
Chapter 34 Recreation and Egg

A/N: Ive read through the comments and it seems that although alot of you are ok with the 'sex friend' deal, the majority of you are not. So it seems we'll be doing some teasing (If there's a chance) but no getting physical unless they're from the harem...

But let's be real though, MC probably wouldent be able to get into any woman's bed in the first place lmao.


Anyways, the event ended, it's time for lunch!

Right now, Shoto should be confronting Izuku about his past somewhere, don't wanna bother dealing with that so I'll just go find a spot to eat my lunch.

I'm getting better at cooking actually, I can make better tasting food with lower quality ingredients, so much so I can make 5-star restaurant foods with only common ingredients from the supermarket.

Not at the level of foodgasm yet, but I'm getting there.

I end up finding a rather secluded bench a small distance away from the common pathways everyone takes. There might be someone walking past now and again, but that doesn't happen too often.

I open my lunch box- oh wait, this is an anime.

I open my BENTO and start nibbling on the food that I have.

???- "Hey hey, what are you eating? It looks so delicious!"

Arata- "Hi Nejire."

I say without even bothering to lift my head. Yep, it's Nejire Hado. She's getting better at tracking me down, seems like I need to work harder.

Nejire- "But still, you didn't get into the final event? Why?"

Arata- "What do you mean 'why', obviously I didn't get enough points."

Nejire- "Ahaha! Sure sure, says the guy that won an undisputed first place last year."

She says while simultaneously taking some food from my bento.

Come on, I spent a lot of effort making this, don't just take as much as you want… actually, that was a lie, I didn't even spend 5 minutes making it..

Nejire- "But still, you make such good food! Hey, how did you make it?"

Arata- "I had to beat an old lady with a stick to get this."

This is why I really enjoy being with Nejire. She just doesn't stop talking and keeps dispensing all these conversation topics, and for an antisocial person like me, this is a godsend.

Wait no, not a godsend. Screw god.

And we ended up just talking more about simple things like what really happened during the two events from my perspective until finally, we finished eating everything in my bento.

Quite surprising actually, I made a lot of food. Well, not that I need to eat, with the [Gamer's Body] supporting me. And since I finished eating, it was time for me to go.

Nejire- "Mmm? You're going already?"

Arata- "As much as I would like to keep talking with you, I've gotta get back to my class."

Nejire- "Oh ok! See ya!"

And so, I start walking away. I can't see her directly, but although she sounds happy, I'm getting a faint feeling of dejection from her. [Sixth Sense] again?

Arata- "*Sigh*… 2 days later, when it's time for your class to participate, I'll be paying attention to you, so you'd better perform well."

I say while waving over my shoulder. Oh, that dejecting feeling is gone. That's good, maybe she just wanted me to watch her.

I didn't know this, and I never will, but when Nejire got first place 2 days later, she only did so because of what I just said.

How scary.

Anyways, I wanted to join back up with the others but the hour break is only half over, so I don't think everyone's finished with their food, so I walk into the cafeteria to see if anyone I know is in here.

Surprisingly, as I walk around the corner, I run right into Minoru and Denki telling Momo and Kyoka about how the female classmates have to be a part of the cheer squad after lunch. They didn't see me because I only appeared behind them, but Momo and Kyoka, who are looking at them, did.

Minoru- "You don't have to trust me, but it's your loss if you don't…"

Momo- "Hmm… Did you hear anything about this, Arata-san?"

Minoru froze. Denki did as well. Then, slowly, they turned around to see me looking at them with a blank 'OK' face. The Accelerator side of me would say "No, they're fucking with you." and then walk off, but the other side of me doesn't want to ruin what's going to happen, so…

Arata- "Dunno. But I did hear Aizawa-sensei and Present Mic talk about something to do with cheerleaders. It's better to be safe than sorry in my opinion."

Momo- "I see, then we have to hurry."

