

Ken squats down in front of Kai his aura changed to the aura similar to Yuno's that is see through and misty.

Yuno's aura was calm, but Kai's is a little intense and sharp.

"Calm down, you're a Cryptid."

Kai looks at Ken and sees the purple aura around him. "I don't know what's happening to me, but every time I'm around Kaneko I cannot control my urges. It's getting worse and I thought denial would make it go away, but nope. It won't."

"Good news is, Kaneko might actually be your mate. Bad news is, you have to stay away from her until you get better control over your urges. How often does this happen?"

"It's random and holding back hurts. When I'm with Kaneko it takes the pain away, but I can't stop the transformation."

Ken turns to the others, "What about the rest of you?"

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