
Chapter Six

The air at school seemed a bit more chilly, almost as if the moment she'd walked through the gates she'd walked into a whole new world.

Maybe it was the fear and nervousness that gripped her every time she thought of school.

After the talk with her mom, she'd resolved to talk to Nina, to tell her everything.

In her mind was a fight between talking to her friend and letting her live in happy ignorance. Live believing that her mom had died in an accident. Maybe that would be better for Nina, to not have more questions.

But at the same time, if it were her, she'd want to know.

It was a relief how her mom had handled the whole thing. Part of the reason she'd been so sure that Nina would be okay too. But now she wasn't sure about anything.

The closer she got to her friend, the scarier the thought of talking to her felt, especially after how they'd parted the last time they met.

Despite the whispers, she holds on to the words her mom had told her.

Sometimes it's easier and better to give in to something we do not understand than trying to control it.

Whatever this was, it wasn't something she could control, at least not right now. But since she'd let go, let herself get sucked into the noise, she'd found it wasn't noise.

There were words, meaningful things by real people. At first, it'd freaked her out, that she felt they were real.

And then she'd figured it out, they were thoughts. Somehow she could hear people's thoughts. She couldn't place faces but at times she'd caught words, like Will's shop, the southern bridge. That way she'd known it was people who lived right here in Bighton.

At the realization, a new kind of fear had set in. Some of the thoughts she'd heard__seen, were scary, wild, and sometimes violent.

It always started like an itch, a nagging itch at the back of her mind, and the moment she's in the schools' office building, it hits her.

For the first time, the thoughts turn into more than just that. She feels an image forming in her head, it was almost as if she was seeing through someone else's eyes__like in the forest, she thinks.

Her mind slowly and effortlessly melds into another and suddenly she could see, hear, and feel what the other mind felt.

She is observing, connecting with him as he makes his way through the hallways. It wasn't a teacher, that much she could tell. Maybe from the errant thoughts or the underlying worry about some homework.

She doesn't know the exact moment in which her thoughts become his, or his thoughts become hers. All she feels is when his thoughts slowly begin to feel like her own.

His fear, her fear, his pain feels painfully like hers. In a lot of ways it felt like what she'd felt in her nightmare, for a moment she wonders whether this was what had happened.

She gets the feeling she was barely at the surface, a huge part of her pulling her to dig deeper. The only thing that stops her is the name that sweeps into her mind, almost as if again, she just knew her name. Norman.

She'd heard about Norman from Sophie, he was a weird friend, one she never bothered to introduce to either her or Nina but now being in his mind was something she felt somewhat guilty for.

The thoughts just seem to take better shape the more she tries to shake them off. Like a painting that was out of focus slowly beginning to make sense.

Her steps falter and suddenly all she can see is what he's seeing, and feel only what he feels. A wave of deep anger that feels so real but also alien enough that she knows it's the boy's not hers. Unseeingly, she grabs the wall and lets her body slide to the floor as she feels herself get sucked completely into Norman's mind.

Norman paces back and forth as he waits for Sophie.

The air in the Sciences Department was always cool. He tries focusing on the relaxing effect rather than his anger and unease.

His mind despite the unease is shadowed by a feather-like touch of peace and fear that creeps into him. A struggle that almost feels alien, a nagging feeling. It was as if he's being watched and followed by an invisible shadow.

A recollection of last night's events plagues his mind recalling how disoriented Sophie had been. Lashing out at him, eyes full of an emotion he'd never thought he'd see in her eyes. Fear.

"You're going to make a hole on the floor if you keep doing that."Her voice pulls him from his thoughts. Reigniting his anger.

"How could you just send me away, you know she's my friend too."His voice gives away his anger as Sophie's face changes into a slight frown.

"Oh really," she scoffs. "From how you two talk one would never guess."

"She's in our pack, if you can't believe we're friends, shouldn't that be enough?"Norman asks, irritated for a second by Sophie's jab at their bickering with Jing.

"Get over it," she says, her tone bland. "I did what I thought was best for you and Jing."

"How was sending me away, the best thing for me, "calming down was proving harder as Sophie's face turned into a scowl. "I don't understand."

"I'm not here to discuss why I did what I did, and I'm not here to give an apology nor an explanation," the finality in her voice is scary. "And Jing is alright, thanks for asking."

"She has a phone you know," he says jokingly. "You don't have to play middle man."

Even as he finishes his sentence, he'd already started regretting it. It wasn't like Sophie to ever get angry with them, only when there was something really big on her mind.

And the instant flash of red in her eyes is proof enough, she didn't need to say it, his humor wasn't appreciated right now.

"Okay," he swallows silently."Sorry."

