

Hyson had a pleasant dream tonight. He dreamt that his mother had called out his name. He was so happy to hear her calling him out that he had teared up. And when his eyes opened, he realized that he had indeed teared up. 

He touched his wet face with his hand and frowned. This was definitely not the kind of a wet dream he had heard about. And yes, he was being sarcastic.

However, speaking of wet dreams, Hyson never experienced them in his life. Usually, teenagers going through puberty would often have wet dreams but Hyson never had one. He was just that sexually apathetic. Being attracted to someone was one thing.

Even his psychologist had said that even asexual people could leave a normal life. Have a healthy sexual life and even get married and have kids. But his problem was that he was definitely not even interested in his sex life. In fact, he could be considered a little averse to it as well. 

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