
Big Waves


I am back, so happy reading to you all!


(On the central continent)

A few minutes before Raas became a city guardian, Mavis Mevulus, his "nephew" Simon, Katharina the second princess of Vexia, and the entourage of the S-Class Adventurers finally exited the Dungeon. After killing over 30% of the nonsentient dungeon spawn they decided to return.

"Puh, that took a lot more mana than I thought to kill one of the Floor Guardian Flegon's clones. I even managed to finally level up. Luckily the other floor gardians didn't bother to join."

"You intervened!"

"No, I saved you, Adventurer Milly. So stop pouting and let's get out of here."

"How can one floor guardian be this strong?" asked Simon.

"Well, they aren't always that strong, but this dungeon is special. The demon lord of Wrath lives here. And with him being here a lot of strong monsters gather. It may be a C-Rated Dungeon, but the main hitters will easily make this dungeon an SS- or even an SSS-Ranked dungeon. And to prevent something large from happening everything got put under wraps. So keep this a secret, ok?"

Simon and Katarina both blanked, and the veteran adventurers only nodded.

"I will have to talk with my father after this..." mumbled the princess.

"Ah and if you are already informing him, let him know to contact me and say "Mavis the super great king rescuer will cash in his favor!"."

Simon looked incredulously at his uncle and Katharina only smiled and nodded.

Mavis continued on but a smile crept onto his face. "Found you..."


(21st Floor of the Woodland dungeon.)

"So you telling me that you fucked up once again and lost Raas?"


"And not only are we searching for him but you said that Mavis is searching for him too?"


"And not only is the strongest Person on this continent searching for him, you don't even know if he is even on this one...."


"Scorge... do you know how angry I am!!!"


*sigh* "Please search for him, I will make a quick call..."

With that Sahra stormed out of the room and Scorge just stood there thinking of what happened.

With a snap of a finger, a portal opened and a floating brain with barbed wires appeared.

"You called for me my lord?"

"Celebrus, call forth my retainers, have them secretly search for the Acutra. Don't make a scene like before. If you have found him inform me impatiently. Oh and kill every Seeker you manage to get your hands on, they will pay for intervening in my fun."


Sahra wandered to her bed and laid down, in one moment Raas was practically already dead, then got transported to a place literally worse than hell. And now Scorge informed him that because he wanted to one-up a demigod of that realm Raas was somewhere on this planet.

Her only hope was the mark on her chest that indicated that he was still alive somewhere.

And from the skill info of the mark, it looked like he got a lot stronger coming out of Nox Mortem. The mark changed to an hourglass with a bright sun behind it and small stars floating around.

"I never thought I would call them again..." whispered Sahra as she sat up.

"Who are you calling?"

Looking up she saw the soul fisher apparition, 'he leveled up quite a few times in the few days Raas was gone, but for him, it must have been weeks' thought Sahra.

Derat has changed tremendously as he evolved into a soul-fishing menace. He won't admit it but Sahra could see that he was awed the first time he saw the menacing serpent.

"Just someone I knew would spell big trouble..."

"Is it worth all that for him? I mean he could probably die out there any time and seeing how you look at me I will shut up now!"

"...Yes it is worth, to have my mate back I would even sacrifice my life. A lone soul that I thought was so innocent thrown into this world, to think he would be so caring, so handsome, so... dreamy..."

"Ugh, disgusting, well good luck on your endeavor I found some easy prey so just call me when you need something."

And with that Derat left, she knew that even if he didn't show it he still had some kind of connection to Raas as even in his egg stage he formed some kind of bond. Their time together was short but Derat still worried about Raas.

And a few days after Raas' disappearance, Beatrice left, having to deal with some personal matters in her hometown. So she couldn't rely on her, and frankly, she didn't want to drag other people into this mess.

But with that thought, she pushed her hand into her chest and took a small talisman out of her core.

Holding the gold plate with a green emerald embedded into it, she filled it with mana.

A few seconds later a deep rough sound responded, "To think that you would ever call me. You must be quite desperate."

Gritting her fist she spoke, "Esteemed father, I ask for a favor."

*sigh* "What do you need?"

"I need help finding my mate, an Acutra, a Menacing bright youngling Serpent."

"Your MATE!"


"To think that you would find someone out in the filthy dungeon."

"You know very well why I left the imperial city!"

"No, I don't! Your mother dragged you out! Her selfish and greedy nature made you ignorant of the world. She corrupted you and broke our family bond!"

"... I don't want to talk about that now as I will surely regret what I would say... so are you going to help me?"

"Fine, I will help you, but only if you return home, and when I find your "mate" introduce him to me so I can see how he fairs up in the grand culling."

Sahra wanted to protest saying it was unfair, but in the end, she needed his help, "Fine I will return in a week."

"No need I will send someone to get you."

With those words, the golden plate crumbled to dust.

She stared at her hand that was holding the plate, "Forgive me Raas, but I promise I will make it up to you once this is all over..."


The most wanted Acutra on the whole central continent was hopelessly unaware of what waves were set in motion just to locate him.

The words quickly spread around that a snake monster was wanted, and everyone who got information would be rewarded handsomely by either the Vextia Kingdome, the demon lord of Wrath, or the Emerald Empire. Even the holy sun church paid generously for information on the whereabouts of this Acutra.

