
25) 2 Years= 1 Month (2).....

(A/N: Didn't want to bore you with long details so I shortened these trainings but it still hits on main things I want you to know so you wont be lost later.)


***2nd year 3 months

My mom was a drill Sargent or a prison warden, whichever was tougher on people she didn't like mistakes and let me and Harry know when we did just that. She was teaching us Potions, DADA, Charms, And History of Magic, she started us off with Potions though.

Even though we learned Herbology from my dad she didn't even let us touch a cauldron until we could tell her everything that each herb or ingredient did. Harry whispered to me that she was worse than Snape but apparently my mom heard because her head snapped to them.

"What was that Harry did I just hear you say I volunteer to write a fifty thousand word page on everything that the magic of potions does for us? Good I expect it by tomorrow no later." my mom said giving us a sweet smile, but I could have sworn there was horns above her head and a red tail coming from the back of her.

I quickly abandoned Harry and focused on the mandrake in front of me, no way was I going to end up in that situation but I did send him a silent prayer. Looking back at the mandrake I sighed wishing I could be with my dad again and not having to go through this, Rosalie didn't even warn me.

When I asked her what happen she just gave me a sweet smile and said, "Don't worry sweetheart your mom was the best I only looked like that because it was such a lot of work." I am 100% sure she was now brainwashed by my mother.

After learning about everything and Harry turning in a paper that hardly passed my moms standards we got to learn an in depth potions learning class. We were inspired when she talked about stirring techniques and waiting times, it was at that moment I knew she was slowly doing what she did to Rosalie to us.

The only up side is when we each made our own Felix Felicis, I patted myself on the back when we were able to do it in one try, though my confidence was shattered hearing my moms words. "Why are you so proud you nearly messed up ten times stirring the wrong was and letting the flames get to hot. Also you almost added Occamy eggshell that wasn't even fully crushed ruining it all."

I sat there not saying anything and nodding along while writing it all down we learned that in the first week to always write down what she said. We also knew that she was better than Snape at this when we learned to lessen the time and make one in three months instead of six like it was suppose to be.

Harry even though he had another hard teacher was actually enjoying this, I could see it in his eyes and movements as he wasn't being hindered but taught to do things correctly. I smiled at that and sat back stretching relaxing before we jumped into the next thing, I was finally going to learn Charms which would put the finishing touches on my project and let it come to life.

-------2nd year eighth month in

These have been worse than the potions but so rewarding actually getting it all done, I was now great at Charms, like my mother I had a natural talent for it. Harry was also good and when he heard from my mom that it was his moms specialty he trained as serious as he could, he already was honoring his dad by being a seeker and battle magic now he wanted to honor his mom.

Looking down at the table in front of me I smiled at the figures I had made earlier they were now alive and doing what I planned. The girl I made looked exactly like Kiernan Shapka, I only made her look like her because I never got to finish the Chilling Adventures.

She was in a Valkyrie outfit with a short sword on her, the Raven stood proudly next to her letting out little puffs of black flames every now and then. I smiled at her and waved, she waved and smiled back before climbing on the Ravens back, it then took off and flew around his head before perching on his shoulder.

I had already made them a skill list with my mothers help, the little Kiernan could use a holy light along with her sword and use sword techniques he taught her. While the Raven could use a teleporting move which was like Kamui, it could also use the black flames to burn anything.

The two were an unstoppable duo that were stronger when they worked together when they were apart the power was weakened but they were still strong. After seeing what a successful hit I had with these two I started making others, they were both monsters and humanoid beast.

The first ones I made after them went to Harry and my mom both excited at what I made, it was made on a whim but I called the game 'Puppet Dueling'. Though I wasn't planning on opening a store or anything for them until I saw if it took off or not, who knew if anyone would even like these.

Harry got a stag that looked an awful lot like a Xerneas, when he had complimented me on it I scratched my head and told him I though of it just for him. My mom being impatient didn't let us see what the fairy type could do but Harry went to the side leaving me to make hers.

At that point I realized there weren't a lot of creatures I wanted to model mine after so I just stole some Pokémon, I made my mom a Ninetales and she squealed hugging it close. The noise brought in my dad, Sirius, Rosalie, and Artemis who all immediately asked for one of their own so that is what he did for the rest of the day.

Rosalie got a Ralts, my dad a Dratini, Artemis a Skitty, and Sirius a Muk. The reason they weren't the final evolved forms is cause I was able to find a way to make it where they absorbed the magic after a winning battle. When they won enough battles then it would change itself into the next form, though this was actually what made me take so long to learn to do this.

It was a mix of Runes, Transfiguration, and Charms that brought them all together to make these, I was proud of myself for doing it. While they all got one I made myself a Gastly and Mewtwo, I was going to package these the same way it was in the was in the games but in real life.

