
Someone from the past...

Eve:master, do you know her?

Craig(mind):I do, actually...

As Craig remembered the time of his youth in grade school was this woman but younger, wearing a dress... it's been so long since then... how much has she grown since then?well not physically but mentally and emotionally has she differ then her younger counterpart.

Craig started to stand up as he looked at her...towering over the small lady...

Craig looked like he was annoyed but deep down he's honestly glad.

She seems to be surprised by Craig's height...

Craig(mind):I guess I'm taller then her now.

Craig:and what of it?

Craig sounded cold, a bit emotionless.

???:what of it?

She started to giggle.


Craig sees lily get tackled to the ground as the motion their doing was...graveling.


Craig just stares at them a bit wide eye as he's trying to process what she just said.


Eve:I believe she said-

Eve coughs and started to act out like Allaina did.


Craig(mind):...th-that was spot on.

Eve:thank you master, I try my best to please you in any way-

Craig(mind):continue talking like that and I might make you skip dinner.

Eve:n-no master please reconsider!

Eve looked distraught while Craig didn't flinch nor bat an eye.

Craig(mind):you haven't lost it y-yet so why get worked up over it...

Eve:you just said yet!!!

Craig looked at the two graveling...Craig sits back down as he gets back to what he was doing.Allaina looked shocked as she then gets up with lily, Allaina was shaking like crazy as lily wasn't really fazed...more confused then anything.

Teacher:u-um, misses Delgado, please take a seat.

Lily nodded happily as she sits in a desk next to him...the rest looked at her in horror.

Lily:what? This was the only empty seat available besides the one on his left.

Craig looked at lily as he seemed to be surprised.

Eve:even with the atmosphere she still seemed to smile...

Craig(mind):I believe the word your looking for is atomistic.


After time has passed Craig was walking down the hallway as lily came out of nowhere and gave him a hug.

Lily:it's been so long!

She was over joy while Craig was feeling distraught,though he doesn't show it.he looked to his left and right to see if anyone was looking as he separated the hug, she stepped backwards as her back was against one of the lockers. Craig then kicked his foot near the right side of her head as he rests his foot there.

Craig(mind):o-ok, I need to tell her about my situation, if she continues to hang around me they'll start giving her bad rumors.

Eve:then I'll make their deaths look like an accident.

Craig(mind):then I'll make eve kill them looking like an...EVE?!

Eve:sorry master.

Eve giggles as Craig looked at the curious lily.Craig leans his face closer to hers, hovering over it.

Craig:...stay away from me...trust me...you'll only feel pain near me...

Lily looked distraught as she composed herself and nodded her head no.

Lily:sorry Craig, but your not getting rid of me that easily.

She giggles as Craig hears people gasping, his nervous habit kicked.

Student 1:I-is that Craig?!

Student 2:w-what is he doing to the new girl?!

Craig looked at their way as he saw the color of their faces went away but pure agonizing fear.

Student 1:th-that face!

Student 2:HE'S GOING TO KILL US!!!

The two students started to run away screaming leaving the two alone awkwardly there.

Eve:I suggest we knock them out, making them think it was just a dream.

Craig(mind):it wouldn't matter anyways, they'll still continue to make rumors anyhow. I'm going to guess that they'll say that I was attempting to rape her or something...

Eve looked distraught.


Craig(mind):because people jumped to conclusions with little to no evidence about it, plus it's their word against mine...there isn't anything I can do about it...even with any sort of clarification they'll still think it's true.

Craig's nerves calmed down as he moved away from her.

Lily:what was that all about?


Craig started to walk away from lily as she looked at Craig.

As time went by, within the cafeteria was Craig, all by his lonesome...well, if it wasn't eve accompanying him he would be alone.

Craig(mind):the cafeteria was always something I'm not a fan of...to many people...it always make me nervous...it's taking all I have to not let my nervous habit kick in...

Eve:in other words, your not very social.


Eve:why not-

Craig(mind):if you're talking about my two friends then it's not happening,they have their own social life's to work with, if they come over here and interact with me then they'll be treated like outcast...get terribly treated because I'm near them...rumors and all...I don't want that...

Eve:...I see...

Lily got her lunch and looked at the empty table Craig is at, she was planning to go there.

Allaina:hey lily!

Lily looked at Allaina as her and a few others are waving her over here.

Allaina:come sit with us, we need to talk to you for a moment!

