
Log 3

Dr. Cade was walking along the waxed floors in a rather comfortable gait, for each step she took made a distinct sound. Colette who was behind her, felt incredibly happy about doing her job well. In no time both her and her mother would be leaving this place. The only thing that she had to do was do a good job and continue with that cycle.

Colette soon looked at Dr. Cade as she looked back at her with a rather strange expression. It was hard to tell what was on her mind, and that bothered her. She however smiled softly at Dr. Cade, as she hid her uncomfortableness. As she continued to smile, did Dr. Cade finally say something.

"What exactly did 049 tell you?" Dr. Cade's voice was quite aloof sounding as she asked this. Colette was quick to blink at this question, and her discomfort grew.

"He wants to help me out? He basically said so?" replied Colette. Her eyes were fixed on the doctors face, and she did this to show that she was not lying. "I honestly believe that he wants to help me become a doctor?"

Dr. Cade merely listened to her speak, her face never changing. "You spoke to him about a journal? You said that he is making you one?"

Colette nodded softly, her gaze remained on the doctor as she replied. "Yes. He said it will take a few days but he is making it for me to better understand his work!"

"Have you actually seen him work?" asked Dr. Cade coldly. "Are you sure you want to know what he does?"

The sudden change in Dr. Cade made Colette feel unbelievably scared. It was true that she has never seen him work, and therefore didn't know what she was getting into. But she believed that he wanted to in some way help her. Was it seriously that wrong to have him help her?

Colette couldn't remove her eyes away from Dr. Cade, and all that she could do was stare at her. She honestly was trying to understand what was going on, and was completely floored at the change of Dr. Cade. "I want to at least give him a chance?", she finally stammered out.

Dr. Cade was now the one to look at Colette stunned, she was so surprised that she stopped and looked at her fully. "You can't be serious!?! He is very dangerous!"

Colette was taken a back of Dr. Cade's response, that she blinked abruptly and gasped some. She then closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as she tried to calm herself down. Opening her eyes shortly after, did Colette look at Dr. Cade some what seriously. Her tone of voice was also very frustrated, and Dr. Cade could even mistake it as disrespectful. "Why can't you tell me more about him then!?! You keep saying he is dangerous and yet you leave me in the dark about it!"

Dr. Cade frowned firmly in response which was a new expression to Colette. The look on her face right now looked greatly agitated, which made Colette regret her words some what. She didn't mean to make her mad, she just wanted to know more about him.

All that she heard was that he was dangerous, and no one told her anything about it. All that she wanted was to be better prepared, so that she could get out of harms way. "I am sorry I just want to be prepared in case something does happen?"

Colette's voice was so very soft and remorseful as she apologized. Her head was lowered to show her submission. "It is just?, I am very frustrated..."

Lifting her eyes up slowly did she see Dr. Cade sigh, and she could see that she was not mad anymore. Which was a good thing. Perhaps, she understood where Colette was coming from?

"I know." replied Dr. Cade in understanding. Her features were rather calm in appearance which was very different from her agitated features from earlier. "You just need to trust me on this? I am also sure that you will see what I mean the more you spend time with 049."

Colette finally lifted her head as she looked at Dr. Cade now, and all that she could do was nod to her. In other words 049 will show more of himself to her in time. She will see for herself how dangerous he could be.


Dr. Cade resumed her task of taking Colette back to her cell, after they had finished talking mere moments ago. Colette had remained quiet this entire time, due to her thinking more about 049. She knew nothing about him, and yet he showed such a strong fascination with her. The joy that he gets when he is around her, just always baffled her.

It could be possible that he was merely just using her. What would happen when he is done using her?

That thought alone honestly terrified her.

"Here we are. Good job today." professionally spoke Dr. Cade as she looked at Colette with a smile. "I am sure that tomorrow will be another successful one?"

Colette blinked out of her thoughts instantly at the doctors voice, and she smiled. "Hopefully?"

Dr. Cade kept smiling for a little bit before that smiled vanished. She looked at Colette silently as she stood outside of the cell door. "All that I can say, is keep your guard up."

Colette looked at Dr. Cade now after what she had said, the doctors voice was rather low and held great seriousness. This was the only bit of advice that Dr. Cade was giving to her for right now. "Yeah and Thank you.", was Colette's reply as she stood in her cell now. Dr. Cade nodded at her words, and after that did she close the cell door to her cell.

