
Fire alarms

Ffs, one-piece, and sao are still going.

Well, either way enjoy:


"It's quite a modest request; I just want your eyes," I uttered, still affectionately playing with her hair, as I curled a bunch of her hair's strands around my finger.

At first, she did not understand what I meant, so I emphasized explicitly about the thing I craved, "We signed a contract several days ago; however, I am not satisfied anymore with only your lips, I want more, so, if you want us to keep having the deal, you would need to give up more of yourself,"

I took a prodigious whiff of air, adding, "And that thing is your eyes; that's what I desire the most right now,"

The finger that lightly put on mine dropped, as my other hand tightened on her waist.

She felt the same exact rush of helplessness from that day I stole her first kiss.

And again, she felt the surging tide of warmth and heat swerve on the deepest parts of her body, making her go limp. She had never liked how firm and unlovable my touch is, but her body has another saying on the matter, as such powerful grip made her whole being can't help but seek more.

It was like a code that I figured out with my system's help; Narcos will tell me how, where, and when to touch, and I will follow his lead sometimes, while the other I just do whatever I want.

It has been a long time before any of us said a word; I stared at her violet eyes while she heavily blushed, mistakenly clinging to my body from shame, as she hid her face between my neck and right shoulder.

Amid her drowsiness, I said amusedly, "So?"

Not waiting for a response, I teased her more, bringing my mouth over her smooth neck, suckling her narrows harshly.

Her hands sprang up, body limper than a corpse, she lost every bit of strength she once possessed.

Miku's mouth was the only thing that she can move, and she indeed used it, unhurriedly murmuring while breathing heavy, "Why do you want them?"

I postponed my answer for the sake of Narcos; however, he did not speak. So, I relied on my self, saying in a low tone, "Of course, because I'm jealous, your beautiful eyes should only look at me,"

Any normal human being, after hearing such gooey words, would either flee or think I'm insane; however, in the ears of my passive target, my words had a different meaning, like a sweet ecstatic sound run through her mind, that made the girl subconsciously ask for more.

"How much beautiful are they?" She mumbled in a rather clear voice.

At the moment, I felt like she snapped from her precarious state, regaining her sanity, while I had a hunch that she wasn't the same Miku.

I quickly added with the same playful manner, "Very, very beautiful,"

A hand reached my chest, and another climbed till it reached my collar; as I heard her speak, so low as if it to herself, "I see, then It can't be helped, they're yours now,"

Narcos finally rang in my mind, daring me to kiss her in hopes of getting the final infatuation point.

Still, before I could fulfill anything, a deafening buzzing noise reverberated in the whole school; the sound was so loud that we needed to cover our ears.

'What? What's happening?' I questioned in my stupor.

<It's way louder than the school bell; it might be a fire alarm>

Listening to Narcos, I lightly lifted Miku and sprang up to check for the source of the disturbance. But after looking in the hall, windows, and pathway, there wasn't any sign of any flame.

'Weird, why would the fire alarm be alerted if nothing is burning?' I thought.

<Fire alarms can also manually be triggered using sufficient heat near the sensors>

'Hm? You are implying that someone else triggered it?' I said.

<Maybe, maybe not >

Following Narcos's dubious sentence, I put down Miku and instructed her to head to her department while I go search for some clues.

I attentively walked down the school classrooms while the teachers and security swarmed the students from each direction. The school survival drills had been engraved onto every student's mind from the first day of school, and they were simple: if you're in a closed environment, open the windows for oxygen, take shelter behind desks and wait for help; if not, then flee straight to the fire door exit.

Nevertheless, such an incident had never happened in the Academy, and surely they will investigate the problem thoughtfully.


I walked down the narrow footpath.

'Darn it! On my first day of school?' I thought after I peered inside a random classroom.

Looking around, I heard something gasping somewhere near.

I followed the voice echo till I reached a desk.

'Aiya?' I thought after, looking down. 'She's hiding here?'

Aiya was a loner throughout her whole life; she never made friends or was interested in social gatherings, which is probably why she got isolated in this place.


<Narcos detects a chance to raise infatuation points>

'how?' I inquired.

<Aiya has a genuine fear for fire; in such a state, she can overlook her slight disliking to the host>

'Hm, but there's no fire in the first place'

<Not inside these four walls>

I thickened my eye and sighed, 'okay, any advice about what my attitude should be like?'

<Act confident to send a comfort source to the scared girl, also be kind but not too kind, and don't forget to be aggressive>

Meanwhile, I took peeks at Aiya without her noticing me.

She had a ghostly complexion; her upper lip curled back, and her shivers shook the table.

I blew some air and acted like I am running from something.

Tap* Tap* Tap*

Before rapidly reaching her tablet and acting like I never knew she was there.

"Ah!" She yelled

"Ah," I followed right back.

Spontaneously, both of us forget our fears, chiming, "What are you doing over here?"

I didn't have much time to spare, so I lied, "I was walking in the footpath when I heard the fire alarm ring, in my panic, I entered the closest class,"

My explanation was filled with holes, but in such a panicked state, she overlooked everything.

Slowly, the atmosphere calmed down, and I tried to walk off.

"Well, I'll go hide in another desk if I'm not welcomed,"

Eyes widening, she bit her lips, seemingly looking like she's making the most challenging decision in her life.

And in precisely 4 seconds, I heard the desired words.

"N..no stay," she said, averting her gaze.

I teased, "Where?"

Her face reddened as she patted the ground right beside her.

"Oh, okay," I smirked in a villainous manner. I did not know what's the reason for the sudden incident, but it was indeed a blessing than a curse.

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