
Chapter Forty-Nine

The next hours were crazy and intense, at least for me. I was ushered into a sort of... war room(considering the maps on the walls and on the large table), along with the Fae Lord, Evander, Zephyros, the seven others and four faces I'd never seen before, where we waited for more than half an hour for the four High Lords and a few more people.

As soon as the room was filled up and every seat at the table was filled up, I was bombarded with questions. How I knew 'the Draekein', how I could streak when no one else could, how I used my ice when there was an obvious case of Faebane, did I plan with the mortal queen, how did the Draekein get past the wards, did I weaken the wards, was I a spy from the other side, what was the next plan the mortal queen had in mind,...... Questions! More questions that threatened to drive me insane.

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