
Chapter 9: Remember Your Past, Forget Their Future Part 9

“That means that it must be one of the two who were out during that period, which would be you two.” Liam spoke, pointing at both Mia and Akira.

… …

… …

Once again, the room fell silent, with a new ominous aura looming over us as we stared amongst ourselves. Suspicious and worried glares passed over Mia and Akira, as we started to think of how to figure out how to pinpoint who exactly did it.

“Can I ask something?” Urkstin’s voice broke through the tension, as we all snapped out of our dazes.

“What is it Mr. Urkstin?” Liam asked, as Urkstin looked over to the two suspects.

“Can I ask you guys why you decided to follow the notes that you got?” He asked, bringing up a good point, “After… what happened last time a note was found, what gave you guys the idea to want to go?”

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