
Chapter;133, A Car Accident?

1 Year later

Today's weather was quite colder than yesterday, her hair was sparkling in the sunlight seeping through the large glass window of a local cafe, making her skin look golden for the onlookers.

She has already caught a lot of attention with her beautiful looks, but the sadness in her eyes was more attractive than anything else.

Ali was also with her, sitting in front of her. 

"Amma, my school teacher said to bring my father tomorrow with me." He said while opening the box of his ordered food. 

Moomal looked up from her mobile screen, her eyes showing despair at his father's mention. However, she hid her sadness and covered it with her soft smile. "I'll talk to your teacher, don't worry about it."

Ali looked at her mother for two more seconds, he looked as if he wanted to say something else, but then silently got back to finish his burger again.

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