
I am not your personal property

Mr Jie Hoon called Lee Rang and informed him about Yuri and asked him not to let anyone at home know about this incident. Lee Rang already knew and was waiting for the hospital call. He left for the hospital. As soon as he reached there, he saw Mr Jie Hoon sitting next to Yuri's bed and she was lying down on the bed unconscious. He walked towards her and sat next to her as he placed his palm on her forehead, he felt guilty and thought, ''Why the hell did I let them use her in their plan?''

Mr Jie Hoon sighed while looking at Lee Rang and Yuri and said, ''I didn't call Ara because, since that incident at my house, I couldn't face Yuri nor Suho. I didn't even meet or called my daughter, Ara''.

Lee Rang looked at him and said, ''Forget it now. We didn't let anyone at home know about that''. 

Mr Jie Hoon got up from the chair and said, ''I will leave now. Take her home and try to find the culprit who attacked her''.

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