"Look Norman," she starts, her eyes turning back and her face softening with a sigh, maybe even regret. "I had my reasons, and I want you to keep an eye on someone for me today. I think he knows about us and I'd like to know who he is. Just don't get too close, he could be a hunter trying to get to me."

"A hunter..." he can feel the shock quickly being replaced by the chilling feeling that always comes when there are hunters involved.

He'd heard stories, violent and bloody stories but he'd been lucky enough to never come across them. Jing had, and it was something she never talked about. He felt grateful he wasn't the one who had and sorry for Jing. Hunters weren't known to care or have mercy. They were ruthless killing machines that worked to eliminate all werewolves.

"But how?"

"I'm not sure, but keep an eye on him," she says, taking a look at her watch. "And stay away from the cabin tonight. I don't want Phoebe seeing you there, she thinks there's another wolf in town. So keep off the woods as well, both of you."

Sophie walks away, her mind now focused on finding both of her friends, Mila's scent hits her from a distance and a sigh leaves her as she tries figuring out whether to tell her about her secret.

Thinking of Nina, it was barely a month since her mom's passing, and she was already at school and seemed fine. Already trying to get things back to normal. Sophie had a feeling she was just trying to occupy her mind with other things so she wouldn't be crippled by her mom's death.

Her surprise party for Mila was already set for tonight. The only problem was getting Mila to attend, it had been two days after Nina had a run-in with their heartbroken friend and she was convinced that this would help.


"Mila?"It's more of a question from Nina when she finds her friend Camila.

She's seated on the floor, her face more relaxed than the last time they'd met. Her eyes closed and oblivious to the looks she was receiving from the students passing by the hallways.

What worries Nina is how still she is, too still and for a moment her mind flashes back to her mom's casket. She'd been calm and still, just as Mila was right now. She shakes the thoughts away, not wanting the tears to fall, it happened a lot when she thought about her mom.

"Mila, you okay?"She shakes her instead, feeling her heart go cold as her friend remains still.

Her heart leaps as Mila jumps awake with shock written all over her face, almost as if she was asleep and at the same time had seen a ghost. Her face brightens though as she looks up making Nina grateful that she was at least looking happy and peaceful today.

"Nina!" her face turns momentarily into confusion. She looks around her slightly unfocused, blinking repeatedly.

"What were you doing," Nina asks, failing to hide the slight tremor in her voice at the shock she'd had.

"Sorry if I scared you, I was just kinda shocked by something."She answers before rubbing her forehead and groaning. "I feel like I'm going to have a headache. Can you walk me to the nurse's?"

Nina barely nods confused, the change in Mila was very evident, she was a far cry from what she'd been the last time she'd seen her. But whether that was for the better she was yet to tell as she thinks of what she'd just seen, how lost Mila had seemed seated there.

"Nina..."She shakes her head before eyeing the place where Mila had been seated. She knows she can't handle this situation any other way, she turns to her friend before asking the question she hopes to get an answer to.

"Okay, what's going on Mila?"The confusion in her mind only grows as Mila sighs before turning away, an almost pained look on her face.

"Come on, you know you can trust me, and I'm worried about you. Last time we talked, you left me all confused, you were a mess, and right now..."She pauses, her eyes shifting to the wall. "Right now you were just seating there almost as if you weren't here, completely oblivious of what was happening around you. You were avoiding me for days, I'm not sure what to think. So please, help me understand. What is going on?"She stresses her last sentence, her tone taking a begging edge as the pain she'd felt two days earlier comes crashing into her again.

"Alright, I'm sorry for how I've been. But it's a long story, I can't explain it here, but I promise, I'll explain later. Please."The almost desperate edge in Mila's voice makes her nod her head in agreement.

"Okay, but there's somewhere I'd like for you to take me tonight. We won't stay long."As Nina asks her, hoping she'd be there as she had forgotten it was her birthday, she can't help but feel good that she had planned the party.

"Sure."Mila answers despite her heart beating almost dangerously fast. The idea of explaining to her friend about her dreams and trances was scary. The fact that it was Nina was making it harder than she could imagine.

And Sophie, she couldn't decide what to think about the vision she had before Nina had broken her from it. The detailed image of her friend talking to that guy was still etched into her mind, embedded into her memory.

She couldn't believe what she had seen, the red glowing eyes must have been a mistake, there was no way there was anything like that. As her thoughts stray, she thinks about how the mere possibility of anyone seeing an accident that happened a couple of miles from her was absurd but here she was.

She turns to look at Nina as they walk silently on, feeling sorry for her. But anger also nags at her, if Sophie was truly something, why couldn't she confide in her. Did she know why she'd seen the things she was seeing? Did she know who killed Helena?