Lily looked at Craig then back to Allaina.

Lily walked over to Allaina's table as she was curious on what they wanted to talk about.

Allaina:hello there lily, my name is Allaina and these are my friends, Amy and Sammy, their twins.

lily:oh that's amazing, it's nice to meet you guys...soooo, what's up doc?

Lily sees Allaina looking serious as she leans in.

Allaina:listen to me and listen good, that man you want to befriend isn't a good guy to hang around with, he's a sociopathic man that hurts people and get what he wants, he's a cruel sadistic man that will dispose of someone if they ever get in his way. He has connections to the school, making him untouchable from any punishment from his actions, he basically controls this place with an iron fist. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if he owns some sort of underground gang. Trust us when we say this, stay away from him, he's too dangerous and literally will kill you if you make him annoyed.I'm surprised he let you off scot free-

Sammy:actually I heard that she was being sexually harassed by him.


lily looked at Sammy confusedly.

Allaina:WHAT?! When?! what did he do to you?!

Lily:all we did was talk,nothing more nothing less.

Allaina:oh my god...you're saying that so he won't kill you!!!

Allaina looked freaked out as lily looked very confused.

Allaina:he must be manipulating you-

Lily started to look at Allaina with realization...

Lily:I'm sorry to burst your bubble but none of that happened, but even if I said that non of you won't believe me would you?

They looked at her as Allaina was going to retort.

Lily:I'm thankful for the advice you're giving me but, I don't think it's necessary, I'm starting to understand what's going on here by how this whole thing is going.now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to the table I originally wanted to go to.

As lily gets up she looks at craig and then the table where Allaina is.

Lily:thank you for the wonderful conversation as well as the hospitality you provided, that includes your concerns for my health.I'll see you later.

Lily smiled as she started to walk towards Craig's table...Allaina's table looked distraught...

Allaina:oh my god...she's being taken advantage of....

As lily was walking towards Craig, Steve was talking to the people at his table.

Steve:that's pretty crazy heh heh.

Brown haired student:holy shit, the new girl is approaching Craig!

Steve looked at the table where lily was chatting with Craig, Steve was a bit in shock but concerned.

Black haired student:10 bucks he kills her right here right now.

Brown haired student:what the hell man, this shit is very serious!!!

Steve was monitoring the two carefully as he sees her sit down next to him.

Meanwhile at Craig's table he seems to be mentally distraught as she's sitting next to him...it wasn't helping by eve's teasing.

Lily:this is what I think we should do tomorrow,since it's the weekend I want the two of us to hang out like we use to.

Craig:...I refuse...

Lily:listen to me now Craig.

Craig looked at lily without emotion, but on the inside he's very curious.

lily:I heard about the rumors that's been going around in school, do you believe that all of them are true? Or in this case,have you done any of them?

Craig continues to stare at her...he was mentally scared, but he can't show his nervous habit to her.


Lily giggles

Lily:then it's settled, you'll meet me by the school and we can talk about everything that happened within our lives.also having fun in the process.

Lily smiled brightly as Craig continues to stare at her

Eve:if I may suggest master, I believe it's a good idea to go with her.


Eve:doesn't seem to care master, she isn't afraid nor affected by what people say, very atomistic if you ask me.

Craig:...tch, fine...when?

Lily:yes!thank you so much Craig. For the time I'd say around 11:00


Lily:like they always say, early bird gets the worm.

Lily giggles as Craig sighs.

Craig:...if you'll excuse me...I'll be taking my leave now.

Lily:alright, see you tomorrow!

Lily waved at him as he walked away.As the day went by lily was getting stuff out of her locker, humming a happy toon. When she was doing her thing Steve walked up to her with a calm and mellow expression.

Steve:what's up lily.

Lily looked at Steve in shock.


Steve:we're in the same class from English three.

Lily:oh, I suppose that makes sense.

Lily laughs embarrassedly.

Lily:I'm doing good what about you?

Steven:just going through the motions.

Lily:oh, was it that bad?

Steve:nah, just going through the motions.

Steve started to stand right infront of her as his demeanor changed.

Steve:so, what do you want from Craig?


Lily looked at Steve as he looked at her coldly.

Steve:you seemed to be happy about it,have you heard of the rumors surrounding him?

Lily looked a bit annoyed.

Lily:yeah, and your going to tell me-

Steve:what do you want from him?

Lily started to look shocked at Steve.

