
Chapter 160: Jasmine Baratheon

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's first chapter.

Thanks for your support.

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'Whatever, as if I can say no to those two in the first place. Both of them will eat me alive if I ever say something like that to any of them. Just look at uncle Edward's face when I was just about to refuse his offer. If there is a devil in this world, it would be uncle Edward without a doubt. At least, this time, I wanted to see the fight and see how Rob has improved in the past year.' Thought Jon, as he shook his head left and right since the two men did not give him any choice and made him follow whatever they decided themselves.

It did not take long before the group reached the training yard and saw what was happening there. Edward could see his son, Axil, taking his sword and swinging it left and right, getting himself ready to fight. On the other hand, Rob, who would fight with Axil, was having a talk with his younger brother, Bran, and bragging. As for Raymont, it was as if he knew that his father would come at this moment and was looking in Edward's direction with a smile.

When everyone saw who came, they all stood up and bowed a little in respect before going to their places again. Vayon Poole did not forget his job and at once and prepared two chairs for the lord and the king to have a seat.

"I did not expect you to allow all this, Cat." Said Ned as he looked at Catelyn with some disappointment. He wondered where the decisive Catelyn that would do anything that she decided upon at once. He saw her abuse Jon one time after another in the past because he was Ned's bastard without listening to his words.

"What can I do, my love? Your son refused to listen to me, and I had to listen to the two princes." Said Catelyn as she shook her head after hearing Ned's words. She could not even persuade her son to stop from what he intended to do, then how would she have the ability to say no to the two princes?

During all their talk, Catelyn's eyes did not leave Jon Snow. She could not hide the hatred in her eyes from Edward. She must be wondering what happened in the Crypt between the three men and what Edward told Jon Snow there. She would not trust anything or anyone when it came to Ned's bastard and would not allow him to stay in Winterfell since he was Ned's elder son and could be a threat to her son's position. Although that was very hard to happen, Edward was the best example of this. Although he was not the first son, his father chose him as his heir instead of Robert.

As for Edward, he looked around as if he was looking for someone, but it seemed that Edward could not find what he was looking for and signaled to his Kingsguard, Brienne of Tarth, who stood not far away from him with the three brats to come forward.

Brienne, who saw her king's signal, came forward at once. When she stood in front of him, she bowed her head and waited for his order.

"Brienne, why did not you bring Jasmine with you?" Asked Edward as he looked at the knight. Jasmine was the one that made Edward worry a lot. The young girl was so fragile and could not stay away from him for a long time.

"Don't worry, your grace. I have already sent a servant to call Irza and the princess once I knew that we might be late in this place." Said the female knight with a strong voice after hearing Edward's question. Edward trusted Brienne a lot, especially after he had lost one of his eight commanders while another one could not fight anymore as he lost an arm and got poisoned when he tried to hunt for the ingredients required for the blood rituals. (We will come to this event later) So Edward had to find new people that he could rely on, and the female knight was one of them. Since he knew Brienne's true personality, it was an easy decision to make.

Before Edward could say anything more, a septa came to the training yard with a small girl walking beside her while holding her hands. When the little girl saw her father sitting right there, she did not wait for the Septa and at once let go of the septa's hand and ran towards her father as fast as she could. The girl would be afraid as long as she was a little far away from her father and would scream at night if she did not sleep beside him. Edward did not know how to do more than what he already did to improve his little Jasmine's condition. Although there was a little improvement in this situation, the girl was still in this state after five years of that accident. Edward could only blame Ashara for this and could not help but get angry at himself whenever he remembered that accident, as he was one of the reasons that something like that happened in the first place.

"Father!!!!" Said the young girl as she dove into her father's lap, ignoring everyone present since she knew that her father could take care of all this for her. That was always how the little princess behaved in Storm's Eye. Even in the Storm Throne room, she would enter and act like that in front of the other lords who would attend the court.

"You are here, little Jasmine. I was just about to ask Lady Brienne to go and get you." Said Edward with a smile after he saw the little girl's antics. Jasmine was his favorite since she was his youngest daughter and the one who stayed the most with him. He doted on her the most because he felt a little guilt in his heart when it came to this little girl.

The little girl did not reply and just waited there like that, and Edward did not interrupt her as he knew how sensitive the girl was. He let her do whatever she wanted.

When the fight was about to start, Edward patted her a little to get her attention. He knew that although the little girl was shy and afraid of nearly everything, she always liked to see duels and fights like this one, especially when her brothers or sister were the ones who would fight.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

GNaNAcreators' thoughts
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