Questions without answers leave her mouth shut, already dreading the moment she'd meet Sophie, and the moment she had to tell Nina about herself.

What am I? That being the last question as she walks into the nurse's office to get something for the developing headache she could already feel.


As she gets into the car with Nina, Camila can't help but note that she hadn't caught sight of Sophie since morning.

After a long silent drive past the southern bridge, the woods now holding shadows that seem to lurk, lying in wait to pounce on them with the darkness slowly creeping in. She couldn't help but ask.

"Nina, where are you taking me?"

Nina's car was a classic and as it purs beneath her, she can't help but notice the cold that sets in. Brighton was mostly warm but not tonight. Maybe it was just a chill in her spine from fear. Fear that her friend who's concentration was taken by driving would want answers. And fear that those answers would hurt her more, make her lose her best friend. __is it too bad that I'm more afraid of losing our friendship.

She glances at her friend who takes her time before answering.

"We're almost there, just hang on a second."She mumbles.

Mila would have laughed at Nina were it not for the doubts in her mind. Nina's driving was ridiculous at best, she believed that not having her eyes on the road for even a second would be her undoing. Of course, she had a point, but it was almost perfectionism on her part. It was one of the many quirks she had, but again, Camila had a car she never drove, she wasn't one to talk about the fear of driving.

Watching Nina closely, her usual bubbly face is masked by a dullness that is so visible despite her largely noticeable efforts to hide it behind a smile.

"You know you can talk to me about anything Nina, right?"She finds herself saying the words she hadn't believed till her mom's speech last night.

"I know it's been almost a month since we've really talked, and that I've been distant since..."Her voice trails off, afraid of even thinking of Helena's death. "You know."

"But despite all that. I want to be there for you."The desperation in her voice both driven by guilt and love for her friend, reminding herself of the pain she went through the past few weeks.

"Mila, I told you I'm okay like a hundred times now. You have to stop worrying about me. Especially not tonight...."She groans before her eyes widen as if in remembrance.

"First, I can't stop worrying about you when I can see it in your eyes that you're not okay, and also, now my curiosity is piqued, where are you taking me?"Mila faces her watching as she sighs softly before chuckling to herself. Nina's stubbornness was matched by no other, she wouldn't say anything if she didn't want to.

"Nina…" she presses.

"No way I'm telling you right now. You'll see coz we're here now."She brakes suddenly making her jerk forward almost hitting her face on the dashboard.

"Damn! You, missy, have to work on stopping the car without doing that, or I promise I'll never ride with you if you're driving!"Nina laughs as she bounces off her seat, it's nice hearing her laugh after days of her purgatory.

"Don't get out yet, and you always say that but you're still here."Her cheeky smile shows as Nina laughs off at her friend's scowl.

"Okay, come on. And close your eyes if you don't want me to blindfold them. And I promise I will."

Mila sighs playfully, grateful that she can just let go right now, no whispers, no visions, just her friend. "What is this all about? It's like you're taking me to join a cult or something...wait, are you?"

"Mee, you have the most outrageous ideas ever."Nina's laugh echoes through the surrounding woods as she answers. "And I'll take something not cult. Let's go, I'll tell you when to open your eyes."

"I hate this and quit calling me Mee, please. It sounds..."She's cut off by the door opening, a soft zephyr hits her face its warmth bringing comfort and fear.

Mila never enjoyed having her eyes closed and after some of the visions she'd seen lately, she was afraid of sleeping. She could feel her breath hitch and her heart rate speed up, a particularly bloody vision pops into her memory making her almost jump making Nina chuckle.

"You're such a wuss Mila."

"You know I hate not seeing where I'm going."Her murmur leaves her mouth laced with more fear than intended.

"Just a few steps ahead and you'll be fine. And you have to work on your claustrophobia. This place is leagues of area. I'll tell you to open your eyes in a sec. Okay?"Her jerky nod makes Nina chuckle softly before letting go of her shoulders and walking away.

"And it's not claustrophobia..." she whispers apparently to Nina's amusement who laughs softly.

"Whatever you say___ open them now..."

Darkness, absolute darkness engulfs her as she takes in the sight before her, Nina is nowhere to be seen. Feeling for a wall, she almost stumbles

Her chest constricts making her breathes come short and rapid. The warm air rushes at her before a blinding light shines abruptly.

"Happy Birthday!"

The shout echoes through the silent hall, bouncing back before being taken up by the massive crowd of students that were inside. It was as if the whole school was here. Her breathe hitches and she clutches her chest for a moment, trying to get her breathing back to normal.

"Damnit! You almost gave me a heart attack."She wasn't really upset, but with all going on, it was a wonder she hadn't blown off or fainted.

"That's what a surprise from me means," she says with a cheeky smile. "Happy birthday Camila."

