

In fact, at this moment, there were plenty of eyes set on Tang Hebe as she stood in front of Raelle and Shui Xian. Of course, most gossipmongers were looking for some tea as they picked their ears trying to hear the conversation. 

And it didn't escape Raelle's eyes either. At this moment, she seemed to have understood what Song Xin'ai had told her the last time. The interaction between exes would always give people a reason to gossip for days. It was really not easy being just friends after a breakup or a divorce. Maybe that's why most broken couples would try to avoid seeing each other.

Just because Raelle trusted Shui Xian didn't mean people believed that too. After all, who hadn't heard a thing or two regarding Shui Xian's first marriage? There are no secrets in the elite circle. It's just a matter of which secrets are talked about at the dinner table and which are the ones that are only said behind closed doors. 

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