
Chapter 46 : Eternal Happiness?

 "I think what's going on between husband and wife has nothing to do with me, thank you for taking care of it, I'm going to get out of here."

  That's what Techno says, and doesn't stay to help his friend because he knows Type is about to decide to go public with Tharn's friend, so he practically pours porridge in his mouth and doesn't shower, grabbing his motorcycle keys and immediately heading out the door, staying here as the victim of his friend's mood swings that he probably feels would be embarrassing.

 It was kind of the first time he'd met his friend as a couple, even his own friends were known only to Techno.

"If you don't want to... "

"Please don't act like the good guy and make me think I'm the bad guy."

 Waiting for Tharn's friend to arrive, a handsome boyfriend acts as the good guy again, making the one who made up his mind that he would be dating anyway, immediately refute, turning his head away with a rip-rope look that makes laugh.

 "Haven't you heard, bad men are the darlings?"

 "Then I should break up with you and go find a -so-bad man somewhere else." The southern boy teased, making those listening smile wide.

  "You won't."

  "Don't be so confident, what's so good about you, just good looking, rich second generation, crotch bulging balls, that right, can you hold my heart with that?" Type laughed coldly, as if to say that like you, I'll find a few more lovers, which made the man who was listening laugh even louder.

 ", do you realize that you're saying that you're going to go after other men besides me."

 ", I didn't say that!" What was wrong with him, how could someone like Type go to another man, he wasn't gay.

   Type said confidently, while added confidently, "Just now, when you said you were going to look for bad, bad people somewhere else, you didn't mean men."

 "I'll add..." it seemed, before arguing, the man fell silent, as the thought of what he had just said himself, yes, in that second he was partial to thinking of another man, not another woman.

  When it comes to finding a bad, bad guy, only this Ai'Tharn comes to mind.

"And then you don't protest either, which means..."

 "..." Tharn still held on, leaving the one who was listening speechless, because just now he really didn't protest, just now, he said that finding a new man was just for fun, even if he shouted like that every time, someone like him definitely couldn't find someone else, and Tharn himself knew it, because he reached over to fiddle with Type's head.

 "Not boycotting gays anymore, are we?"

 "No... I still don't like it, just... too lazy to scold." The stiff-tongued man wouldn't readily admit that he'd actually changed his symptoms of homophobic disgust, but would still stick to the original idea if any of the gays came to rub his waist, only now the feeling of disgust for them was incredibly alleviated, and these gay people weren't always poor and vicious.

 "You don't use to fiddle with my head like I'm a girl." Turning his head after saying that, to Tharn's amusement, he lowered his head to rest against Type's shoulder until he collapsed onto the couch.

"I'm glad you didn't protest, but sad that you stopped saying it was just me."

 Type is not easily shy, simply put, he is thick-skinned, but when he hears something like that, he becomes shy, and the memory of the last time he slept on Tharn's chest comes to his mind. His face is so hot when he talks about it that he had to have to turn his face away, even though he can still feel the sight of the person leaning on my shoulder, looking up from below, it's terrible!

 "Well, sleep when your neck isn't tired."

"Then when can I go and tell someone."

 "Hmmm" then Type mentioned, making the person next to him look up, and then said in a muffled voice "Just think it's too scary to be teased by another male... just because someone is not resisting doesn't mean it's acceptable for everyone."

Returning the favor when he is so nice, give him a little encouragement as well, or wait until you're caught saying Type is mean again, and then know that everyone in their relationship will say it like how Techno says.

Ai'Tharn is too pathetic to associate with someone like him.

What wrong with people like me, Ai'Tharn was lucky to have an boyfriend like me, and led Tharn himself to believe that.

"So that means..."

"Bastrd, I'm only OK with you, need I make myself clearer?" He dismissed it immediately, then scolded Tharn, but that made Tharn nimble his rip teeth and grin, turning his back and leaning over Type's shoulder, stretching his legs out towards the couch.

 "Can we have another go?"

 "Hey, want to taste my feet again, sure, turn your face around and I'll get you disfigured." Type heard it in both ears, but what a thing it was, to say it would make one shy again, so one had to say it in a low snickering voice so that the person listening would just laugh and say.

"I'm happy."

"Ai'No said you looked miserable."


"It's just that when you meet a bad luck ball like me, since liking me, your luck in life is gone." Type pouted, even if Techno didn't say it outright, but he thought about it, and thought about how much Tharn had to put up with what he'd been doing all along, looking for trouble like a lunatic to kick him out of the dorm, starting with taking his stuff, smearing things around, verbally abusing him almost every day, acting like he was scared to death of gay people, and then bothering him to take care of him when he was sick, but then being heartless and insulting him afterwards, plus creating all kinds of problems for him to step in and solve.

