

Sauren condensed his flames to form more thick and sharp cloak and ran in direction of Kisu .He found him leaning agaisnt tree and in middle of forming black magic diagram to steal lifeforce energies of dead warriors as sacrifice.

Sauren jumped and punched on middle of ground to activate technique of lava pillars.Huge lava Cannon shot from ground below Kisu destroying his black magic circle in process.He was thrown outside with large force and collided violently with tree trunk.Kisu somehow protected himself from getting burned by flame pillars.

He quickly got on his feet to see who destroyed his diagram but only saw fist wrapped in blue flames coming toward his face .He got striked in his face and was thrown down on ground forming huge crater.

As Sauren was again going to punch him he was suddenly assaulted with sharp bone knife .He quickly dodged the blow and noticed that fire cloak was unable to stop knife.Kisu emerged from dust with bone knife in his hand .

A whole trail of blood was oozing out from corner of his lips.

On other side , Zeph together with Raiken was constantly dodging never ending blows of spider legs.He was carrying Raiken on his back and dodging at lightning speed.Raiken requested lady to form binding chains to restrict movement of Spider.Huge chains formed from cursed energy wrapped around spider to tie it tightly.Spider furiously struggled agaisnt chains ,soon it was covered in cracks.

During this small frame of time,Zeph released Raiken on ground and proceeded towards head of Spider.He activated blaze and with full momentum of his speed slashed at eye of Spider


The katana rebounded from surface of Spider's eye.Along with his sword ,Zeph was thrown out of its body.He moved midair to land beside Raiken.

"No use, I can't even break it's protective cloak with full powered strike"

"I can't curse it with black magic circle ,amount of blood needed as sacrifice for curse is even larger than total blood contained in both of us."Raiken commented.He contnued

"Only viable method now is to drain its cursed energy reserve which will weaken it's protective cloak ,so next strike can go through cloak."

As they were forming plan of attack ,Spider finally broke free from chains and began to wreak havoc on two people.This spirit was of lower intelligence, if it was of higher intellect then with such amount of sacrifice energy it could crush both of Zeph and Raiken with curses.

Raiken took shelter in cave and began to draw black magic circle on cave floor.He was thinking of summoning chains from depth of hell to bind this spirit.

"Lady please keep eye on Zeph ,so as to help him in case of mortal danger"

Lady gently nodded and floated upwards to see chase game between Zeph and spider.She was higher level spirit therefore such low level creature can't even sense her presence.

Zeph was dodging blows of kamikaze spider ,it was not even trying to avoid striking on hard rocks and soils.Zeph channeled lightning in his legs to support constant high speed dodging methods .

Sauren was currently depressed.He was fighting at close quarters with Kisu but qas unable to inflict any fatal wound .Kisu had offered his half blood to his spirit for immense physical strength that's why he was able to match with Sauren's blue fire cloaked form.

His bone knife was made by years of constant treatment with curses so that it can easily cut anything around even something like protecting cloak.

Sauren was fighting blows with blows and was constantly looking for oppurtunity to strike him .He quickly made his mind and activated his third technique in which he was least skilled that's why avoid it using often.

"Lava drop"

He chewed off his fingertip to release small drop of blood from wound and channeled all his fire energy into drop.Soon blood red drop began to glow red hot due to heat .He shook his hand to threw this blood like bullet.

Kisu realised something missing when he jumped back and bite off his finger.He immediately took Mountain stance to defend from upcoming attack.Soon a blod drop was fired toward him at high speed .His spritual energy was screaming at him about its danger.He quickly threw his knife at blood drop and took step to avoid it's trajectory.

Knife collided with drop but drop passed it through like hot knife from butter.But time wasted in collision was enough for body of Kisu to avoid blood drop.Drop passed through hair breadth away from his arm and striked with tree behind him.

Soon all of tree was withered with whole of its inside was burned out by blood drop,even water contained in tree cells was evaporated off.

Kisu came forward to take oppurtunity of momentary weakness of Sauren by executing technique and punched him.Sauren was thrown into ground with huge force forming crater 5 feet deep.Kisu picked his knife with hole in it and threw it at full force toward crater in ground.

Sauren just lifted himself from ground,with bloodied broken jaw and cracked shoulder bone .He managed to get up but soon saw something coming at full speed to him.He tried to dodge but his broken body refused to move.

Knife pierced through his stomach making him vomit blood .His cloak wore off from him.He was bleeding badly from punctured wound in stomach.

He thought is this end ?He looked through ghis half closed eyes Kisu coming towards him.

finally done with late uploads....

Copper_maskcreators' thoughts
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