Now left alone in her cell did Colette walk to her bed and sat down on it, she then let out a huge sigh of relief. She sat there now while looking upward in deep thought. 049 would no doubt show more of himself to her with time, and the thing now was that she didn't even know if she would be ready for it.

She definitely was in a serious predicament right now, and it would only grow the more time she spends with 049.

Colette after sometime slowly laid down in her bed while staring at the bland ceiling of her cell. Her eyes were now fixed on the center of her cell, as she thought more about what tomorrow would bring.

Not only that but she thought more about Dr. Cade. She had to of had her reasons for not wanting to tell her anything about 049. The only thing that she could think of was that she didn't want to scare her?

Colette understood that 049 was dangerous but she didn't know what he could do. Thinking about it more, she remembered all of those chains and locks that were on 049. Just what did he do that made everyone here put him in such locks and cuffs?

049 must of did something terrible to wear such things? Let alone being escorted around by guards as well?

"Such a strange guy..." murmured Colette as she thought about today now and how elated he was to be able to see her more often. He listened to her so intently and replied to all of the questions that she asked him without fail. The reason he did that was so that the both of them could continue seeing each other.

What was it about her that made him so interested?, her poor mind was all over the place now. She just couldn't put these pieces together of this so called puzzle.

Colette sighed as she closed her eyes now, she seriously wasn't going to get anywhere with her thoughts the way that they were. All that she could do was wait for tomorrow and see what it has in store for her.


The sound of voices outside of her cell the next day, was the sign that the morning has come. Colette slowly opened her eyes from her sleep and merely just laid there. As she shifted herself up, did she look at the cell door in silence. Colette could only make out a few words at a time, as she listened to the voices outside of her cell.

Whoever they were, they were very serious about the topic they were talking about. A thought slowly crept up into her waking mind. Were they talking about her and 049?

Colette was also keenly aware after a moment that Dr. Cade was not outside with those voices, which meant that she could be meeting someone new. If that really was the case, then she was very worried.

She didn't mind if she was having to meet someone new, she was just feeling awkward about it. After all she was use to Dr. Cade and her company. Well it now occurred to her that they didn't seem like they cared if she was comfortable or not.

Colette couldn't help but think what she had, after how the guards treated her. Furthermore they didn't trust her, for they watched her from the camera in her cell. No matter how many times she tried to rationalize it, they still treated her as some kind of criminal.

The sound of her cell door opening caught her complete attention, as she looked up at the man who was entering her cell. Colette looked at him curiously as he stepped into the cell to speak with her.

"How are we today?" asked the professionally dressed gentlemen as he stood before her.

He was rather tall, with messy black hair with prescribed glasses over his blue eyes. Colette nodded to him, which made him smile. She smiled lightly at him as she spoke. "I am okay."

Colette's response made him smile more as he closed his eyes, which were behind his glasses that he wore. "I am glad to hear it! My name is Oliver Collins, but you may call me, Dr. Collins if you like?"

"It is glad to meet you, I'm Colette." she softly replied as she looked at him but then she asked curiously, "Where is Dr. Cade?"

Dr. Collins merely smiled to her in a polite manner, as he kept his hands in his pockets of his white lab coat. "Dr. Cade is rather busy today so I am filling in for her today. I hope you don't mind?"

Colette shook her head, for she didn't want to be rude to him. "Oh it is quite alright! I was just curious was all?"

Dr. Collins was quick to laugh at her response which made her raise a eyebrow at him. He nodded after his light laughter. "I see! I also understand why you would ask? You are more comfortable with her so I get it!"

Colette sort of smiled at him now, for he was a little odd. Then again he was probably in a good mood and so laughed because of it? "So what are we doing today?", asked Colette after a moment as she tilted her head at him.

"Well today I am to watch you interact with 049." replied Dr. Collins who smiled. "Apparently he is different with you so I want to see it for myself?"

Colette was a little surprised by this, did that mean that she could talk to 049 all that she wanted while he watched? She was not sure how to feel about this. From what she understood with Dr. Cade, was that she would be asking 049 questions again. So this was a sudden change of events. "Is it really that surprising?"

Dr. Collins merely nodded after she had asked this while looking at him a little bewildered. "It is. Of course he was usually cordial with people sometime ago? But as time went on, he suppose you can say became impatient?"

Colette watched him as he shrugged, his eyes were closed as well after he had finished shrugging. Dr. Collins was quick to continue speaking, "All that I know much like everyone else here, we are not to believe a single word he says. He will not hesitate to attack and kill a person. He is that fed up with us."

