
Anoriath - The Hunt

"Brother, I'm off to the woods. Will you be joining me today?" He speaks with an enthusiastic tone and a smile like none other rests on his face. His brother, Elrindir, looks at him with tired eyes.

"Not today, Anoriath, I have to take care of the shop. Remember?" Elrindir yawns as he watches Anoriath waltz over to the door, a bow slung over his back.

"Of course I remember... I just momentarily forgot." he swings the door open. "I'll be back before dawn..." he walks through the door and then pokes his head back in. "...or at least before the shops open up."

Stepping out onto the dark streets of Whiterun, Anoriath looks up at the sky. Stars litter the entire space while streaks of the colors red and yellow are strewn across the sky like ribbons.

Continuing to admire the night sky, he doesn't notice the hooded character in front of him. He bumps into them, knocking them back a bit. The stranger's head whips around to face Anoriath and he's struck speechless. Their eyes glow a bright red color, not like any eye color he's ever seen. He steps back before speaking.

"S-sorry about that." he stutters. The hooded figure watches him a few seconds longer before walking towards the market. Anoriath watches as they duck in front of Belethor's, and then swiftly makes his way towards the gate.

The guards outside nod at him as he passes them by, and Anoriath smiles in return. While walking across the bridge, the air around him whispers in his ears, chuckling softly. Shivers run down his spine as he quickens his pace to the hunting grounds. The whispers linger on his mind as he reaches the fork in the road. Hooking a right he breaks into a dead sprint, each of his steps quietly land on the stone path despite how quickly he's moving. The woods lie ahead of him, they get closer and closer with every step, and the trees taller and taller.

He reaches his normal entrance and feels safe again, leaning against the trunk of a large tree to catch his breath. Looking back nothing can be seen except for the lit torches being held by the guards patrolling the roads. Anoriath stands and walks into the woods with his bow drawn.

The woods are slightly darker than they are when he's there normally because he ran there this time, everything around him feels different. Wandering through the trees with light steps, he keeps an eye out for any deer.

Time passes, the game through the woods today is scarce and Anoriath is on the verge giving up when he hears a twig snap. His ears perk up and peeking around a tree he spots a large deer, grazing in the grass.

Slowly grabbing an arrow from his quiver, Anoriath crouches down and places it on the notches of his bow. Pulling the bowstring back, Anoriath breathes slowly. Just as the string is released from his fingertips, a shout echoes through the woods. His aim is disrupted and the arrow flies through the air in a different direction, hitting a tree trunk instead and scaring off the deer. Anoriath's hisses in pain while gripping his right shoulder. An arrow is penetrating his flesh and as he looks around for the offender shadows fall on everything around him. The same whispers he heard earlier multiply rapidly, unbearably so. Using the tree, he stands on his feet and staggers to regain his balance. The whispers fall silent almost as quickly as they started.


An arrow lands between Anoriath's feet and he knows it's time to run. Breaking into a sprint he places one foot in front of the other, moving as fast as he can while still gripping his shoulder. Another arrow hits the ground to the left of him and he makes a right turn away from it. He continues to dash blindly through the trees, arrows narrowly missing him and forcing him in different directions. Each step he makes is powered by dread, fear is what keeps him moving.

'Just a little longer,' he thinks. 'I just need to get it out of here and make it to the road.' Another arrow lands to the right of his feet, and Anoriath hooks a left. There's a small clearing between most of the trees, a spot hunters sometimes use to camp. He sprints straight through the center of it and continues his escape.

Something tightens around his left foot and begins to pull upward, tripping Anoriath as he's hoisted into the air. His speed causes him to swing into a tree, hitting the back of his head and making his vision turn blurry. Footsteps sound behind him and a hand firmly presses against his back as the arrow is pulled from his shoulder. He lets out a loud yelp.

"Thank you for being my game." the voice is quiet, like a whisper that wasn't meant to be heard.

Something sharp stabs his neck and he can feel the tip of it making its way across his throat. He lifts his left hand to his throat to stop the bleeding but someone pulls it away. He can't lift the other one so it just hangs there as he helplessly bleeds out. He can feel something being placed in his right hand but he can't really grasp it so it falls out. He can see through the blood glazing over his eyes that a figure is crouched down, like they're examining something. Then it all fades to black.

Anoriaths killer stands up after staring at the scene she has created. A nightshade lays in the grass below him, his hands extended down. Someone will come looking for him eventually. She spins around on her heels.

"Time to find the rest of my arrows."

You can tell it's fanfiction because Anoriath actually went hunting

HappyHappenstancescreators' thoughts
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