
Chapter 226: Playing a game with Petyr Baelish

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's second chapter.

Thanks for your support.

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That was why The Vale's knights did not even stop him when he was about to enter the Eyrie and allowed him to go without even a question. Plus, Edward made his preparations for this day, and even if Petyr Baelish tried to play a trick here or there, he would not have any results.

In the High Hall,

When Edward entered the hall, he could see the arrogant Lysa Arryn, sitting on the throne carved from Weirwood. Sitting on her legs was her son, Robin Arryn. As for Petyr Baelish, he was standing beside her with a smug on his face.

Edward had heard that the two of them had already married and even did their bedding ceremonies in his foster father's room. That was one of the reasons why Edward decided to kill them at this time without waiting.

"You are standing in front of Robin Arryn, the lord of the Vale, and his mother, Lady Lysa Arryn." Said Petyr Baelish as he looked at Edward with a smug on his face. When he heard about Edward's arrival to the Vale, he could not believe his ears.

Petyr could not believe how foolish Edward was for delivering himself to Petyr's hands like that and could not help but think of many ways to kill him here. Of course, he also thought of joining him against the Lannister since Edward was already winning.

The problem was that Petyr did not think he could fool Edward and take his power as he could do with the Lannister. But he left the decision about this matter until he saw the man and the situation he would be in at that time. Of course, if he found a chance to kill him, he would do it without any hesitation.

As for Edward, he could have ended everything from the start by using force to kill the bitch and her lover, but he stopped himself. He did not want to spill his foster father's men's blood in the Eyrie, the place where he spent more than six years of his childhood. Plus, Edward had already prepared everything required to play with Baelish until the end.

"Do I need your introduction or something? This place was my home before the three of you even came to this world. So, you better watch your tongue, or I will cut it for you." Said Edward with an arrogant attitude as he looked at the three of them. He could not bring himself to speak politely in front of Jon Arryn's killers.

As for the young Robin, Edward had only met him thrice when he was young. His mind was probably poisoned by his mother's and Baelish's words. So Edward did not have much hope in the young man before purifying his mind.

After hearing his words, only Petyr Baelish and Lysa Arryn had a change of expression as they did not believe how arrogant Edward was in their castle.

The other lords had already been informed by Edward and knew why he was here. After hearing about the truth, the lords wanted to act and kill Petyr and Lysa themselves, but Edward instructed them to do nothing since he planned everything.

As for the lords, who were on Petyr's side, they were long gone since Edward would leave them alive. Those who dared to betray him and his foster father should die with their families.

"You dare!!!" Shouted the crazy woman on the throne as she stood up and looked at Edward hatefully. Of course, she would do that after all the words she heard from her lover on the bed.

"A shameless woman dares to shout at me. Huh!!! Nice one there." Said Edward as he mocked her with a loud laugh, ignoring her gazes that wanted nothing more than to kill him. He wondered what gave those people the courage to speak like that. Did they hear about his dragons?

At this time, A loud screeching sound came from the outside like an earthquake in everyone's ears. Lysa Arryn could not help but take her son in her hands before hiding him within her body. She was afraid that something would happen to him.

Of course, Edward would not come all this way without making enough preparation. The dragons were large enough to destroy the Eyrie if he wanted them to do that.

As for Petyr Baelish, he started to realize that it was impossible to harm the Stomking anymore. And with the dragons outside, he had no chance to live if the Stormking decided his death. He could only bow his head to the man and accept his rule if he wanted to see the light the next day.

If Petyr had looked at the other lords in the hall, he would find that none of them were afraid since they were on Edward's side. If he had seen this scene, he would have known that this day was his last.

"Lady Arryn did not mean that, your grace. She was just angry at you for not saving her late husband from the Lannister's hands." Said Petyr as he tried to suck Edward's dick after hearing the dragon's cry outside. He did not mind doing that if that meant that he would get to live for another day when he could come up with a suitable plan.

"Is that so?" Mocked Edward as he looked at Petyr Baelish, who liked to play with words the most.

Edward had to tell the truth about something. Petyr Baelish was his idol in his previous life and loved to see the man's schemes the most. But well, everything is good as long as you are on the same side as him or watching from afar. Once the scheme got pointed to your head, you would think different.

In this timeline, you would find that Edward schemed against everyone as Petyr Baelish did. The only difference was Edward's attitude. Petyr Baelish did not have enough power to support him, but Edward had. That was why he was a little arrogant in front of the others.

"Yes, your grace. Lady Arryn even asked me yesterday that the Vale would take your majesty's side." Said Petyr with a smile on his face as he looked at Edward. He thought that his flattery was taking effect, and Edward believed his words.

"Oh, and what else?" Asked Edward in a faked and surprised tone as he wanted the man to believe that his plan was working.

"The Vale would gather all its forces and join your grace in the war. We won't sit still until all the Lannisters are dead, your grace." Said Petyr as he continued to speak without stopping. If Edward did not know what this man was like, he would have believed him and let him join his side.


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