
Chapter 24: Finally catching up

A/N: Hey guys,

The second chapter in today's mass release. At the first of every chapter, I would thank all those who supported me.

So, thanks to those who supported me.

Thanks, robert hernandez for becoming my Pàtreon.

Thanks, Marc_13 for becoming my Pàtreon.

Thanks, Chris Lindsey for becoming my Pàtreon.

Thanks, Anton Kozlov for becoming my Pàtreon.

You could find more chapters on my Pàtreon.


For the next mass releases, If we reached 40 Pàtreons, there would be a mass release with 6 new chapters. If we reached 50, we would have another release of 5 new chapters.



Edward had to accompany his mother all day. When he returned to the house, he made arrangements. They were going to leave King's Landing the first thing in the morning. His men had already inspected the city for him, and it was not like he was not going to King's Landing again in the future.

Edward decided to take a rest after this long day. Although King's Landing was a large city, he did not know how his mother could endure going to all those places.

The next day, morning, After preparing everything, The wagon was on its way to the Gate of Gods. They were ready to hit the Kingsroad to the north.

One hour later, In the Red Keep, a guard marched as fast as he could towards Prince Rhaegar's room. In the room, Prince Rhaegar was talking with Ser Barristan Selmy. They were supposed to meet at noon, but it seemed like Ser Barristan was worried about the prince's talk the day before that he visited Rhaegar this early in the morning to try to dissuade him about meeting Edward. He really wanted to persuade the prince not to meed The Young Lord Baratheon. But Rhaegar was insistent on meeting Edward.

When they heard the knock on the door, Rhaegar and Barristan stopped their talk and shifted their gaze towards the door.

"Come in." Said Rhaegar to the person, knocking on the door.

The guard opened the door then kneeled in front of the prince while explaining. He was afraid that the prince would be angry due to the slow response as they lost Edward.

"Your Grace, the person you ordered us to follow, had left the city." Said the guard while still kneeling.

"When did this happen?" Asked Rhaegar in a hurried voice. It might be the last chance at which he could meet Edward for a while. And he was not going to miss it.

"About an hour ago, Lord Barathen's wagon had left the city through the gate of Gods." Said the guard immediately.

"Prepare the horses. We are going to follow them." Ordered the prince while looking at Barristan, who had just sighed in relief. Rhaegar's gaze was as if he was saying. 'It is your fault. So hurry up as I am not going to accept a no for an answer.'.

Barristan could only shake his head. He stood and left the room to prepare himself.

Half an hour later, Rhaegar and his men could be seen by the gold cloaks, leaving King's Landing through the old gate. It was Barristan's suggestion. He told the prince about his thought of deceiving the spies that could see them. They could then turn around and take the direction of Kingsroud after leaving the city. Rhaegar approved this suggestion, and now they were on their way to Kingsroad hoping to meet Edward.

Half an hour later, Edward and his group were about to reach Hayford Castle. They were only short ten-minutes till they caught sight of the castle.

Edward was chatting with his mother inside the wagon when he heard a horses' noise coming in their direction. After some time, he sensed the horses' steps stopping.

He waited for his men to solve the issue or inform him if something was wrong. Moments later, Brown, who Edward promoted to a commander to replace his fallen friend and commander, Arc, knocked on the wagon's door.

"My Lord, some soldiers have stopped us and said that Prince Rhaegar Targaryen had sent them. They showed us his seal. What do you want us to do?" Said Brown with a calm voice. If Edward ordered them to kill those men, they were ready to do so, even if they were Rhaegar's men. Even if Rhaegar showed up himself, They would kill him if Edward gave the order.

The men did not forget that the previous crisis, where the assassins killed commander, Arc, and five of their brothers, and almost caused the death of their lord, was because of the royal family in the first place. That was why they were hostile towards The Targaryen as they were toward The Lannisters. Edward had already told them that The Targaryen would not continue their rule for long and left it at that.

After hearing Brown's words, Edward would lie if he said he was not a little surprised. As he never had an encounter with the prince in the first place so why he came to find him. Did he came asking for trouble?

Edward was also not fond of the prince, nor he had the time to entertain him.

After taking some time to think, his mother poked him to return him to reality.

"Why are you taking so long? The prince sent for you. Are you going to ignore him?" Said Cassana with somewhat an angry voice. She and Steffon respected the king and were loyal to The Targaryen House, so Edward, taking so long to answer the prince, was unforgivable to her. Plus, she feared for her son's life. She was also afraid that his slow response would make Rhaegar make things difficult for Edward.

"We are on vacation, aren't we? Are we going to stop just like that?" Said Edward with a sarcastic voice. He was trying to tease his mother and got himself a pinch.

He did not see any benefit by stopping on his way to see Rhaegar. But while he was trying to calm his mother, he thought of a fantastic idea. He would try to befriend the prince and then stab him in the back. Rhaegar was an idiot in Edward's eyes. He could even convince Rhaegar to start a Rebellion against his father then Edward would side with Aerys.

Edward was fascinated by the work of his brain. To come up with such an evil idea, What was his brain going to do in the future?

Making it look like he was doing it to appease his mother, Edward allowed Brown to call the Rhaegar's man. A few moments later, a soldier came forward and bowed, then presented the letter to Brown, who, in return, handed it back to Edward. The soldiers then started talking.

"My Lord, his highness, prince Rhaegar, is sending his gratitude for saving the king and wanted to meet you." Said the soldier, explaining the content of the letter.

Hope you like it.

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