani Devi: Stop, Stop. Your questions are like Exam Question Paper. Why so many questions at once? Hold on. I will tell you, said Rani.

Anurag Varma: OK Rani, Out of anxiety and eagerness, I asked all these one after another OK. Please tell me now.

Rani Devi: I am not married yet. My parents are OK. I am also attending Gayatri’s marriage. Our friend Gayatri. Okay, we can meet many more friends at marriage hall .We can discuss so many things without friends. I am happy Anurag. We met you at this flight God is Great. I don’t know what God will do at what tie, told Anurag Varma by Rani.

Flight landed in Bengaluru Airport. Anurag Varma and Rani Devi came out of Airport. Each booked separate cabs and dispersed to their destinations.

Kousalya (Mother): Rani, How are you. So many days. I have not seen you. Whatever you’re in big position, is it not your duty to see your parents? Mother, Kousalya wept out of emotional feelings. You’ve to sometimes leave the professional environment to see your parent’s place to have a sigh of relief. Is it not Rani? Questioned Kousalya to Rani.

Kousalya: You can’t work like a machine. You’ve to maintain good health and physical fitness, Rani, told Kousalya.

Nischal Rao (Father): Hello, my dear baby, come on, come. How is your job? You’re shortly getting DSP promotion. I heard so. Congratulations.

Rani Devi: Good daddy. I am yet to get orders. It will come, hugged father.

Kousalya (Mother): Rani, how are you, I am happy that you’ve come.

Rani Devi: Mummy, Don’t worry. I am happy. How are you mummy? How is your NGO service Ashram. How is it running? Mother Kousalya, hugged Rani with great emotions and kissed on the cheeks of Rani.

Kousalya (Mother): Yes. The service oriented NGO Institution is running well. I am feeling sorry while seeing and working for destitute children I am happy for serving them, it is one of my great satisfaction. I am prepared to serve for the poor children.

Rani Devi: Okay. Mummy. We will have food. Come on. We all three have food at Dinning Table. They all three moved to Dinning Table. All three completed the meals.

Rani Devi: Daddy, did you invent anything How is your scientific research & analysis. How far you’ve achieved your goal. Did you find out or invented any new one? Laughingly asked? Rani to father.

Father (Nischal Rao): I will find out, wait. I am working on my formulae to invent something new.

Rani Devi: Rani’s inner feeling was that – “so many days over to chit-chat with Mother and Father. I have to see my parents frequently. I am only the daughter. I was kept busy myself in my education and job”

That night all slept while chit-chatting few of the familyissues.


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