

Sobs filled the small room as Lumielle looked around. Her own vision had become bleary. Who was crying? Why were they upset? Finally, she approached the crying figure. Getting on her knees to comfort the young person.

It was her precious brother.

"Aris?" She asked, her hands gently resting on his shoulders. He was shaking. Panic rose inside of her body. Was something wrong? What had happened? He seemed so fragile, a delicate breeze would have been able to simply break him into pieces. Her fingers sunk into his shoulder, the sensation almost like touching the surface of an ever still pond.

"Aris?" She queried again, her words becoming more desperate as he continued to cry, "What's the matter?"

His small body trembled. He looked almost translucent. A beam of light would be enough to fractalize his entire body. She was scared. Her heart lurched in terror.

"Why didn't you save me?"

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