
the Eternal Fire

A little break from "Party at Remnant" storyline.


---present Sam POV---

'Alright I need to ask this. Lilith, do you know what a roleplay is?'


'Well, what you probably don't know is...I'm a roleplayer! If there is an oportunity to spew bullshit, I will do it!'


'So I need to ask, how would the gods react if I use some of their names while I'm roleplaying? No wait, actually are other gods from other Pantheons real?'

[They do exist, they are the original omniversal version of the ones you learned in your world. As for your other question...I doubt they would care that much, even if you permanently destroy one of the worlds they have influence over, it just means they lost a tiny drop in a infinite ocean]

'Damn thats cold, they wouldn't even care if I kill their "fake" version's in one world?'

[Even if it would be a hundred, or billions worlds they wouldn't care. As I said, the omniverse is an infinite ocean, an all the world you could destroy will forever be only a single drop lost.]



'So anyway Helios is a Titan, but still technically a God figure, right?'

As I was talking to my fiance -wife-, I stalked the colony of survivors from the shadows of the sewage.

In order to escape from the deadly sun the survivors went underground. It's both a smart, and a dumb idea.

If one of those sludge monsters get them here they are done for. All it takes is one wrong turn and they are trapped.

And that's exactly what I'm waiting for. For the past 3 months, -yes you read that right- I have been sitting here and waiting for my perfect opportunity!

Someone may say that waiting for 3 months is insanity, but I believe it's dedication, and determination! I can't just walk up to them and say "hey what's up, I'm a God"!

I need an entrance! I need a perfect opportunity to set myself as a messiah!

And besides, I have a Gameboy to pass the time so I'm not that bored anyway.

All food, and other portable consoles I can easily take from my inventory. Hell, I can probably take out a PC that doesn't require electricity, and has all the games in the world on it!

an infinite amount of all the items in the omniverse was a good wish.

---1 month later---

[I thought there were only 5!]

'nope! Witchers have more signs then the ones in the games! Most of them invented by the griffin school, but not all.'

[Why was this not mention in the games then?]

'im pretty sure there was at least one dialogue about it.'

[ I played the Witcher trilogy at least 638 times! I would know!]

'hmm...weird... But that's EXACTLY why you should read the books! You are missing on the lore!'

Screams echoed in the distance.

'i guess that's my signal'

Strolling to in the direction of the screams, I passed by the now destroyed camp.

The sewage smell is something you learn to ignore after a while, the only problem is the damp air. Some of the makeshift tent has MOLD on it!


Alright let's not talk a about this.

Sam: where the fuck are they? How did they get to far so quick?!

I asked no one in particular, and got the attention of a small sludge of melted flesh that probably got separated from the other flesh zombies.

He tried to approach me. either to try and kill me, or to ask me directions...this sewage is seriously a big fucking maze.

Either way, i didn't care. I blasted the damn thing with a large ball of fire i made thanks to fire bending.

Sam: alright, i need to hurry! I can't start a religion if all my future fallowers are dead!

Thus i run ahead, fallowing the trail of what i assumed to be of my Future fallowers!

*Battlecries and flamethrowers sounds in the distance*

Nevermind i need to go back, went in the wrong passage :v

---random survivor narration---

It was honestly a fucking miracle we stayed together! I was seriously thinking that we would get separated in these underground passages...well not that it mattered that much.

A bunch of flamethrowers shooting at the same time produces an insane amount of fire, but it didn't matter. The flesh blob was big, and while it did fear fire, it apparently decided that a few of his flesh zombies are worth the sacrifice.

The real bitch of the situation is the fact that most of us are already out of fuel! ...hell, I'm almost empty myself.

We keep fighting, but deep down we all know how it will end.

Or so we thought.

Sudently, from all around me, i heard a voice!

"Pray to me children."

It wasn't a voice i was familiar with, it sounded young. I couldn't match it with any of my friend voice's.

And it sure as hell isn't the voice of those zombies, it sounded far too normal for that to be the case!

"I will save you, but you need to pray! Call my name, the Eternal Fire."

Now that i heard it again, the voice doesn't actually sound from around me...it's inside my head!

If the startled sound of my friends behind me told me something, it was that they also hear that voice.

Pray, huh?

Well, I'm out of fuel, now only Jimmy, the leader of our little community is the only one to try and burn those monsters.

We were backed into a corner, a dead end, he struggled but it was pointless.

So...why not? Some may be sceptical, it would certainly be too good to be true if some divine figure show up and save us!

Hell, I'm a atheist myself! But if monsters like these can exist...than maybe God exists too?

Jimmy: Fuck! Fuck!

Now that is a scary voice, not scary as the voices of those monsters. Jimmy's voice spoke of pure panic and fear.

It was the voice of a man who began to realize that all be did was for nothing, and no matter how he struggled, he will soon meet his death.

Some of the people in our group already started praying to this "Eternal fire", and i couldn't blame them, at this point... God is all we have left.

I prayed too, if he doesn't save us, then maybe he will let us into his, or "it's" version of heaven after we get consumed by this flesh jelly monster.

Jimmy: no! no! NO!

He screamed, as his voice broke under the pressure of the situation.

For a moment, the morning of the monster, and complete darkness was all that was left.

i don't know about the others, but i just gave up and resigned to my fate. For a moment I even made fun of myself for having Faith in that Deus ex Machina, we all experienced.

Now something like that couldn't even pass trough my mind. Now i will always believe!

Because after that moment of complete despair, the world erupted in fire! It burned the monster, the intensity of the flames were so ferocious that i felt the heat almost burn my skin!

That day, me and my friends witnessed a miracle! That day, me and my friends witnessed a God, coming down to earth!

That day, was the day we have been blessed with the warmth of the Eternal Fire...

Our lord have gave us thousands of material, we all saw him creating it from Nothing.

He protected us untill our new community was build, this time it was bigger, and was heavily fortified.

The underground sewer's became a safe heaven! No longer have we need to sleep in tents! We build house's that were sturdy, and the bed warm!

The Eternal Fire blessed us with it's flame's, now all of us can conjure it to protect ourselves.

Now, armed with it's blessing, and new, better clothes our lord gave us, the chosen few will go outside.

Covered by thick clothes to prevent the sun from corrupting us, we shall seek other like us! others who survived.

And we shall share the warmth of the Eternal fire with them...


"The Eternal Fire" is Sam who decided to copy a certain religion from "the Witcher"

Can you imagine the shit storm that will happen once he goes to that world ??

It will be glorious!

And for those who forgot, Sam has the [Aang card] and since Aang learned spirit bending, he is able to give other people fire bending ;)

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