
1690. Coral Traps

"Stopped? Why do we have to stop?" This was the question that every single person on the ship asked. However, the moment that they made it to the top deck, everyone understood. 

Thanks to the golems, archers on look out, and the merfolk, the ships had stopped right before they had become wrecks. In front of them was a seemingly endless field of waves and coral. There were clearly places where the ships could fit through, unfortunately, there were more ways to get trapped and wrecked. 

Many ships and even some other vessels that didn't look anything like something made on their continent were there. Beached on top of large rocks covered in coral or trapped and shattered between large portions of coral growing just under the surface of the water. 

"This is a massive coral maze." Walker could see that the coral had not been grown intentionally like this, it was just the natural growth of the coral over more years than any of them had been alive. 

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