His words were sinking into her head as she listened to him. All of this that he was saying sort of helped her know more about 049 in a way. So 049 was upset with all of them who work in this place? Colette did recall what 049 was saying about it, and that he spoke of them not being men of science. 049 also said something about them not accepting what he has to offer them, which was the perfect cure. Granted it was something of a miracle what 049 was offering them. There was a good chance that everyone here did not believe that he could do it?

She herself had doubts about it, but she believed that he was a good doctor. That much was true, well to her at least. Would that change though?

The more time she spends with him?

Colette slowly stood up pushing her thoughts aside as she looked at Dr. Collins now. "So am I suppose to talk to him about anything or?"

Dr. Collins nodded at her, his professional smile never left from his mouth. "Yep! Guess you can call it a free day? Talk to him about anything? Hell share jokes!"

Colette couldn't help but cringe within her body after he had said that. She didn't really know of any good jokes, and she didn't know for sure if 049 was the type to enjoy jokes. "Okay then...?" awkwardly replied Colette which made Dr. Collins laugh. "Let's go shall we?"

As he walked out of her cell did he look at her with his smile never waning. Colette walked out of her cell behind him, as they walked toward the cell which held 049.

Dr. Collins was in front of her as he hummed a random tune, his hands remained in the pockets of his lab coat. His steps stood out from hers, for he wore black shoes which were definitely professional. Colette was behind him as she was looking down at the waxed floor. She was trying to figure out what she should ask 049.

Lifting her head after sometime did she hear that distinct voice which belonged to 049.

"Ah! Colette it is good to see you again!"

Colette softly smiled at him as he greeted her immediately, the fact that he did it so quickly once he saw her made her feel strange. That sense of unease was creeping up on her again. She pushed it down as best as she could as she spoke. "Hello, how are you today?"

049 nodded in her direction, for it was like he was ignoring Dr. Collins and everyone else who happened to walk by. "I am quite well."

Colette nodded at him with her smile still evident on her lips, and as she continued to smile did 049 lean toward her despite the glass wall being in way. "I am glad to hear that you are doing well!"

049 allowed a chuckle to escape him, his gaze firm on Colette. "It would seem that you are okay as well? No more rough treatment?"

Colette couldn't help but laugh a little bit, the fact that he was asking that made her feel a little nervous. She remembered how angry he was when she was roughly pulled away from him by the guard. "I am okay! I promise you!"

"Good. As long as you are being treated well then I have nothing to worry about." 049's words were spoken in that low tone again. It seriously was like he only wanted her to hear it.

Colette felt chills go down her spine, once she heard him say those words to her. She looked at him in light surprise now which made him narrow his gaze at her. Just seeing him do that made Colette think. The way he looked at her was quite serious right now. Did he seriously mean his words?

The sound of Dr. Collins going 'Ahem!' made Colette look at him in surprise. That was right! She was not alone. What happened just now? It was like she zoned out?

"I must say? You have taken a liking to her?" inquired Dr. Collins as he looked at 049. "Can I ask why?"

Like?, questioned her slowly catching up mind just now. Did Dr. Collins mean that? She was now looking at him with wide eyes, for she wondered what he was up too.

049's gaze slowly glanced at him silently before returning on Colette, he didn't really say anything either which made her wonder what he was thinking. Dr. Collins was just standing there as he waited for 049 to speak, he however soon laughed a bit after not getting an answer as he turned his attention on Colette. "Heh! Isn't that something?"

Colette looked at him curiously with her right eyebrow up in question, she still wanted to know why he had said that from earlier. "What?"

Dr. Collins shrugged with his eyes closed and a smile, he opened his eyes to look at her. "He won't answer me but speaks so quick to you."

Colette's eyes were quick to blink now in her surprise to what he had said, she looked at 049 curiously and as she done so did her and Dr. Collins blink. 049's voice was quick to capture their attention.

"She fascinates me." 049 said these words cordially. Though it was Dr. Collins question, 049 kept his eyes on Colette.

Colette looked at Dr. Collins now and she watched him laugh more as he nodded while shrugging. "Fair enough?"

Dr. Collins looked at 049 as he tilted his head getting ready to say something again, and Colette just stood there watching him. "What about her fascinates you so?"

Truthfully Colette wanted to know why as well, and she wondered if he would say something. Chances were high that he would say something since she was there, but there was a chance that he wouldn't say anything at all. No matter what he says, she didn't know if she was going to be ready for it. Of course if he is wanting to use her, then he would say something positive about her. No matter what.