So I'm so bad.

The thought made him frown and let out a long sigh.

"Not really, the happiness is different for each of us."

 "Then you should be the kind of psycho who likes violence." Type scoffs, as it's always been their pattern of falling in love that punches and kicks, a comment that Tharn finds amusing.

"It could be that or, I might have liked violence since I liked you, or actually I'm not a psychopath, the reason I like this violence is because..." he said as he turned his head to look at Type properly, eyes sparking before saying.

"I love you!"


  The one who listened could only be silent, for he said he was a kind of masochist who liked violence, not before, but because of himself.

 Whatever he was, he loved it so much.

 Type didn't know how to answer, and could only stare at the drummer, the face that was constantly moving, getting closer and closer, so close that it almost touched the airflow of his breath, but this time Type didn't turn his head to escape, and could only sit still, and then...just close his eyes.

 Eyes closed in anticipation of feeling his passion, but... boom.

Soft lips instead just touched his mouth, not deep, not intense, not boiling, just a light touch... and stayed there for a long time.

Such contact was like conveying feelings to Type until Type felt sweet.

A surprisingly sweet sweetness invaded his heart, like kissing a child for playtime.

Then Tharn let go, smiled at him, raised his hand to touch his cheek, and stroked it gently.

"I love you so much, you know that?"

 Not just love, but love you to death.

Every emotion conveyed in his words, in his eyes and in his tone, every bit of it could make a hard-mouthed man close his eyes, and


Heavy head down, leaning on the drummer's shoulder, feeling the most defeated in life.

Admit defeat and really accept you.

"I... might love you too."

  But dignity still resists, not easily saying love directly, so there's the word 'may' coming in, including the heart...

 Love, why do I feel able to love this damn guy.

 The gay guy, the one who he hates to death and is the one who made him feel alive, but also he taught him that homosexuals are not vicious, that homosexuals are not lascivious, that homosexuals do not harass people all the time and do not target every man, and on top of that, that homosexual tolerates him

Type thought he will just let it go and go from there, he's made it this far and doesn't admit to feeling for more than just friends, roommates and bedfellows.


 "Haha, you said it out loud." At the same time Tharn put both hands around Type's shoulders, pulled over and hugged him tightly, and without a word leaned his head against his shoulder to rub it, a cute look, the hard-mouthed man just said it broadly, and also used a heavy voice.

  "You don't have to."

  "I didn't." The drummer chuckled, and Type looked up provocatively.

   This time eye to eye, and then...


  "Kiss your dad?"


    "Then come and kiss your son." Having just finished cursing him out, the cunning one took Type by the shoulders and fell back with him on the couch again, laughing wickedly and leaning down for a kiss, when the one looking for a father kiss on a son raised his hand and tugged on Tharn's collar.

      Then Type laughed too.

    "Hurry up if you want to do it here, I'll wait."

   "Ah," the man who was listening replied muffled, while bending down to snuggle up, hot breath spraying from his lips, the tip of his nose always touching the tip of his nose every time he moved his body, it seemed that Type also felt himself falling into this handsome man's hypnotic spell and had to close his eyes.

 Thud - Thud

"Here I am, companion, open the door for this handsome man."


 What had been done before was more exaggerated than it was now, the knocking on the door was louder as if it was going to shake the room, plus the lead singer's gleefully loud eight-pipe sound startled the two before Type pushed the heavy-breathing man's shoulders, rolled over and stood, brushing away the wrinkles of his clothes as if in disgust, and shrugged.

"You hold back from the eating." The words made Tharn shake his head just slightly.

"I knew I couldn't eat it, but I didn't think I couldn't taste it."

"Talk like I'm food to eat, go get the door." Type could only shake his head to hide his embarrassment and gently kick Tharn, who then rose lazily, humming rhythmic music to greet his friend who knocked on the door.

"You are freaking slow when it comes to open the door, if it's anything else you're always at Godspeed level." Just opening the door, the person in front of it said cheerfully, and even Type himself nearly burst out laughing.

That's right, he's right, if it's anything else, it's going to have to keep up every time.

"That's your way of saying hello... coming in and shouting so loud enough to affects the next room." Tharn shook his head, hilariously, but still opened the door wide and flashed his body to the side, letting the visitor come in with a large bag of food.

