
Eager to meet them?

"Vanshu...Vanshu" calling his name at the top of her tone, Shanaya in her white track pants and red t-shirt, with Ipad in her right hand, run toward the Vansh clad in his white trousers and red t-shirt, busy on the phone and descending the stairs.

Looking back at the rushing Shanaya, Vansh said the person on the other line to wait for a minute and spoke up, when he saw her closer" Hey, calm up. No need for rushing. We all know how clumsy you are."

Narrowing her eyes on his insult, She spoke in a rush" Where is your brother?"

"How would I know where my brother is? I hardly saw him since morning."

"Vanshu, at least give me a hint! I have an important matter to discuss with him."

"Baby, I really do not know about his whereabouts. But, you can check him on the main gate."

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