

Two hours later, my soldiers broke into the city and cleared the barricaded passage as far as possible. It was a pleasant surprise that the defenders did not take refuge in the castle which was easily captured thanks to this.

- Lord, what are we to do next? (Commander)

- Keep killing people to a minimum, of course if someone stubbornly refuses to surrender, arrange for him to meet his God. (Ulf)

- And women? (Commander)

- Secure the town first, capture everyone ... and then ... hope there will be more babies next year ... but be gentle. (Ulf)

The survivors of defenders tried to put up resistance in some places, sometimes with the help of the inhabitants of the city, but we had an advantage in numbers, and my people also learned not to risk unnecessarily. Of course, there will always be a few hotheads, but their life, although interesting, is usually short.

- Lord, we've caught important prisoners. (Soldier)

- I'm only interested in Princess Judith and Prince Aethelwulf, the rest doesn't matter much. (Ulf)

- We got them too, and besides them, Ealdorman Eadric and Bishop Edmund. (Soldier)

So the day was going to be interesting.

- Take the prisoners to the throne room ... tell them that they will have the honor of meeting the new King of Wessex. (Ulf)

I went to the castle, finding the throne room was not a problem, it was not my first visit to this castle ... the throne was almost entirely made of wood, only in places it had golden decorations. I sat on it, but it wasn't very comfortable ... the person who made it was a good carpenter, but not as good as me. A few minutes later the prisoners were brought in.

- Greetings dear guests. Welcome to the Kingdom of Norway. (Ulf)


A blow to the stomach by one of the soldiers quickly brought Ealdorman Eadric to the ground, he even began to vomit.

- Traitor? It's a real compliment from your lips. Judith, come to me, I'd like to talk to you ... (Ulf)

She looked no more than 12 or 13 years old, but she looked neither like her father, King Aelle, nor her mother, Queen Ealhswith.

- You grew up ... I don't know if you remember me. I killed your father and had an affair with your mother, although I have to admit that she was cold and stiff in bed ... No matter. I heard your brother had a hunting accident. Maybe ask Ealdorman Eadric for the truth. If he doesn't want to tell, tell him a magic spell ... "boiled eggs". (Ulf)

I have to admit that he was adamant, he wouldn't say a word ... until I told my people to bring boiling water, it untied his tongue. Judith was surprised, she started screaming and crying ... she was engaged to the son of her brother's murderer, probably my presence was not helpful either.

- Listen to me Judith, I can't offer you a prince, but you can punish this man, if you don't want to do it yourself tell me and I will make him suffer. (Ulf)

She chose option number two, which I was pleased with. Not everyone knows how to torture people, the trick is to inflict mental or physical pain, but not kill the person ... too quickly.

I ordered my people to lead Eadric outside and tie him to the table. Of course he protested, tried to break away and run ... but he didn't have a chance.

- Lord, what are we going to do with him? (Soldier)

- First, look for a thin, flexible twig and start hitting his feet. Then break all his fingers and toes, cut off his ears. If he's still conscious ... grab a few mice, put some oil or grease on them, and you know where to put them... (Ulf)

The torture lasted several hours, it was supplemented by watering, tearing nails and pulling teeth ... in the end, the body could not stand the stress and died ... I wonder if the mice survived. Then I ordered the bishop to be killed, though less spectacularly, he was sacrificed to Týr.

I still had to make decisions about what to do with Judith, whether to kill her or spare her. Though she herself was not a threat, her royal origin was a threat ... but no matter what decisions I make, each one carries a danger.

I called one of my people.

- You will take Princess Judith and put her with the other prisons that we are going to sell to the Arabs ... and cut her tongue off. (Ulf)

At least she will be alive and far away, she may even be content with her new life.

I was walking through the streets of the city, the atmosphere was cheerful, people were relaxing ... most of the prisoners were tied up and locked up. Only two hundred women remained at large, they improved the soldier's mood.

At one of the bonfires, I saw two soldiers playing with a certain woman, she seemed strangely familiar to me ... only after a while I remembered that it was the maid who served me at the feast when I visited Wessex previously ... a pity, she has really nice breasts ... As I watched her breasts bounce nicely... I remembered Lagertha and Hild ... and that now Hild's tits probably grew even more.

- Lord, what are we doing next? (Commander)

- Two hundred soldiers and those who are wounded will stay here. We go to Jorvik with the captives and the loot ... I want to meet Ecbert and reunite him with his son... How many prisoners do we have and what loot have we got? And what are our losses? (Ulf)

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