
Chapter 170- Trinity - What Did I Miss Part 2 (VOLUME 4)




"Alright Reece, I told you about my entire time in the underworld. Now I want to know what happened to you and the kids while I was gone. I want to know what happened to my babies and my husband. No matter how hard it will be for me to hear it all, I still want to know about it. I want to hear every detail. I need to know how much I hurt my children."

"Wasn't it obvious what they felt? Didn't you already see that, Little Bunny?" Reece was obviously trying to stop me from hearing what happened. It must be horrible. This was the part about leaving that was the hardest for me. How could I upset my children in this way? And my husband? How could I leave all of this on him?

"Reece, I-."

"No, Trinity, I will tell you. Don't worry. I just don't know why you want to know. Can't we just leave it as it is?" I had to make him understand this. I had to make him see why it is that I wanted to know what happened, no matter how sad it was.

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