Lily:what do I...want?

Steve nodded slowly.

Steve:that's the question, you seemed to not care about the rumors surrounding him, yet you treat him nicely...Are you genuinely a good person, or are you trying to manipulate him...what's your aim?

Steven gave her a cold glare as lily stares at him in the eyes unfazed.

Lily:...Oh I see!

Steven looked at her a bit confusedly.

lily:your a friend of his aren't you!

Lily looked happy as Steve felt confused by her demeanor.

Lily:it's so amazing that he still has friends like you to watch over him! I'm so glad to meet you! Let me reintroduce myself, my name is lily, and I'm Craig's childhood friend.

Lily smiled as her hand was infront of him, waiting for a hand shake.Steve looked at the hand then back to her...his facial expression changed to a calm and carefree one.


He shakes her hand.

Steve:I'm honestly surprised that you're his childhood friend.

Steve chuckled

Lily:really? He didn't mentioned me?

Steve:more like he didn't gave your name, he did talked about you a lot in middle school though.

Lily:that's nice to hear that he didn't forgot about me, but he has changed a lot since I last saw him.

Steve:oh? What do you mean?

Lily:well, he usually honest about what he's feeling, his voice was a lot softer and stutters a lot...and he was shorter then me...he's so freaking tall!!! And by the looks of his body he seems to be working out! He was skin and bones but now he's very ripped!

Steven looked at her a bit wide eye.

Steve:He really was like that?

Steve chuckled happily.

Steve:He was completely different then when I met him in 6th grade.

Lily giggles.

Lily:do you think you can join us by any chance?


Lily:I was planning to hang out with Craig tomorrow, care to join?

Steve:you convinced Craig to go and hang out with you?Colored me impressed...maybe some other time since you're trying to catch up with him.

Lily:ok, but next time you have to join us!

Steve nodded

Steve:sure thing, oh and one more thing lily.

Lily looked at him curiously.

Steve:If you make him cry, I'll make sure you'll regret it.

Lily's expression didn't change as he gave her a cold look.

Lily:That's hilarious...I was going to say the same thing.

She was giggling a bit as she started to walk away with Steve chuckling.

Meanwhile with Craig and eve walking towards the shed for his daily check up on the plants within his garden.


Eve looked around the shed in awe at the amount of plants there is around within a small shed.

Craig:they seem to have the right amount of water...but what about their ph balance?

Eve:ph balance?

Craig:it's basically nutrition for plants.

Craig(mind):alkaline is best for natural arid regions while acidic is for acid-loving plants...around 6.5 is best for plants...possibly 7.0 on the ph scale...

Craig started to use the formula from the cabinet to study his little orange tree...it's ph level was a 5.0.

Craig:good...maybe...I should raise the ph levels to 5.5...

Eve:...so,about your little date~

Craig:it's not a date...

Eve:oh? And why isn't it, a boy and a girl are hanging out alone together on a Saturday.

Eve smirked as Craig looked at eve with a cold expression.

Craig:if it's a ploy for you to get under my skin then I congratulate you...it's very annoying.

Eve chuckled.

Eve:that isn't what your thinking of~

Eve giggles as Craig's eyes widened a bit.

Craig:your still reading my mind without my permission?

Eve:and what if I am?

Eve smiled playfully as Craig continues to stare at her.

Craig:It means your ok with skipping dinner tonight.

Eve stopped as she started to panic.

Eve:W-Wait master, let's not get carried away here! I was just jesting!

Craig:I'm joking...

Eve stopped and looked at him puzzled.

Craig:...You made me feel distraught, so I made you feel what I was feeling...

Craig(mind):I think I sounded a bit childish...

Craig:...regardless, what do you want to eat tonight?

Eve:hmmm...may I have some pork?

Craig:we don't have any.


Craig(mind):pork isn't the best source of protein, it has more hinderance on nutritional value then the other sources of protein...

Craig:...what is your opinion on salmon?

Eve:um...i never had it.

Craig looked at her for a second and started to continue with maintaining his garden.


After awhile Craig has supper prepared at the table, salmon, Sprague's and spinach prepared on the table for her as he gave her a wedge of pineapple and a glass of orange juice.

Craig:eat before it gets cold...save some for my father...

Eve nodded as she ate the pineapple slice with glee and grabbed her serving for dinner.

Eve:may I ask you a question master?


Craig was getting his serving as he ate a wedge of pineapple.

