

The sales for the JOKER had been increasing at a healthy rate and seeing as how one would need to buy new ones every week or so the demand was not going to diminish any time soon. after two weeks of negotiations we were proud to announce that JOKER was now available in all the major stores in magical britain including Hogsmeade. The increasing demand had lead to us hiring another dozen wizards for the basic and normal versions.

This was mostly taken care of by the twins and the goblins so me and Hermione did not need to pay additional attention after the successful launch so we dived back into our routine. I had known that Hagrid was going to receive the dragon egg from a disguised Quirrell any day now and since they were not so close this time there would be no one who could sweep the matter under the rug for him and a major blunder was bound to happen.

To prevent this harry had decided to write two notes, one addressed to Hagrid and the other to professor McGonagall. Harry had decided to confine in Hermione about the dragon with hagrid so that they could come up with a solution because last time in their immaturity they had decided to skip the laws and in all essence smuggled a live dragon within the country. Harry could only think that luck had played a major role that they were not found and everything proceeded smoothly.

The problem this time around was that they were not that close with Hagrid that they could just show up at the hut and Hagrid will be convinced to follow their plan. The chances of him being spooked and flee or set it free was great and he knew very well that Hagrid already had his life destroyed once due to him possessing a highly dangerous creature. They had decided to write the names of the books useful for when a young dragon is born and advised him to keep it very quite. This was done because Harry knew his love for creatures and how he had especially dreamt of a dragon so he was not going to take away his chance to keep one with himself for a few days.

The letter to professor McGonagall was to be kept on her desk secretly with the help of the twins so that it does not trace back to them. The letter will only be written on the day after Noberta is born so that Hagrid could have a day with it. The letter would have the mention of the dragon, the circumstances in which he got it and the additional mention that someone might threaten the safety of what is being protected. This will help in creating a persona that was helping Hogwarts in secret.

Harry knew very well that any piece of parchment can be easily tracked by magic so he made sure to have it written by foreign wizards which can not be easily tracked. The invisibility cloak was a great help in the placement of these notes. The twins were pure at heart so harry had no reservations in showing them the cloak, other than them only Hermione was the only one he had confided in.

Hermione herself was very surprised when she heard that Hagrid was even trying to pet one of the most fearsome creature to ever roam the lands so Harry had to explain Hagrid's entire history and how he was a half-giant, and being different had lead to him always being dissociated by others and some from early on his life he was more comfortable around these so called beasts and due to his gentle nature the beasts and creatures also had a very positive opinion about him.

Harry told hermione about some of the creatures to make her truly understand that him having a dragon was not a big matter for the keeper of keys at Hogwarts. He began with three headed dog or cerberus that Hagrid had, let's just say the look on hermione's face after hearing it was borderline that of crazy. Cerberus was always depicted as a creature that would guard the gates of hell and she had just heard that such a creature was what Hagrid had become friends with, even if the creature was not as deadly as depicted, for it to be classified as a S rank creature would have everyone steer clear.

Harry then informed her about the acromantula that Hagrid had kept as a pet when he was no more older than they are at the moment. At this point Hermione had completely gone blank because if the previous one was a S rank creature than this was a SS rank creature. A single one would not have classification to be a SS rank creature but the problem with them was that they were always together and form a nest. The sheer capacity of their reproduction guaranteed that in a matter of months there could be an increase in hundreds.

Harry then went on to inform her of his cordial relationship with the centaurs, on how Hagrid was the only one apart from Dumble's who had any normal contact with them. Anyone else who tried getting so close would always be treated with hostility. The centaurs were creatures of the forest, warriors yes but pure and their friendship and trust was not something most could earn but Hagrid had done it when he was still studying in the castle.

Unicorns are the most pure creatures in nature, they do not allow themselves to be in the vicinity of others very easily and would always run away at the first notice, but Hagrid was one such oddity that could stay in their vicinity and not spook them at all. Hagrid too found their company peaceful and would usually keep watch to prevent them from any other dangers in the forest.

Just as unicorns were considered the most pure and holy, Thestrals were considered a bad omen, a a symbol of death and thus were highly mistaken by the wizarding world. Hagrid was the one who had taken it upon himself to feed and care for these creatures. Hagrid had not witnessed death himself but his stay in Azkaban and the terror of dementors had made it so that he appreciated life much more.

The most important thing was that he did all this with a smile and that was the reason people tend to bully him and take advantage.

The very next day Harry slid the note and books to Hagrid's hut and the day after Noberta was born he slid the note to McGonagall. He watched as McGonagall along with Dumble's and other house heads headed down to his cabin, took the dragon and discussed among themselves before Dumble's announcing that he will have it taken to a proper Dragon reserve to be raised.

Once the decision was made and everyone left, harry glanced into the hut and saw a crying Hagrid. He felt sad but he knew that it had to be done as next year even more trouble was to follow the big guy. Harry then had Hermione contact the goblins and ask them to discuss with the reserve and complete procedures on acquiring the rights for Noberta and then have it transferred under his name so that he could give it away when the time was right.

The whole incident was done in a week and now the only thing left to do was wait for the final exams and Voldi's move on the stone.

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