
Saying The L word for first time

Ji Wen who felt like he at least needed witnesses to back him up later yelled at him to come back. Qilin Luse had long reduced his presence till he was almost invisible. This is why Ji Wen even forgot he was still around.

"Nah, I should go. You wouldn't want another one of me ruining things.....," replied Ji Yao with a smile so smug you would mistake him for the Joker after robbing a bank.

Despite saying this Ji Wen wasn't willing to let go of this lifeline. He got up like his ass was on fire. With Qilin Hao in his arms he said, "Don't be angry darling, didn't we say we are going to show him together? Let's, let's go before it gets dark."

That sentence alone truly saved his ass from getting set on fire. Qilin Hao forgot about her misgivings when she recalled what they had planned. After jumping out of Ji Wen's arms she grabbed Ji Yao's wrist and enthusiastically dragged him along.

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