Colette has only known about him for a few days, so there was no way that he would genuinely like her. That was also the same thing with her, for the both of them didn't know each other all that well. Yet, she believed in his skills as a doctor so strongly.

Why is that?

049 closed his eyes while his posture was still leaned toward Colette. He was absolutely silent which made the both of them feel very uneasy.

This was something that surprised Colette, but it should of been expected. Still though for all she knew 049 probably didn't want Dr. Collins to pry and so was quiet. When it was determined that he was not going to get a response from 049, Dr. Collins sort of smirked. "Looks like to me? I asked a very personal question?"

Personal?, questioned Colette's mind after hearing what Dr. Collins had said. How was it exactly personal, unless 049 really does like her? If that really was true then, in other words 049 wanted to keep the answer to himself.

Why does he like her so much!?!, roared her thoughts now as she looked at 049 in a pitiful attempt to try and figure him out. It could be possible that he does genuinely like her, cause he sees a whole bunch of promise within her? After all she was working to be a full fledge doctor. So then that idea of him wanting to use her went out the window. Well sort of.

Dr. Collins looked at her now with his smirk growing into a smile. "Do you have any ideas as to why he is so fascinated with you?"

His question made Colette look at him in pure shock, and it was cause he just asked it so quickly. "Uh!", murmured Colette now as she looked at him now. Colette was trying to find something to say but in the end nothing came to mind. "No I don't...?"

Dr. Collins laughed at her expression, for she looked so discouraged and some what defeated. "Don't beat yourself up! He could just like you to like you? I mean you are a pretty girl!"

"HUH!?!" was Colette's baffled reply. She looked at him like she couldn't believe her ears. This reaction only made Dr. Collins laugh more.

As the two of them continued to interact with each other, 049 was silent as he watched them. Colette's reaction did catch his complete attention however, and he couldn't help but some what chuckle at it. She really was a interesting girl to him, she honestly was one of a kind.


After sometime went by Dr. Collins was called by another doctor for something, and so he left temporarily. As he left, did it leave Colette and 049 alone for the time being. Colette shook her head once Dr. Collins left, for that guy was so bizarre. Never had she met someone like him, for he just had a way of taking energy from her. "That guy is so strange!"

049 listened to her respectfully as he watched her enjoy this break from Dr. Collins.

Colette sighed before looking at 049 curiously, now that she was thinking about it. 049 had been silent the entire time as her and Dr. Collins conversed. He must of thought of them as strange?

"What do you think of Dr. Collins?" asked Colette as she kept her gaze on 049.

"He is quite intrusive." replied 049 whose arms were crossed now while he maintained his leaning posture. Though he was leaning, he was still poised as he stood straight.

Colette sort of smiled, "He is isn't he?"

049 merely nodded in response, but then he said something which made her head turn. "So do you wish to know why I am so fascinated by you?"

"..!?!" Colette couldn't keep her surprise hidden once he had said that. She even gasped loudly which showed how surprised she was. Her reaction made him lightly chuckle. Once she had regained herself, Colette looked at him curiously. "I would like to know but if it is something personal then...?"

049 chuckled again much louder which cut her off, and as he looked at her did he see her look at him with wide curious eyes. "Oh it is not personal he just assumed that it was."

Colette some what smiled at him, Dr. Collins was quite intrusive if he was putting words into someone else's mouth. "Oh okay, then yes I would like to know if it is alright?"

049 nodded at her and after a second did he look behind himself. Seeing him look back made her look in that direction as well, but when she didn't see anything did she look at him confused.

Colette watched him move away now, and this made her blink a few times. She watched him walk over to something and then it dawned on her. 049 had picked up something into his black gloved hands. It was the journal that he had said he was making for her. Didn't he say it would take a few days?

"You are probably the only one who understands me right now, Colette. So I wish to keep you as my colleague." replied 049 as he approached her with the journal within his hands.

Colette looked at him in surprise before her eyes lowered on the journal in his hands. He honestly saw her as his colleague. Just why did that make her heart flutter?

Perhaps it was cause he saw her as his equal, unlike everyone else in the building who saw her as a criminal.

"Thank you." smiled Colette now. "Hopefully I will be a good enough colleague for you in the future?"

"Oh you will be. You just need the right guidance. I will help hone your skills with time." assured 049 who nodded earnestly. "This journal I am making you will be a great asset."

