
Attending a class reunion with her fiance.


She became deep in thought as she tried to rack her by brain to see if any incidents in her past life matched the ones she had to been experiencing lately. She thought that things would be easy since she had reincarnated but it seemed like that was not the case. She realized that her memories about her past life was indeed getting obscure and she could barely remember anything now. What was the use of rebirth then, she pouted?

She tried to concentrate on finding a way to cure her blindness when her eyes strayed to the ring on Jihai's forefinger bearing the insignia of the Sakai clan. With that, an idea suddenly entered her mind making her smile as she slowly turned around in his embrace to face him as she said. "Jihai, I have been thinking....perphaps it's time to visit the Sakai Clan in Japan."

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