
He Was All That Mattered Then


"How long was I asleep?" Alanor asked when he woke up to a completely different environment, one that had a beautiful scent, the scent that felt so much like home and that reminded him of the mother who had raised him for so many years. 


"Is this the afterlife? Mother, are you there?" Alanor called out again, clearly seeking Criselda, and Delbert who was hearing him from the distance felt his heart shattering for his brother, again.

He wished there was a way he would have been able to prevent Criselda's death, but then fate had already set everything in stone and nothing he would have done would have made it better.

Or maybe the both of them were the only ones who would have managed to stop their mother, but did that even have anything to do with them?

"You're finally awake, Zion," Old Darius said and Alanor looked at the man like he was in a horrific dream.

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