The Seekers too weren't idle, using the commotion to kill anyone who was suspected of being an Acutra.


"Is this really necessary I could just sleep outside."

"No, no. We wouldn't dare to let our city guardian sleep outside." Answered the city lord as he oversaw the construction of a large building.

It almost looked like an old Greek temple with large stone pillars and stone statues of snakes around it.

Raas was flabbergasted by their zeal and speed for building it, thinking 'Is being a city guardian really such a big deal?'

And the answer is yes, a city guardian not only gave their denizens tremendous boons but also other nations would be hesitant to attack them. And it was incredibly rare to find someone suitable and able to become a guardian.

And unlike the central continent Zenith where dungeons are abundant, progress was steady, and some monsters were even held highly. The western continent Enos was in constant war, monsters were grinded like they were just weeds on a farm, not even allowing them to level.

So high-tiered monsters are a rare sight there. And even most of the high-tier monsters live under the protection of the Acutra known as Wandering Forrest.

"So how long is this gonna take?" asked Raas.

"It shouldn't be long, only a few more hours and it should be done."

"And what exactly is my job as your city guardian? I mean I am still trying to figure out how I am going to get to the central continent..."

"I beseech you that you help us in fighting the humans. Destroying a city or two would be a tremendous help... and with the war resolved we would be able to pull all the kingdom's resources into helping you return to the central continent." said the city lord Lortun while bowing.

Raas clicked his tongue and muttered, "Why is everyone asking me to destroy cities..."

"Did you say something?"


"Then I will return to my duties, please ask one of the guards if you need anything guardian serpent Raas."

He did a deep bow and left.

Having nothing to do I curled up and inspected my status screen for the first time after leaving Nox Mortem.


Name: Raas

Species: Menacing bright youngling Serpent (Sun-Eater/Silent-???)

Level: 41 --> 44

Strength: 366 ---> 400

Agility: 134 ---> 150

Intelligence: 333

Mentality: 310 ---> 222

Hp: 1771/1777 ---> 2222/2222

MP: 0!/1648 ---> 3333/3333


1. Limit Breaker (Increases your stats gained from evolutions)

2. The Survivor (25% increased resistance to all kinds of debuffs!) --> Weeping Goddess: (I am sorry for I have failed you. Divine punishment will be acted on anyone dealing more than 80% of your health.)

3. Royal guard (Gain 30% damage and damage resistance when protecting someone, but betrayals will give you the curse Betrayer leading to a permanent decrease of 10% from your max stats for each betrayal and death after 3 betrayals.)

--> Holy Guardian Serpent (Protecting someone grands you 70% damage resistance to all cursed, blighted, dark, and corrupted attacks. Immune to holy elements. Increase healing power by 10%. Betrayal will be punished by divine retribution.)

4. Destroyer of Castles and More! (Damage against non-living things and monsters smaller and weaker than you is increased by 500%, some skills may change effects!)

--> THE Destroyer (Damage against non-living things and monsters smaller than you is increased by 1000%, 20% Damage reduction to anyone smaller than you. Intimidate and fear effect will increase by 100% while larger than the target.)


The Broken: Having once core broken will have consequences let this be a lesson (-50% exp gain)

Mind Broken: Pain can help once growth, but it will also take something away (Mental attacks received will deal 200% more damage.)

The Pitied One: Even the gods pity you (-300% speed while in the presence of a deity)

Fragile Core: Once broken, never the same (+200% damage received from attacks other than your affinities.)


[Physical Skills:]

Venom Fang lv 8, Slither lv 5, Healing Fang lv 5, Crush lv 8, Intimidation lv 11, Hyper Feather Shot lv 1 --> 3

[Magical Skills:]

Sun Breath lv 3 -->5, Dust Bomb lv 1, Summon: Ember bird lv 1, Poison Nimbus lv1 --> 6

[Deffensive Skills:]

Pain Resistance lv 7 --> Pain Tolerance lv 3, Poison Resistance lv 6, Harden lv 2, Fire Resistance lv 8, Corruption Resistance lv 4, Mental Fortitude lv 9 --> Mental Fortress lv1, Blunt Damage Resistance lv1, Climate Resistance lv1


Healing Affinity lv 4 , Poison Affinity lv 4 --> 7, Fire Affinity lv 5 -->7,

[Racial Skill: Grey Out lv 2, Stasis lv 0, Solstice Venom, Ash Field lv 1]

[Evolution Path:]

[Regenerating Flexible Solar Scales]

[Venomous Fangs]

[Colorful Infrared Eyes]

[Danger Smelling Tongue]

[Vibration Sensing Ears]

[Automated Healing Gland]

[Crystal Core Shield]

[Sol´s gem]

[Mana Absorbing Wings] + [Mana regenerating Feathers]


It was then that Raas Mind was frozen.



So what do you think about this chapter?

I would like to incorporate more of the others' perspectives as I have been to focused on Raas and neglected all the others. Maybe some of you won't like other perspectives and that I only focus on Raas, but I think it would be a waste to not elaborate on the other's feelings, emotions, and plans.

Anyway, criticism, improvements, and ideas are always welcomed here :)

PS: Give me some POWER STONES!!!

PPS: reviews too!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Man_of_culturecreators' thoughts
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