
Really Wrong

Although Xiang Hulin wanted to spend more time with Raelle, he didn't push his luck at all. He understood something very clearly about Raelle after hearing the opinion of both Xiang Weimin and Xiang Wai. She didn't like people pushing her.

It happened with Xiang Weimin. He desperately wanted to just rush into her life and Raelle would never allow it. That's why she came on too strongly towards him. But her attitude was completely different when she met Xiang Wai. Only because Xiang Wai was merely curious about her. She didn't show whether she wanted to be a part of Raelle's life or not. 

He didn't know how right he was but he was certain he couldn't push his luck with Raelle. Knowing his sister, Mu Chenyan, it was obvious that the girl she raised couldn't be too easy to deal with. And he was actually finding it funny how Mu Chenyan was worried about him just because he was sitting alone with Raelle. 

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