
Brute and the Corpse

In the unknown field, countless trees surround the two.

Blazes of killing intent surround the man as Mike guards himself towards the threat.

Mike readies his stance as he forwards his remaining right weaponized hand. The other hand is broken into pieces as blood drips down soaking the soil in red.

Using the big stake like a spear the man takes an action forward as he thrust his stake to Mike's abdomen.

(I got no choice do I?!) blurted in compliant by Mike.

In his blind vision light appears one after another everything in his surrounding has unique colors that he never has seen before. Looking at the man, his light is different from the others. His color is dark blue as it shines covering his whole side. This is his first time seeing something so bright and bigger than the owner of the light itself.

Until now he didn't use his view of the dazzling stars since he can see anything and want his eyes to get used to the surface. One of the reasons he didn't activate it because he knows that surface is much safer than the deep.

(I guess I'll do that later, huh?)

Mike lower his knees, left knee forward and the other one at the back like his feet is grabbing the ground. The man's movement was fast but Mike is faster.

Bending a bit his back towards the right Mike intercepts the man's stake. Cleanly doing a side attack towards the tip of the spear changing its direction to his left.

Not having the strength to stop the attack Mike uses one of his specialty 'intercepting an attack.'

The man passes beside him as this time Mike has the chance to take a counter.

His lower part of his head already regenerated to the point it has a mouth. Using that as his weapon he bit the man's back shoulder. Before he could chomp his target, his mouth turns into dark grey like those on his weaponized hands.

His teeth turn sharp. Sharper than before.

*Chomp!* His sharp teeth went too deep as it displays its sharpness.

His mouth's movement is too fast beyond he expectation and his bite force is too much for his human target to handle.

(Hope this doesn't kill you.)

His sharp teeth went deep into the man's flesh reaching the very bone.

"Argh!" The man groans in pain but he didn't let Mike continue his way.

Having his back face towards his enemy that is the greatest disadvantage one would face. Especially when his back was been pierce by something sharp.

The man released his grip from his weapon and grab the ground with his very hands.

He lifts his whole body upwards upside down making his hands as his feet. With that, he barely got away from the razor-sharp teeth as Mike loosen his prey from his mouth.

Mike was in *gasp* as he didn't know that his opponent would do such a thing in this life or death situation. But base on the way it looks even the man isn't used to this kind of thing.

It just now or never.

Losing his balance from the bizarre move of the man's action Mike has lost his guard for a second but that second is enough for his opponent to give a deadly blow.

Raising his right foot up in towards the sky the man swings his leg with his might.


Having no chance to dodge the attack Mike put his right-hand upfront.

He raises his sharpened nails towards the attack so he could at least give a little damage to his enemy.

However, as the man's right foot reach Mike's hand, his hand bend into an unusual way... No it was more like his hand was like broken apart as his bones were scattered inside by the force. The foot continues to go down to Mike's chest kicking him down to the ground.

Ribs are broken that's the only thing Mike could feel right now.

His eyes are already regenerated as he saw the man walking away picking up his giant stake.

(Well shit.) blurted by Mike.

From Mike's eyes, the giant stake is big enough that one cannot carry with one hand but it immediately changes when the man just picks it like a kid picking up a stick that had been stumbled on the ground.

The man turns around as he stares deeply into Mike's regenerated eyes.

The man doesn't have lingering anger toward him nor any feelings whatsoever he just looks at him as a creature that needs to be killed with no personal feelings.

His eyes... his eyes can be considered out of this world Mike what thought.

*Step step*

Hearing the man's step getting near as his figure blocks everything from his sight Mike knew that this will be his end.

This will be his end... If he let it end that is...

Mike feels his stomach just finishes its digestion as he feels a small bit of energy surge through his body.

(Thanks for the food!)

In this midst of out of a normal situation, Mike grins widely.

The man got confused for a second but relying on his instinct he knew something will happen bad. Before he could let that happen he quickly thrust his stake to him. But as I said earlier Mike is faster than him.

*Blam!* sound of the stake piercing through the Earth as it makes a cracks around it however the stake didn't pierce Mike.

Mike can't move his whole body but that doesn't mean that he can't move completely. Like another wise man said, "It will take more than killing to kill me."

Mike rolled his whole body to the right dodging the stake through an hair inch.

As he dodges he immediately gets up... no he just bends his body upwards so he could clearly see what happened.

He faces the man who has his weapon stuck into the ground taking this as another chance Mike raises his hand. The man who thought that he broke all of his hands was surprised to see his left hand was completely healed as nothing had happened.

Mike swings his hand but he misses his target as his blood just flew out from his hand hitting the man's face. [Facial]


However little does the man know Mike has more tricks up to his sleeve.

Mike purposely didn't hit the man but just let his blood drips into him. He knew based on the distance through eyes alone his attack won't reach his enemy.

That's why he came up a another idea.

Mixed into the blood is his unique liquid. The weird substance.

Because his body recently just made energy to hus body there's only a little weird subtance for him to use.

(But that's enough for a human. Haha.) Thought of Mike as he gives a tired dry laugh.

Mike opened his left palm towards the man letting him see what will he do.

And then... He moves his two-finger pointing to the man's eye. He moves it with a flick.

With that flick, blood and the weird substance on the man's face started to move as it follows the movement of the fingers.

The scattered blood and weird substance united as one and flew towards the man's right eye as it pierces his eyeball reaching his very brain.

"Gargh!" The man lost his grip as he quickly holds his right eye.

That kind of small attack will pretty much deal a huge blow if one would use it right and Mike uses that to his attack. Mike also felt surprised that it actually works since he's not in the water that he didn't know if the weird substance will actually move.

And that is still in testing mode.

(But it works so it works! So who cares!?)


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