"I bought the thin noodles, it's so good, it's so delicious, it's right near my house...Type there is your share too, and you can eat the thin noodles."

    "No , I don't like thin noodles."


Lhong was stunned, he might as well have been intimidated by his friend's roommate, it wasn't, it was just how to buy a thing so much, so Type just laughed and giggled.

"The ones like me, want thick noodles, thick and satidfying to growing, that's how I like it." Obviously snickering, Lhong looked shocked, then he asked in a pleasant voice.

"Are you in a hurry to pull a big one?"

"Huh?" This time it was the turn of the first person who snarled to look confused, not understanding what the thickness of the thick noodles had to do with the rush to pull a big one, the lead singer smiled brightly and then said in an innocent tone that sounded... pretty underdog-ish.

 "You're the one who said that, but I said go to the bathroom if you want to pull a big one, if you're in a car and someone is driving the car you may have an  you should be your stinky shit smell, not because you like thick noodles."

Dumbfounded sarcasm.


Type was silent, staring at his guest's face, confused at his bragging, the visitor didn't notice, and Tharn burst out laughing, looking at the two who didn't know what the heck was going on, until Type raised both hands to shoulder height and chuckled.

"I concede defeat, can't keep up with your bragging rhythm, what does it matter?" The lead singer smiled in satisfaction, then asked again.

"Talk about eating, this noodle."

 "I will eat, it's all free... want something to drink?" Type, who was a good host, walked over to pick up the powder that had been packed and walked over to the fridge, the person who had rushed over and was feeling hot asked.

 "Is there anything to choose from?"

 "No, all I have here is Sprite."

 "Why do you talk so much nonsense then?" The jokester chuckled, took a glass of ice and handed it to the other person with the Sprite that had been cold in the fridge, and honestly liked the doctor who was picking on people, because he gave off no less of a Techno feel.

 Seems like it's not hard to get a good relationship, as long as he's not the tight-lipped kind of guy.

"I wonder how you two live together, with completely different personalities." He chuckled, while opening the Sprite can and pouring it into a glass, while continuing.

"At first, I also heard rumors that you hated homosexuals, and I also heard rumors that you had a big fight with your senior brother, which made it even more stormy, so I thought it was strange that the two of you could get along under the same roof, and what I didn't understand was that Tharn talked about going to live outside and coming to live with you, and his personality didn't seem to get along."

It's not surprising that the people who are talking would see it that way, because they themselves can't believe that two people can love each other.

"I find it as strange as you do." Type said, while sitting in the chair across from him, and Tharn moved over to stand back, and...


 He put a hand on his shoulder and had to raise his head to meet his gaze.

 Tharn's eyes seemed to ask if you were sure, which silenced the southern boy for a moment, but he nodded anyway and turned his head elsewhere.

   "Ai'Lhong, I have something to tell you."

   "Well, what's up?" The man who was lifting his head to get a glass of water looked on, and then his gaze rested on Tharn's hand, which was smiling brightly.

   "Good thing."

    "Don't say you two are a couple, it is hilarious." He chuckled, obviously unconvinced, probably because of the rumors of Type being bad last semester that were abuzz, and Tharn said sincerely.


"What?" That question makes the drummer say it again.

"Type and I are a couple now."


"Hey!" This time it was the southern boy's turn to call out, and the cup slipped from the listening man's hand and hit the ground, while the man who had let it slip was still wide eyed, raised his hand to point at him and Tharn's faces, and then asked with a look of disbelief in his ears.

 "You two are a couple!!!!" Lhong exclaimed, while Type frowned and got up ready to clean up the pieces he had broken.

 "Well, why are you so shocked?" Tharn asked suspiciously, making the man who had broken the cup seem to regain his consciousness, and burst into a shouting fit.

 "How can I not be shocked ah, I don't even know, no wonder, I suspected last night, why you two look so strange, oh ho, Ai'Tharn you guy did not even tell me, I am your friend ah, do not trust me ah." It's just that Lhong has a face that really looks like Techno, as if one doesn't tell them something, how badly he's wrong in keep ing a secret, they will always squirming and struggling, and even cursing stupidly.

"Ho, you two have been out living together since the end of last semester, so you two have been dating for months, and you didn't tell me, it's too much of a blow to me, damn Tharn." he continued, making Tharn chuckle.

"Hmmmmm, I apologize, something happened so I didn't tell you."

 Why are you looking at me when you're talking about what happened?

Type could only think worryingly, and wanted to curse, but only pushed the broom that had swept the powder into the lover's hand.

 "Your friend broke it, you clean it up."