Eve:where did you learn how to cook like this?

Craig swallowed his pineapple as he looked at eve a bit.

Craig:cook books, health books, as well as observing other people.

Craig folds his hands together as he was about to pray...but he stopped when he remembered about what's going on in the world.


Eve:what's wrong master?

Craig:...an old habit...My father and I usually pray to god before eating and sleeping...since their dead...where dose the prayers go to...it might be pointless to pray...

Eve:...I believe you should still pray...if you're use to it then I believe-

Craig:that's not the point...but thank you...I...just don't understand the solution to god's replacement...killing each other just for the sake of ruling all...it brings out the worst of people in more ways then one...it doesn't make any sense...

Eve:...how much do you care?

Craig:...depends on the subject.

Eve:the world...if you become god...what will you do?

Craig:...that's something I'm not able to answer...No matter what I say or do, it won't matter unless it happens...I could say something like making the world a better place...but is it really what I'm going to do?

Eve stares at him.

Craig:there is a chance I'll do what I've set out to do but their is a chance I won't do what I told you...there is even a chance on doing the complete opposite of what I said when I become god...would I use it for good or will I use it for evil...that's another thing about it...good and evil are moral concepts from the people, how we're taught as well as what we grew up on...what we think is good could mean that some would say are bad, what we think is bad can be good to others and vice versa...it's more of an opinion based concept...other people think differently about such situations that the point of view on this are completely mixed...there is no right and wrong to our choices but something that we view by experience, teaching and what they have learned...we have learned...

Eve continues to stare at him as she looked content.

Craig:...I apologize for...ranting...I get carried away sometimes.

Eve nodded her head no.

Eve:on the contrary master, I enjoyed on how you expressed yourself with your opinions on such matters.

Craig:...If you say so...

Craig started to cut some of his salmon up as eve was eating with glee as she seemed to be in heaven.

Craig(mind):I-Is it that good?

Craig can only witness her consuming everything on her plate like it was going to be the last meal she'll ever get.

Craig:...you need to slow down before yo-

Eve started to gag a bit as she started to drink her water to stop choking.

Craig:choke...here I'll help you,stand up.

Eve stands up as she seems to be holding her throat. Craig gets behind her and started to perform the Heimlich Maneuver.

Craig:I got you.

Craig started to perform a few abdominal thrusts as eve was still choking.


Craig(mind):how deep is it in her throat?!

Craig was in a bit of a panic as she was still choking, until he saw the food that made her choke.Eve started to breathe again as she panted heavily.

Craig:...feeling better?

Eve:...y-yes master...

Craig sighs as he stares at her.

Craig(mind):...wait, dose she even need to eat?

Craig:I told you to eat slower...didn't i?

Eve:y-you did...

Craig:...do you actually require food and water to survive?

Eve:...no...just something I enjoy to do...angels are born with pure, unlimited energy, it's extremely rare to burn out but having the necessities as food can help increase the storage of said energy, demons are basically similar to angels but they're required to eat, they gain power from the energy they consume within the life force of plants to animals as well as insects. Fallen angels are basically more humane but still have the ability's of an angel, their in between angels and demons...depending on what path they will take will determine the end result of their existence.


Craig(mind):doesn't that mean you're still in need to consume food and water...


Craig looked at her.

Eve:when are you going to let me go?

Eve had a small blush to her as Craig dropped her.


Eve:it's fine, I was actually getting accustomed to such affection~

Craig sighs while eve giggles at Craig's expense.

Craig(mind):what in the world am I going to do with this woman...

Craig:I'm going to bed...do your best to not cause trouble.

Eve:good ni-

Eve then started to look a bit panicked.she gets in front of Craig.

Craig(mind):are we under attack?!

Craig looked around a bit as they hear some gunshots in the distance.



Craig:it's an old flintlock weapon that uses such mechanisms...it's within muskets, pistols and rifles from the early 17th century to the mid 19th century...the sound of the bang is different then a modern weapon...by how loud it was from there to here I'd say ether 10 acres or 2 miles away...

Eve:...it must be a competitor fighting another right now.

Craig:...are you able to sense life force energy?

Eve: I am...it seems one of them is the victor...

Craig:...let's hope they cant sense us...

Meanwhile 2 miles away from the house was a smoking end of a musket with a bleeding corpse of a dark elf man...the gun disappears while the figure walks away.

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