
Yes Ma'am


I can not seem to stop coughing from all the smoke that I have inhaled but when I listen to what she says, to take shallow breaths, somehow I could get some sort of fresh air again. I can feel her arm around my waist and I know that is the perfect place where her arm should be.

I know I am supposed to concentrate on my breathing but her arm around me is much more important right now. Then I feel as she starts to pat me lightly on my back trying to get air in my lungs and she stares at me with a deep concern.

I love how she cares about me because I feel the same way about her. I can see that there is pain on her face because her ankle is hurting but she is not showing it to anyone.

"Thank you...*cough*....you really...*cough*"

Then she puts her finger on my lips and she says to me.

"Do not try to talk yet as your lungs first need the air. Okay?"

I nod my head and then give a few more coughs.


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