 "Take your command."

 "You stop it." Type just said that, and even he relaxed, feeling much more comfortable after telling others about himself and his relationship.

 It wasn't as hard as one might think, and the others' reactions weren't as bad, because right now, Lhong was smiling brightly.

"Hey, friend, I'm scared of your wife."

"How do you know I'm a wife, I could be his husband too." Type smiled smugly and shrugged, making Lhong even more eye-opening.

"That's cool, how did you manage to get handsome, charmed half-faculty brother Tharn to fall at your feet."

"Ai'Lhong, I didn't charm half the faculty, it's your own words, it's all turned into hearsay." Tharn explained that this made Type think of something Techno had said when he first entered college.

 He said there was news about Tharn that was circulating that he was really charming the whole college.

 Oh, Lhong was joking when he said Tharn is obsessed with half the faculty, while Techno was adding that Tharn was obsessed about with the whole faculty... You two are too much alike, aren't you?

 "But it also confuses every level." He smiled slyly as he spoke, as if holding a secret, though he was willing to lift his foot to let Tharn clean up, though sorry, not help.

"You clean up after yourself."

"Oops my friend, don't get mad, it's just a cup, I'll buy you a new one later, but I'm screaming because of your hiding, that feeling of loss won't come back." With that said, the lead singer made a face that raised his hand to wipe his tears until Tharn felt sick and poked him in the back with a broomstick.

"So how did you two get together?" He asked back, a wistful look that made Type sneer.

 "He was too much trouble and bore me, so we got involved, just to do good deeds."

"When did it happen like this?" He asked with interest, causing Tharn to interject.

 "Didn't you say you were attracted to me and got involved?"

 "Bastrd!" Those who listened cursed as he told the truth, coupled with Lhong's glowing, wistful eyes.

 "Oh ooh, fits Tharn, cool style so much that everyone is drawn to him."

 "How do you know?" Being pointed out, Type refuted a little angrily, making Lhong laugh.

 "Oh, I've known Ai'Tharn since I was in high school, how could I not know that every guy he dated was obsessed with him and there were so many people lined up to want to be his guy that it was hard to get in line because the people who got him, took it and bragged that Tharn was awesome." The man who knew the roots said clearly, making Type look at the awesome guy and slowly shook his head.

"Forget the past, I only have Type one now."

 Really, if it was the usual Type, he should not like what Tharn said sweetly, plus in front of his friend, still a friend who he only met yesterday, only Lhong gave him the feeling of Someone Techno, making him comfortable enough in his heart, so responded to him.

 "Well said, remember what you said oh."

 "Heh heh, look at that, you two look pretty good together." Meanwhile, Lhong added, leaving those who acknowledged themselves to shrug, but feeling relieved.

 Type hadn't thought about breaking up with Tharn and wanted to stay in the relationship, and he was willing to change himself and step into Tharn's world more himself, just as Tharn was trying to step into his own.

It's also a good idea to start by getting a good relationship with his friend.

"Oh, you're in such a hurry, in a hurry to get your wife."

"Don't be ridiculous, it's not like that."

"Ah, then where are you going?"

"Have fun with your friends, Lhong, I'm not so pathetic that you're the only friend I have."

 Tharn was driving around to a mall and thought about the conversation he had with his best friend about fifteen minutes ago, Lhong knew about his relationship with Type for a week, and then the best friend didn't want to let him off easy because he was teasing in the morning, teasing in the afternoon, and teasing before he got home...the reason being that he was so late to find out, so he was going to tease for revenge.

 The thought made him laugh, the corners of his mouth arching high, and he didn't have to look in the mirror to know how happy he was.

Not only that, no need to hide things from friends, but Type accepted him.

Type's own words about not breaking up with him, about going out with him, and about being willing to be open about the relationship and letting those close to him know about it and not worrying about it, made Tharn want to say the same thing.

  Didn't think it would be today.

 Half a year had passed since the day of the quarrel, until he thought Type was the one he was dating.

 All along, no matter how many people came into Tharn's life, their stay wasn't for long, everyone had reasons to end a relationship to the point of him asking himself what he did wrong, only now Tharn realized that he tended to get involved with unsure people from the start.

 The one who left easily as soon as they met a new person, but not Type.

 He may have always said he was like that because he pulled himself into the world, but Tharn instead felt that Type was stable to some degree, otherwise why would he be cursing gay sluts... words he hated cursing... he didn't want to be the kind of person who got cursed, even though he almost did it many times, and in the end...he got better in ignorance.

