

The day her son's concubine killed herself she said, "Good riddance." She was genuinely happy not even concerned about what happened to the little prince. She heard rumours about him but pushed it at the back of her mind. It's not like she cared anyway.

But a few years ago when she heard her son making a deal with that beast on supplying latrion she was very unhappy. She told him that this was directly inviting a snake into his home but her son was stubbornly claiming this would help strengthen their defences. What strengthen their defences? If anything her son was showing the enemy his weaknesses.

A couple of years down the line she had finally met the offspring of her most hated grandchild. Who would have thought one of them was a miniature version of her. She knew this little girl was a monster just like the rest of them but her heart couldn't help but soften when she saw her. She looked just like herself at that age.

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