
Chapter 67: A real talk with Ashara part one

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's first chapter.

We finished this arc on my pàtreon and would upload the rebellion arc next.

Thanks to everyone who supported me.

You could read up to 15 more advanced chapters on my pàtreon.


For the next mass release, if we reach 65 pàtreons, I will upload 8 more chapters.



"Stannis, take mother and return to the castle and explain to her how she should be supportive of our plans." Said Edward as he was looking at Stannis. Cassana always had a soft spot for Stannis, who did not know how to smile, so it was better for Edward to let Stannis do this job. Plus, he had a lot that he wanted to talk about to Ashara.

Stannis nodded his head while Cassana shifted her eyes between Stannis and Edward for some time before exiting the tent and following Stannis.

At the moment, it was only Edward and Ashara in the tent. Although it was not the most suitable place to persuade her as Edward preferred to tell her in bed, Edward still decided to explain to her.

"Come here, Ash. It is a time for us to have some serious talk." Said Edward as he pointed to his lap. He wanted her to sit there while he explained to her.

And he said that with such a solemn face. Like hell, you would do such a thing, Dude. I swear if your hand did not play a little here and there, you would not be a man.

Ashara smiled a little and listened to Edward. She sat on his left leg while looking at his face.

She was really a daring woman. It was Edward's fortune that he had picked her before she had gone to King's Landing, or this girl would have fucked a man here and there.

Ashara also wanted to know what Edward was planning for as She was going to be the man's wife, and his decisions would also affect her.

"Ash, you know that I love you, right?" Said Edward as his hand sneaked to her breasts from above her clothes.

Ashara started feeling the heat at that moment and wanted nothing more than jumping on Edward and taking his clothes off.

But for the sake of the future, she had to resist his approaches and listen to his words carefully.

"mhm..." Said Ashara with a moan escaping her mouth in the end. She decided to tease Edward a little as he was teasing her and decided to move in his lap.

"Let's stop the teasing a little. I wanted to talk to you seriously this time." Said Edward as his tone changed. He wanted Ashara to have the same mentality as him.

Ashara looked at his face and seeing his serious expression made her decide to stop what she was doing.

"For our future children, would you do anything for them?" Asked Edward in the same solemn tone. Every mother had the same weakness. In front of their children's welfare, they could even poison everyone in the world.

"Of course, Is this even a question?" Said Ashara with a determined voice. She fell in love with Edward in the last two months and wanted nothing more than to bear his children. They would be the fruits of their love, and with Edward as their father, she was sure they would have a good life.

"What if your Dayne's family stood in their way? Are you going to help the Daynes and suppress your children or help your children against the Dayne?" Asked Edward. His questions were getting more severe and grave. How would Ashara handle such a situation?

Ashara's expressions changed at once. She thought Edward would have a conflict with her family.

"What do you by that?" Asked Ashara in somewhat an angry tone. She did not want Edward to have any issues with her family. They did not even marry, yet, and Edward was thinking of going against her family.

"What I am saying is what if House Dayne stood with other Houses against your children or me? Are you going to side with the Daynes as well?" Said, Edward. If Ashara's response was not to his liking, he was ready to advise her. But if she did not take his advice, he was set to lock her up and make her a trophy wife. He would leave the seven kingdoms as a gift to his children, and even his wife could not prevent that.

Ashara's expression eased a little after hearing his explanation. She started to think about such a situation. After a few minutes, Ashara reached a conclusion. Although she loved her family, Edward and their children would be her top priority. She would protect them and help them against anyone who stood against them. Though, Ashara would prefer to persuade her family first in such a situation. But if they still stood against her husband and children, she would not hesitate to protect them by any means.

"Of course, our children would be my top priority, but I would prefer to convince my family first before doing anything. But why are you asking me that?" Asked Ashara after reaching this conclusion. Why was Ed asking her all these questions?

"Well, before I answer your question, What do you think of my cruelty just now?" Asked Edward as he wanted to see her opinion of the way he behaved a little earlier.

"I did not like that side of you. I was scared a little." Said Ashara as she remembered the cruel smile on Edward's face when he talked about killing children.

"I want you to be crueler than me. You are the children's mother, after all. You have to turn into a tigress or a snake for the sake of our children. Anything that might cause them a problem, even if it was just a tiny one, Consider them as a threat. Till now, I do not trust any of my brothers, and I am ready to kill them myself if I consider them a threat to my children's future. I wanted you to do the same." Said Edward as he tried to use Ashara's weakness to change her mind. He wanted to see her as his partner in his future crimes.

Ashara was shocked by what Edward had just said. Although she knew about Edward's relationship with his brothers in the last two months, she still got surprised.

Although Ashara knew that he did not like Robert or Renly, she saw his interactions with Stannis and thought that the two were on good terms. But she just heard that Edward would kill all his brothers for the sake of his children if he considered them as threats.

Could she do something like that? She could not even think of hurting her siblings, let alone killing them.

Why was Edward this cruel? For their children, he said. But why would protecting their children require all that cruelty?


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