 Type might take more time to change himself than others, but his change was to move steadily forward, not to stretch his legs and then hastily clench his tail to escape, not to move back if he had to face something, and Type was the kind of person Tharn would only be happy with when telling his friend he accepted.

 "Didn't you say you were attracted to me and got involved?"

 "Bastrd!" Those who listened cursed as he told the truth, coupled with Lhong's glowing, wistful eyes.

 "Oh ooh, fits Tharn, cool style so much that everyone is drawn to him."

 "How do you know?" Being pointed out, Type refuted a little angrily, making Lhong laugh.

 "Oh, I've known Ai'Tharn since I was in high school, how could I not know that every guy he dated was obsessed with him and there were so many people lined up to want to be his guy that it was hard to get in line because the people who got him, took it and bragged that Tharn was awesome." The man who knew the roots said clearly, making Type look at the awesome guy and slowly shook his head.

"Forget the past, I only have Type one now."

 Really, if it was the usual Type, he should not like what Tharn said sweetly, plus in front of his friend, still a friend who he only met yesterday, only Lhong gave him the feeling of Someone Techno, making him comfortable enough in his heart, so responded to him.

 "Well said, remember what you said oh."

 "Heh heh, look at that, you two look pretty good together." Meanwhile, Lhong added, leaving those who acknowledged themselves to shrug, but feeling relieved.

 Type hadn't thought about breaking up with Tharn and wanted to stay in the relationship, and he was willing to change himself and step into Tharn's world more himself, just as Tharn was trying to step into his own.

It's also a good idea to start by getting a good relationship with his friend.

"Oh, you're in such a hurry, in a hurry to get your wife."

"Don't be ridiculous, it's not like that."

"Ah, then where are you going?"

"Have fun with your friends, Lhong, I'm not so pathetic that you're the only friend I have."

 Tharn was driving around to a mall and thought about the conversation he had with his best friend about fifteen minutes ago, Lhong knew about his relationship with Type for a week, and then the best friend didn't want to let him off easy because he was teasing in the morning, teasing in the afternoon, and teasing before he got home...the reason being that he was so late to find out, so he was going to tease for revenge.

 The thought made him laugh, the corners of his mouth arching high, and he didn't have to look in the mirror to know how happy he was.

Not only that, no need to hide things from friends, but Type accepted him.

Type's own words about not breaking up with him, about going out with him, and about being willing to be open about the relationship and letting those close to him know about it and not worrying about it, made Tharn want to say the same thing.

  Didn't think it would be today.

 Half a year had passed since the day of the quarrel, until he thought Type was the one he was dating.

 All along, no matter how many people came into Tharn's life, their stay wasn't for long, everyone had reasons to end a relationship to the point of him asking himself what he did wrong, only now Tharn realized that he tended to get involved with unsure people from the start.

 The one who left easily as soon as they met a new person, but not Type.

 He may have always said he was like that because he pulled himself into the world, but Tharn instead felt that Type was stable to some degree, otherwise why would he be cursing gay sluts... words he hated cursing... he didn't want to be the kind of person who got cursed, even though he almost did it many times, and in the end...he got better in ignorance.

 Type might take more time to change himself than others, but his change was to move steadily forward, not to stretch his legs and then hastily clench his tail to escape, not to move back if he had to face something, and Type was the kind of person Tharn would only be happy with when telling his friend he accepted.

A picture of him lying face down in bed asleep.

 Of course, Type didn't know, and if he did... there would be a fight.

"Where, to prove it, is not as much as you say."

"Hey, can't look." When he was about to grab, Tharn bent back as far as he could, but the grabber wouldn't let go, as it looked like he wanted to fly over the table to the opposite side, so Tharn accidentally pushed the chair back.


 "Hey, sorry about that."

 Backing up, he collided with someone walking behind him, until Tharn was surprised, hurriedly dropped his hand, then turned to look, and saw...


"Brother Tharn."

  The boy in the school uniform was looking over, and he was just as shocked, while Tharn sat quietly, as if cursed, looking at... The Ex.

The one he dated before he met Type... the one who made him afraid to look for someone to date for almost six months.

"Nong Tar," he could feel in that moment, the sound coming from his mouth was low and trembling, and the boy in front of him was just as shocked, only for the corners of his mouth to arch into a self-conscious smile and then greet him in a happy tone.

"It's been a long time... it's good to see you."


The mere word happy made Tharn's two hands clench together as the chest muscles were throbbing with pleasure.

Just his brother smiled at him and he faltered.

Type, what should I do to be good, what should I do to be good.

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