My plan was to make all starters for Kanto then add two extra so it wouldn't be the standard fire, water, and grass. I was going to add Mankey and Abra to give them more options, the only way to gain more was to buy them though, I was still trying to find a way to make a Pokeball but it wasn't working.

After a week of trying I didn't make the Pokeball but instead just made it that when they weren't in battle that they shifted into cubes, the moment they were injected with magic and thrown then they would be life like again. I also added a fail safe and made a Rune where they couldn't hurt people but just other Pokémon or monsters.

My mom and dad were both amazed at the idea and were telling me it would be a hit, which I hoped but at the same time Pokémon was a huge success in my past life so why not here too. Once I made my family some my mom gave me time to make as many as I could in the last month which let me make the entire Gen 1 with each have over thousands duplicates.

They stayed in a box and wouldn't work until they were sold and someone put magic into them, other than the starters the rest were all a mystery it was a Gacha system basically.

------2nd year eleventh month in

These last three months were a lot calmer than the last with me and Harry able to get lesson in DADA and History of Magic. DADA was just us facing my mom and learning to defend ourselves, with Sirius's lessons on Battle Magic Harry was able to pass with flying colors, I had a slow start but picked it up eventually.

My mom was actually very knowledgeable in the History of Magic and Harry told her it was way better than the ghost that taught them at school, he actually learned something from her. I slept most the time though cause like COMC it wasn't that hard for me though since I had a photographic memory and it was just that remembering things.

-----Last Month of Two Years

The family plus Harry and Sirius were all in the living room, I was sitting on the love seat with Rosalie sitting next to me. Artemis was in my lap playing happily with her Skitty she hasn't put it down ever since I gave it to her, she even ignored 'Thing 1' and '2'.

"Well that was a long two years if I say so myself." My dad said stretching luckily they never aged inside while the barrier is up, but if magic did check them over it would show they were all two years older.

Everyone nodded in agreement, "Well we have taught you everything that there is to know, now you can spend the last four weeks learning whatever you want." My mom added leaning into my dad.

I wasn't going to learn anything though I knew everything I needed and I was going to spend the rest of the time with Rosalie we already agreed to it. Off to the side her Ralts was playing with my monsters and Pokémon, Harry's was on his shoulder the two were never away from each other.

"How about a dungeon dive before we all go our separate ways?" my dad asked looking excited since it had been two months that they have done it. Harry and Sirius were already told what they were and looked excited to experience it too, though the monsters and Pokémon needed to stay behind.

They all looked at me and I looked at Rosalie, "Might as well it is only one more day then we will spend the rest just hanging out together." She told me kissing my cheek, I nodded and got up everyone following me to a random door.

We all walked in when the dungeon was made, Harry and Sirius immediately got a mission and we walked over to see what it was. Harry was frozen looking at his so everyone looked over at it and they were stunned to but all happy the next moment patting him on the back as he let his tears flow.

[Main Mission, The Great Potters- You have went you whole life not knowing them and they were taken before you could even remember, so why not see them again or in a way. Reach floor 100 and gain a moving picture of your parents with their partial soul inside it.]

It took a long time for Harry to come to terms with what he was seeing, "What floor are we on?" he asked determination in his voice.

I smiled and patted his back, "76, we still have 24 to go we should get it by the end of the year if we do it enough. Don't get impatient though we have to do this in steps or we could run ourselves into the ground, okay?" he nodded hearing my words but he was happy that this was his reward for finishing it.

Right then I got a message, [Number of people 6/10, Only four more remaining before no more allowed. People inside are currently saved and can not be replaced unless one of them dies.] Well this must be because they went passed half the allowed amount, Artemis didn't count since she was a spirit and all.

Before they ran the dungeon though they check Sirius's main mission to see what he got. [Main Mission, Youth- You know you are getting to old to keep up, reach the bottom and obtain one of two items. Eternal youth potion (3 Remaining) or Immortal Pill (5/5)] He looked like a man possessed seeing these and laughed out loud.

"I SIRIUS BLACK WILL CONQUER THIS DUNGEON AND GAIN ETERNAL YOUTH, WAIT FOR ME LADIES!!!" He shouted into the sky making everyone step away from him.

"Hehe, uncle Sirius is funny. I ARTEMIS CHASE WILL CONQUER THIS DUNGEON AND GAIN LOTS OF LOVES FROM MOMMY AND DADDY!!!" She joined him making Me and Rosalie look at her with her with worry, maybe she was spending to much time with Sirius.

Last Part, and then I waddled away.... until the very next day, I walked up to the lemonade stand and asked the man, "hey got any Chapters!!!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

KillingSoftlycreators' thoughts
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