
A dash of NSFW

You know the saying give someone an inch and they will take a mile? Well, that's exactly what Rui Fei did. He was the very definition of an inexperienced untrained kisser but for some reason, he was brazen with unconcealed curiosity.

The feeling of having their lips touching each other was a sensation out of this world. He felt like a dozen flowers were blooming in his chest as the pleasant feeling spread all over his body.

He felt nervous with his heart beating furiously.

His breathing became slightly feverish as he placed his other hand in Ji Yao's arm drawing him closer. His palms were sweaty with blood rushing to his cheeks making them slightly pink.

He initially wanted a taste just to calm his nerves that were dangerously close to an outburst. He also intended to pacify Ji Yao especially after hearing from his sister what he had been up to but who would have thought a taste would lead to a sensual meal with no end in sight.

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