Somewhere in the corner loud music is turned on and she takes the time to look around.

'Happy birthdays' come from all over, some from faces she didn't even recognize. She smiles silently, it was just like Nina to plan something like this, and they honestly needed it.

"So what do you think?"Nina sweeps her hand indicating the party her voice raised to be heard above the loud music.

"I was not expecting this, I honestly forgot it was my birthday today," Mila answers honestly, looking at the crowd of teenagers already dancing to the music. "How did I not know about this!"

"I'm cool like that!"Nina smiles, it was nice seeing her this free and happy. It was a well-needed distraction from all that had happened. "Now, come on, have fun, dance, it's your night," Nina says pulling at her.

"Thanks, Nina."She pulls Nina in for a hug, somewhat feeling guilty for leaving her friend to grieve alone.

All her classmates being here was overwhelming. She had never been too close with most of them, just the normal friendships that came from years of being together in the same school.

"No problem, anything for my best friend."Nina chuckles softly before squirming trying to get away from Mila.

"I hate hugs."Her laugh is swallowed by the noises as Nina pulls away.

"So where is your partner in crime..."Mila asks looking around for Sophie, still unsure what to think of what she saw. If it was true, she didn't know what to think of everything.

"There's no way you planned all this alone."

Nina's eyes sweep the floor once, "I'm not sure, she should be here. Maybe she's just held up."

Nina pulls her into the crowd, happier than she'd been for a while. She finds herself smiling at the bubbly nature her friend has.

"It's a party Mila! Have fun!"

Her eyes follow Nina as she dances into the crowd, wishing she were as strong as her. The way she was able to look past her problems and smile. Especially after her mom's passing, it was awe-inspiring. She decides to let go for a moment as she bobs her head to the music, slightly dancing to it.

Pushing through the crowd proved to be harder than she thought with bodies all over.

There had to be booze with how crazy the dancing was getting as the minutes went by. She couldn't bring herself to dance much however, she enjoyed watching people have fun. Parties had never been her scene but she'd been dragged into many by Nina, never once was she the center of attention in one.

Finally feeling tired and not seeing either Nina or Sophie, who had missed her party, she decides to head outside. Get lost in her thoughts for a while, the music was getting too loud for her and she was tired of the many thanks she had to utter now.

Drunk teenagers were only fun to watch to a degree, at some point they became weird and nagging.

"They love you."The voice startles her as she sits up.

Turning to look at the source of the voice, she feels as if all air had been sucked from her chest.

She stares unbelievingly at the guy in front of her. Memories from Helena's fateful night jump back into her mind.

A face with orange glowing eyes moving through the night. She remembers how unearthly he'd seemed to her at that time, his face set and determined. The hair that had seemed to grow around his face to make it look like a medieval mask. But she could still see it, she'd often in her mind thought how gorgeous he'd looked, but the memories his face brought back were stronger than any fascination she'd held.

Her thoughts whirl and she instantly feels lightheaded, she takes an involuntary step back holding herself up to the wall. Looking at him the second time, this time convinced her eyes aren't playing tricks on her. He looks confused at her reaction to him, but that face...

Tears threaten to fall as she recalls the guy who'd been there, who'd done nothing to stop Helena's murder. She tries calming her heart that beats so fast for a reason she can't place, fear or anger.

She utters the only thing she can think of, the only thing that comes to her mind.


The raw pain and anger in her voice seems to take the guy back as his eyes widen. Fear evident on his face, his dark brown eyes dart around as if looking for someone before Nina walks through the door.

"Oh, heavens! I've been looking all over for you Mila, I thought you went home."Her friends' voice only brings anger into her, anger at herself but mostly at the people who'd hurt her friend Nina.

"You son of a__ I'm going to make you pay for what you did!"The conviction in her voice sounds alien even to her, the darkness and coldness scares even her as she turns to her friend who'd been calling her name.

"I felt like getting some air, I'm okay," she says with no emotion in her voice. Grabbing her friend's hand she pulls them both inside.

There are fewer people right now, seeing as it's almost four in the morning.

"Mila, who's that guy," Nina asks, "Did he do something to you?"

Forcing a smile on her face, she turns to her friend. "No, he didn't do anything and he's just a guy I met."

"Let's go, I'll get you home."She could tell her friend didn't believe her, but how could she explain.

"Thanks, Nina, for the party, for being my friend."The veracity in her voice is riddled with pain and guilt. "And I'm really sorry for not being there for you, I should have been there."

"You don't need to apologize Mila, you had a lot going on. I couldn't blame you if I wanted. What matters most is that you're here now."

She hated the pity in her friend's eyes, she felt weak, all the progress she'd made seemed to come crashing to the ground instantly.

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