
2107. Better Purifying

Remey was moving with a lot more speed than before. She was sure that a lot of the newer herbs coming in and changed. Especially with the facts that the world had denser manas than before. The natural flow had changed the properties of many herbs known to be weak or needed many to create a potential potion. 

The purifying effects of some herbs had even improved so much that they could be used to purify water just by having them dropped within a bowl of poisoned water. Not necessarily intentionally poisoned, but with rotten aspects of nature or from a place that should not be drunk from. 

This had been found by an herbalist that was working with fertilizer for some mushrooms. The fertilizer had come from a farm and was leaking water from the bags. The water had pooled in a large puddle under the cart and would have been an issue to clean up. 

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