
Is It Edible?

Xiang Weimin was left gaping at his son in utter shock. He was so small that Xiang Weimin could lift him with one hand but his intelligence was not to be underestimated. Maybe they all thought they were smarter than a kid but they shouldn't have underestimated this small kid too.

"Such a small brain is really capable of thinking about all these big things, eh?"

Justin smiled at him, "I'm only small in size but I'm very smart."

"Of course, you're smart. After all, you're my son."

Justin's smile vanished, "Was that a compliment for me or yourself?"

"What do you think?" asked Xiang Weimin teasingly. Justin refused to answer and turned his face away. Xiang Weimin lovingly pinched Justin's face and asked, "So, what else did you figure out?"

Justin's attention was caught again and he answered excitedly, "I figured out that you and I look very similar and our eating habits, daily habits, and even likes and dislikes are oddly alike."

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