Kyoka- "Seriously? This is so embarrassing…"

Saying that, they both walk off. The best part is, I didn't say anything about the 1A girls specifically needing to be cheerleaders, so I can't get flamed for tricking them. WIS stat for the win.

Arata- "Mineta-kun, Kaminari-kun…"

Mineta- "*Gulp*"

Denki- "… Yes?"

Arata- "You both owe me for this."

They look at each other, then back to me, and nod seriously without a shred of their prior panic. It seems they understand that they don't have to be afraid about letting me overhear their slightly perverted plans.

Hey, although I wouldn't go out of my way to do things like this, I was barely an adult in my past life, and now I have a healthy hormonal body again. If it's coming my way, I'll take it.

(A/N: MC here horny on main, get him!)

And, well, although I said they owe me, we all know I won't cash in on this favour. And so, time passes and I just walk back to the stadium field area in front of the stage along with everyone else.

Present Mic- "I've got good news for those out of the running! We've prepared plenty of recreational activities for all participants! We even shipped in cheerleaders from America to get you pumped up… Hmm? What's this?"

Oh, it's here. I open my inventory and, obviously, take out my phone to prepare to take pictures.

Present Mic- "Class A? Why!?"

All the girls in class 1A showed up in cheerleading outfits. Toru, Kyoka, Ochako, Momo, Mina and Tsuyu are all in sexy but school-safe cheerleading outfits. Immediately, my thumb holds down the capture button of the camera.






Everyone ignores me. Nice.

Momo- "Mineta-san! Kaminari-san! You tricked us, didn't you!?"

Kyoka- "Those idiots…"

Kyoka just throws down her pom-poms, Momo is depressed at falling for their tricks, Ochako is consoling her, and Toru is getting a bit hyped about this.

Toru- "Who cares! Let's just go with this!"

Tsuyu- "Seems like you're enjoying this, Toru."

She's so bubbly.

Present Mic- "Moving on! We have our recreational activities before we move on to the final event! It's a tournament! A series of one-on-one battles!"

Midnight- "The matchups will be decided by drawing lots. Once that's decided, we'll move onto the recreational activities, before moving onto the actual tournament itself!"

Then things went like how it should. Mashirao asked to drop out. Everyone was confused why, and he said it's because he couldn't remember anything that happened during the cavalry event. Still, some people encouraged him to continue. After all, this is a near once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

I decided to step in though.

Arata- "It's not a matter of being qualified or not, it's a matter of pride. Just let the man do what he wants."

And then everyone relented. Then, another guy from 1B dropped out for the same reason, letting Tetsutetsu, the steel guy, and Ibara, the vines girl, move up to take their place.

Then, everyone split to do their own thing, some of us calming their minds, others hyping themselves up, but most of us do the recreational activities. Including me.

I wasn't lying when I said I was only here for fun.

We did a few games that don't take too long. First, we had a ball race, where we had to push a giant ball around the track, and have it cross the finish line.

Then we had a small game of capture the flag, where you have to capture the enemy's flag and bring it back to base without being caught.

I didn't win either of them because I didn't use my [Vector Manipulation]. Of course, with my stats, I easily got second and third place respectively. It's just that some people have very suitable quirks so they ended up getting ahead.

And then finally, we had a scavenger hunt.

When the scavenger hunt started, I immediately ran up to the table holding all the cards, grabbed a random one, before flipping it over to see what was written.





With a blank expression and almost zero thoughts, I open my inventory and take out the egg I used to remind Izuku about Full Cowling at the apprehension test on the first day.

And I just stare at it.

Even all the chibi me's in my head stopped moving and just stared at it with me.

Finally, I walk up to the facilitator and hand over my item.

I won.


A/N: For those wondering what Im talking about with the '"chibi me's" go back and read chapter 12, I talked about it very briefly in there.

Also, I happened to really enjoy writing this chapter, let me know what you think!

Also I feel like I forget things at times, like if I used this skill here it wouldve been really convenient, but I forgot about it so MC now has to go the long way around. So please tell me if I miss things like this, or if I should add anything.

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