
55. Advancement (2)

Remey, Gil, Su, and even midnight looked at walker with expecting eyes. They trusted his judgment in what the best place would be for them to travel.

Thinking on it walker believed the marsh lands to be the most dangerous. Between poisonous monsters and treacherous terrain it was not an ideal place to spend up to two months.

The mountains sounded promising but progress could be slow going because none of them were equipped to climb. Not to mention mining rare ores would take a lot of time. Even more so flying monsters presented a challenge for Remey and Su which significantly decreased the parties fighting ability.

The ancient ruins sounded troublesome due to the mysteries it's held. The ruins were not mapped so if they got in to trouble no one could easily find them. However on the flip side of that they had high chances of finding things left behind within the ruins. Also due to the high number of undead they could maximize their exp gains.

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