
Chapter 6: The Sleepless and the Broken Part 14

Who did I want to spend my time with today?

. . .

My head started to speed up as I started my next coffee cup, and my thoughts landed on Mia, who was in the cafeteria with me. I stood up, and took my coffee chugging self over to her table, sitting down.

“Sup.” I initiated the conversation, causing Mia to look up from whatever she was looking at.

“Oh, hey.” She said, instantly letting her guard down around me, which was refreshing, “What did you want?”

“Just wanted to check up and see how you were doing.” I responded, sliding and starting my second cup.

“Ah, well, I am doing fine, just researching,” Mia stated, raising a book onto the table, “I want to try and help Risa.”

The book was a large one, with the title reading. ‘The State of the Brain Under Stress’ written by Hikari Mizutani. The name sounded familiar, much like the Howard guy, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

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