
Chapter! (i have no idea for a tittle...)

Good news? He is dubbed as a hero of dragonsreach, "the man who bravely jumped into the mouth of the dragon and killed it from the inside!". This was of course not true, but Sam didn't bother to correct them.

Before he noticed, Sam was dragged to a party hosted by the Jarl, and spend half a night shaking hands, getting pats on the back, and hearing "congratulation" over, and over again.


Bad news? The Jarl is doing his absolute best to keep him at dragonsreach. He offered Sam to become the "captain of Dragonsreach guards", he offered gold, knowledge, women...and Sam declined.

He just wanted to go and be on his way to tap the booty of a certain vampire.

Sam: I'm honored, but I must refuse. I'm not a man that can stay in one place for long.

True, without anything to distract him 24/7 (a phone, and internet) he just can't stay in one place. hell, even when he was on the phone, before all this reincarnation bullshit happened he always needed to have something in his hand to play with.

Okay that sounded wrong...

My point is! Sam is a hyperactive child with a short attention span.

Anyway. As the Jarl got more desperate and Sam got more annoyed, our MC decided to do use a certain card to create a little chaos and escape.

Soon screams started to be heard from the outside, and Sam internally smirked knowing exactly what is happening.

The Jarl soon noticed those screams too and before he could send someone to investigate, a random guard runned through the door, missing an arm and with most of his body burned.

Burned? Oh, yeah they can use fire magic.

Guard: my Jarl! There is a monster! A beast able to wield fire magic! It's killing everyone!

Wooho! It worked :D

chaos started and before anyone could notice, Sam was already out of Dragonsreach. And with the help of a Motorbike he took from his infinite storage.

Sam: I should really get myself a card that allows me to use a broadsword. What's the point of having a legendary blade if I can't even use it!

Unless he starts using a katana and make use of that {jetstream sam} card.

But, the master sword is SO cool though! Not only that he has the UPGRADED version! NO! There is no way he will give it up!

Sam: hey system, can you give me a card that will let me use the Mastersword, please?

[+1 reputation with the system! You said please, hopefully you have manners. (0/100)]

Oh? So the system likes having his host have manners? Okay, worth to keep that in mind.

[i can give you a quest]

Sam: that would be wonderful! But, can you make it something manageable for me?

[okay, I will give you 3 options. You will get the {link (botw) card} if you do the fallowing. #1, conquer a dungeon and get a nice relic/accessory at the end. #2 fight a boss that is way bigger than you. #3 save countless lives.]

Sam: you don't need to say the other options! I already have a plan to get this card!

[as you wish.]

[[ Conquer a dungeon ( ) ]]

[[Fight a boss that is way bigger than you (x) ]]

[[save countless lives ( ) ]]

Oh? The second task is already done? How? Wait...is it because of the dragon? It makes sense, after all he was the one who killed it.

Well...don't look a gifted horse in the mouth, as they say! Now it will be easier to get this done! All he needs to do is go into one of the Countless dungeons in skyrim, get out alive and with a cool new toy- akhem! I mean "relic"

"But what about the task saying he needs to save multiple lives!?" I hear you say.

Well...there is a certain location near the city Solitude called "Wolfskull Cave". For those who know what I am talking about and know the dangers of the woman that they tried to resurrect there in the game, should already know what Sam plan is.

Sam: is it possible to give me a minimap?

The system didn't answer but soon a minimap was showed in the corner of his vision. The perfect body is an amazing wish, the very first thing he noticed was that his eyes no longer have any blind spots, so the minimap was fully visible and not blurry at all!

Checking the minimap and seeing where he is, he quickly turned the motorbike and started to ride in the direction of Solitude.

He rode the entire day, stopping only for eating and to give his motorbike some fuel. When the sun disappear, and the moon came out he stopped and made a campfire. When he was done he took out a sleeping bag, a beer, and a lot of cheeseburgers from Mc.Donalds.

Sam: Ahh~ this is the life~!

He said after he swallowed a large swig of beer. He then took one of the cheeseburgers with one hand, and with the other he summoned the {lynel card} he got after killing the dragon. The very same card he used to summon the Lynel in Dragonsreach and cause chaos to let him escape.

The card looked kinda like the ones in YU-GI-OH, on the top there was the name of the creature, in the middle there was the picture of a lynel, and on the bottom there is a description of it

"Red Lynel"

"*here is the picture of you, my dear readers*"

"This fearsome beast can only be described as an abomination. With the lover body that of a very muscular horse it is able to move very quickly, and with the muscular upper body that is the mix between a human and a lion with horns on its head it is also able to wield weapons, and slamming the enemy with a charge attack! it possesses great intelligence for a monster, and is able to use fire magic, while also having great immunity to elemental magic, such as Ice magic, Fire magic, and Lightning magic."

lynels are OP enemies in the "Zelda: breath of the wild". To give you a picture of how powerful they are, let me say this...

There are 3 minibosses in the game...and they are still easier to defeat then lynels, that are considered "normal" enemies.

and he has the ability to summon such a monster...Sam could only smile seeing this.

Sam: system, I LOVE YOU!


[+1 reputation with the system! don't say such stupid thing's idiot! (1/100)]

oho~ is the system a tsundere?

Wait actually, better question. Is the system a boy or a girl? The voice the system uses is not much of a help at all to be honest.

It was feminine but also kinda not.

Like you are playing an online game with randoms, and there is that one player using the Microphone, but you can't say if he is a young boy, or a girl.

...well it's not important for now.

Sam: will it attack me?

[no, the creatures you summon will not attack you, and will not question any command you give them. Even if you told them to jump into a lava pool.]

Sam: good...

Using the card, soon a red Lynel materialized in front of him. It was not wearing any armor as they do in games, and it also didn't have any weapons.

The Lynel looked around, and when he saw that he was alone with its master, it just sat down and looked at Sam.

Sam: why does it not have any weapons?

[you need to give him weapons, The same goes for armor.]

Unexpected, but it was not a problem, after all Sam does have an unlimited amount of everything in the omniverse! Taking out the armor that lynels wear in the game, and then a bunch of "savage lynel gear", he watched as the Lynel put the armor on and then contemplated if he wants to use a sword and shield combo, or a spear.

After 5 minutes it decided to use a spear, so Sam placed the sword and shield back into his inventory.

Sam: are you hungry?

The beast only nodded its head.

After that Sam finished his cheeseburgers, and went to sleep, while the Lynel was eating one of the 10 barrels full of KFC chicken pieces that his master gave him, while also at the same time watching out for danger.

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