
How About I Join You?

Today Raelle had a whole new job experience. It was the kind of job she never expected herself to do. It was the job of a call operator. 

Yes, you heard it right!

Today was that rare occasion when Raelle got to experience what it felt like to be a call operator. She already found talking on the phone troublesome but now, she just realized how troublesome it really was.

For the first time in her life, she realized the value of her own phone! Even though that thing was troublesome, it actually knew its place and stayed quiet! But Shui Xian's phone was unruly! Why couldn't it just stop ringing?

To be honest, Shui Xian's phone was well behaved as well. In the whole day, he might have gotten about ten calls and all had been important. If we don't consider the one involving Ruan Meilin. The rest definitely had a purpose. Even Zhai Yanjun had a purpose! That soldier called to apologize! That's called manners. 

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