Colette couldn't help but grin now, as she softly nodded to him. She felt so honored that he wanted her as his colleague and his equal. Her eyes felt a little watery now, but she felt that happy. Sure she was learning to be a doctor, but to be seen as an equal to another doctor was such a powerful feeling for her. She honestly wanted to make him proud. "I cannot wait to read the journal!"

She felt so empowered and he could see it, which was probably why he chuckled. "You and I will perfect this cure together. I guarantee it."

Colette was quick to nod with a smile, she then wiped her eyes softly with her hands. She was very happy right now, it was just beaming off of her.

The sound of approaching footsteps which came from Dr. Collins gained their attention now. Colette looked in that direction curiously while 049 held the journal calmly in his hand.

"Sorry about that! I am always busy it seems?" laughed Dr. Collins as he stopped next to Colette. He tilted his head however when he took notice of her eyes. "Hey you alright?"

"Oh! Yeah!" quickly replied Colette as she smiled to him.

"Did he make you cry?" questioned Dr. Collins as he looked at 049 whose eyes narrowed.

"No! He didn't make me cry!", gasped Colette. Well he kind of did? Not that she would say it to Dr. Collins. She was just happy that 049 saw so much potential in her.

Dr. Collins looked at her and laughed, for he enjoyed messing around with people as well as teasing them. Hell he did it to Dr. Cade and the other female doctors in the building. Some of them even commented on him being a failure as a comedian. Not that it bugged him much. "Oh then you must of missed me when I left!", he soon said this after laughing.

Colette's expression was beyond priceless, she was even blinking very fast in disbelief. Dr. Collins snickered at the face he was getting from her, she must of been appalled by his words.

Did he seriously say that!, these words were on repeat within Colette's head. Never had she thought that she would hear such words from anybody. Not only that but he called her pretty sometime ago!?! What was going on today!

049 kept his narrowed eyes on Dr. Collins in silence, and though the doctor was aware of that look he was giving him. He didn't know how annoyed he was of him and his constant picking on Colette.

This was a new feeling to the entity, all of this was new.

"I did not miss you! On the contrary I enjoyed 049's company!" retorted Colette which made Dr. Collins flinch in response. The doctor looked like he had been smacked in the face, "Damn! That's harsh!"

It was Colette's turn to laugh now, and it felt good to get back at him. She glanced at 049 and she smiled which he took notice of, for he nodded in reply. After seeing that did she close her eyes and grin. She honestly was oblivious to how much that affected 049, as he stared at her smile.

Dr. Collins though he was being retaliated by Colette's retorted reply had been watching the entity, and how he acts around Colette. This whole time.

This was honestly astounding to him, that 049 was seeking out a person so strongly. Furthermore he was showing high levels of calmness when he was around her. He had been asking so many people about it, such as the guards who had escorted Colette a few days ago.

Then it was Dr. Cade along with the higher ups. All of this was mind blowing for the doctor and he had to see this for himself.

Just what was going to happen later on between them? Once they get to know each other better?

Dr. Collins looked between Colette and then the entity in silence, for the both of them acted like close friends. If that was even possible?

There was no doubt in his mind that the high ups were wanting to use Colette, to better understand the entity. Since he was more open to her, it was plainly obvious. Now it was just a waiting game at this point.

However Dr. Collins also took a look at Colette's blood work not to long ago, and it surprised him that her blood was different from the average person. Dr. Cade had mentioned that Colette has some sort of PTSD, and it comes from a horrible sickening experience that caused the lives of her entire family.

It could be likely possible that Colette was a SCP?

But more tests would be needed to clarify this however.

Dr. Collins looked at the two of them silently with his hands in his pockets. He remained silent as he watched Colette and SCP-049 talk to one another.


Colette blinked at Dr. Collins as he opened his mouth to speak, "Well guess it is time to head back to your cell?"

That news some what bothered her, seeing that she didn't want this to end just yet. She was enjoying her time with 049, and though she feels uneasy around him. It is like it goes away rather quickly the more she talks with him. "Okay." sighed Colette as she looked at him.

049 looked at her rather calmly, "See you tomorrow, Colette."

Colette couldn't help but allow a smile to appear on her lips. She actually looked forward to tomorrow, which was kind of crazy. "Yeah!"

Dr. Collins smiled as he walked toward her cell, with her behind him. Though she politely waved bye at 049 first, before fully running after Dr. Collins to catch up with him.

Today was a good day to her, it really was.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. ^^

ThatAGurlBluecreators' thoughts
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