
C172 Questions

*JUAN :(*

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 15 chapters ahead at chapter 187. I'll be writing and posting at least 2 chapters tonight.


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"I have some questions about Asgard." Tom asked, piquing Lady Deaths' interest.

"What would you like to know about the fake gods?" Lady Death asked, not sounding too pleased about the Asgardians.

Of course Lady Death wouldn't be happy with Asgard due to her Avatar's troubled upbringing and later imprisonment.

"I need to know a few things that could help me in the plan to break Hela out of Hel." Tom reveals and gets an eager nod from Lady Death. "First, would my new powers from the cloak of invisibility hide me from detection in Asgard?"

"Hmm, yes and no. It depends on where you're going and what you're doing. If the area you're going to has protections placed by Odin or Frigga, then you would be found easily. You also wouldn't be able to hide from either of them as well. They will feel your presence instantly. Other than that, you would be invisible to everyone's senses, including Heimdall's all-seeing eyes." Lady Death explains.

"Well, that ruins my chances of going to steal from them. I don't want to risk Odin and Frigga having protections and finding me out." Tom says and gets an understanding nod from Lady Death.

"With your current power level, you could probably beat them in a fight. Although you are very inexperienced so they would have the advantage, especially with your Avatar and Master of Death powers being so new to you." She says, eyeing Tom up and down.

"Hmm, I didn't know I was that strong." Tom says with a hand on his chin. "Then again I haven't had a chance to test my power in a fight while going all out yet."

"Well, If you ever want a sparring partner that can keep up with you, I wouldn't mind helping out. I would take it easy on you, of course. That way it wouldn't be a one-sided beat down." She offers with a taunting smirk.

"Alright, I get it. You're extremely powerful." Toms says, knowing that she's just flaunting her power level. "I will take you up on your offer though, but I can't do it today. I have to be back soon. My mother is meeting my fiancé for the first time, and I need to be in top form in case something happens."

"Hmm, your fiancé is the same girl that you asked me to make immortal, correct?" Lady Death asks, receiving a nod from Tom in return. "Then nothing too bad will happen. At worst the Ancient One will merely maim and/or confine her."

The Ancient One shrugs as if Tom's fiancé getting maimed wasn't a big deal at all.

Tom just looks at her as if she were the dumbest person in the room. Then he remembers that Lady Death isn't a very normal person, so why should her point of view be normal either.

"Well, I still want to be available just in case." Tom says, getting an uncaring shrug from Lady Death.

"Is there anything else you wish to ask?" She asks.

"Two things actually." Tom says as he holds up a single finger. "First, do you have any books on Asgardian Magic? I need to learn it in order to get Hela out of her prison."

"I'm sorry, Master." Lady Death shakes her head from side to side. "I've never had a need for such things, so I never thought of collecting books like that. Also, things like that are in the mortal plane, which makes it hard for me to acquire."

It seems that every avenue is being closed and the only one remaining is to simply ask Odin and Frigga if he can be taught in Asgard, which is unlikely to be allowed, but he'll cross his finger and try nonetheless.

Although, Tom has one more idea.

"Okay, last question. I tried to summon a dead Asgardian to learn from them, but I didn't know any names to do so. I looked up names from Norse mythology, like Bor who is Odin's father, but nothing would happen every time I tried to summon them. Am I just getting their names wrong or is it not possible to summon dead Asgardians?" Tom asked, wondering why his spirit summoning wasn't working properly.

(A/N: Thanks to whoever it was that gave me this idea on patreòn. I forget your name cuz it's been a few days but this was your idea.)

As Lady Death heard this question, she started pouting and crossed her arms. The atmosphere became complicated as she looked truly disgruntled about something.

"What's wrong?" Tom asks.

"You can't summon dead Asgardians." She grounds that out with her teeth clenched tightly.

"Why?" Tom asked, not surprised in the least.

He thought that was the problem but wasn't completely sure, as the only other possibility is that he had the names wrong.

"I made a deal with the first Asgardian King that he and his people would have their own afterlife called Valhalla. I promised to not interfere with their afterlife, so that means neither can you. I'm sorry, Master but I always keep my word no matter what." Death explains, angry at herself for doing something so stupid.

"It's alright, don't worry about it. That just means it's going to be a bit harder to break Hela out of Hel. Although it will be harder, that doesn't mean I can't get it done." Tom says reassuringly.

After speaking with Lady Death for a little longer, Tom leaves to make sure his fiancé and his mother haven't torn each other apart.

When he arrived at Kamar-Taj and opened the door to where he left both of them, Tom saw something he truly didn't expect to walk in on.

Both Druella and the Ancient One were sitting across from one another drinking tea and laughing. They looked like two friends that have been together for years.

"Uhhh... What happened while I was gone?"

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