
The Power of Tribulation Lightning




Thunderous booms echoed down from above as lightning began to snake through the ever thicker clouds that gathered at an unnatural speed. Within seconds, the entire sky was covered with blackened clouds, bathing the sect in a near nighttime darkness.

The clouds spread for a hundred miles in each direction, and made it appear as if a storm of judgement was descending upon the sect.

Everyone within the Bloodfiend Sect, no matter who they were or what they were doing immediately felt the heavenly pressure of the tribulation clouds pressing down upon them. It was as if the apocalypse had come for the sect.

Everyone flooded to the streets and looked at the black clouds high above, as lightning continuously struck out within the clouds, occasionally showering the sect below with flashes of light.

"What the hell is going on?" many disciples asked, both scared and confused at what was happening.

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