
Greedy Guy

It was Friday.

The last day of school before the weekends.

The last day before Issei would die and be reborn as a Devil.

The last day before the events of the High School DxD canon storyline would begin. Or at least, some of it, the introduction of numerous different anime and manga worlds into this one meant that it probably wouldn't be a hundred percent the same. I personally had no intention of letting it stay the same.

My knowledge of DxD was passing, I had only paid attention to the story fully up until the introduction of Asia, at which point I grew bored. Then I just played the anime in the background, it usually in the corner of my eye and sound playing in my headphones, but the majority of my attention was focused on something else entirely. So after the introduction of Asia, my knowledge of the story lasted up till the introduction of that multi-winged Fallen Angel, who I think was some bigshot but honestly, I can't remember.

But that's beside the point because that knowledge was dodgy and missing huge chunks of context. I was effectively going in blind, but I was fine with that. Like I had already said, the introduction of numerous other storylines and characters meant that the DxD story would more than likely not play out the same way.

I wasn't bound by any need to stick to a script to take advantage of my future knowledge. That was basically useless at this point. What I needed to use my knowledge for was to better take advantage of the opportunities presented, either by manipulating people as best as I could, or getting ahold of powerful artefacts and whatnot. Those were things that would give me an overwhelming advantage in the future as I dedicated myself to getting stronger and building alliances.

I just had to be careful not to overly rely upon said future knowledge as it could prove to not be a boon, but instead a crutch. It had already bitten me in the ass once and I was lucky I hadn't made any major mistakes. So long as I kept myself focused, both in the present and on the future, I couldn't see myself dying.

Leaving Megumi's bedroom, I was greeted by the sight of Arisa coming out of the bathroom, clad in nothing but a towel. By all the Gods that existed in this world, I envied that towel for hugging that form of hers and I prayed to anyone listening that it couldn't keep those humungous breasts of hers contained and burst open. Please, just, please, I beg of you let that happen, I had effectively already gotten a morning blowjob, though that was technically before I went to sleep. Having Arisa's towel come loose, leaving her standing naked before I would be the perfect icing on the cake.

The best way to start a day.

The only thing better would be if Ayami came out of her room in just a bra and a thong of some kind. Having one daughter fucked into a coma left behind in the room I was just exiting, her sister in her undergarments and her mum's towel having come loose leaving her naked would just be amazing.

Unfortunately, while my luck was good enough to grace me with this sight, it wasn't enough to go beyond that. "Mikoto?" Arisa questioned, one hand going to hold the top of her towel making sure it remained in place. Though she hardly looked flustered, or entirely unbothered by her state of apparel, I certainly wasn't going to complain. "Should you not be at school at this time?"

So no questions as to what I was doing here? Why I was coming out of Megumi's room? What I could possibly have been doing? Were all Europeans in this world like this? Considering she was standing nearly naked before me, Arisa was pretty calm about this entire situation.

"I should," I said, struggling to meet her gaze, they so very tempted to look down at her chest. "I was just going to go back to my house, grab my uniform and get off." There was no need to hurry though, I was already going to be late and honestly, I didn't really have any intention of going to school today.

Tomorrow Issei would die, the events of canon kicking off and after Issei was reborn as a Devil, I was going to take care of the Fallen Angels. Not for any familiar reasons, but to test myself and my skills. If I couldn't deal with any enemy that could fly without the ability to fly myself, then I was destined to fail in this world. Once Issei was dead, the Fallen Angels would have served their purpose and I would remove them.

The Devils were keeping them around for a reason, I expect it was to let them kill Issei and other Sacred Gear Wielders, swoop in at the last moment and revive them. It would remove the whole decision and element of free will that could let the humans refuse their offer. Instead, it would make those very same humans indebted to the Devils for saving their lives.

I wasn't going to antagonise the sisters of two Satans needlessly.

Besides, Issei was going to live anyway, no need for me to get involved. Though how Ingrid would react was another concern for worry, I would have to make sure she didn't do anything reckless when Rias brought Issei back to the house and healed his wound, wounds?

Getting between an angry Vampire running on mother instincts was not something I particularly enjoyed the thought of. Especially not an angry Vampire running on mother instincts who had proven she could kill me at any moment.

Yeah, no thanks. I quite liked living.

"Well, Ayami can give you a lift if you ask her." Arisa started moving and once again, I was hoping for that towel to slip. I knew it wouldn't fall down because was pinching that overlapping part, but I hoped it just parted a little at the bottom to reveal a little more skin. "She's on her way to college so I would go down and ask her soon."

She then walked past me, I followed her walk, eyes glued to her ass. I wanted to fuck her so bad, and Ayami. I wanted a threesome with Ayami and Megumi badly as well. Another threesome with Megumi and Arisa, same with Arisa and Ayami. The whole mother-daughter thing. Then I wanted the trio at the same time. I'm greedy and well, Arisa's husband not around leaving his smoking hot wife behind all on her lonesome. Like, come on, your basically asking for her to cheat on you at that point surely.

And now I'm horny again.

Great, just great.

-X- Line Break -X-

Looking out the window with a frown, I tried to not let my displeasure show so openly. My intentions had been to get out of the Suzumaru household before Ayami realised I was there. Unfortunately for me, just as I was opening the door to leave, Ayami was also just on her way out as well.

Which led us to this moment in time right here, me in my school uniform, Ayami beside me in the driving seat as we drove to Kuoh Academy. Why had I agreed you ask? Well because I was horny and I was thinking with my dick at the time. I got in the car with Ayami to spend time with her because I remembered quite clearly that her first response to my offer of sex was yes. Plus the incident with her mother left me very horny and so, here we are.

I was more frustrated with myself for having such poor discipline. I'm a pervert, plain and simple, but I needed to conduct myself with a little more, shall we say, decorum and control. Thinking with my upper head, not my lower head.

"Can I ask you a question, Mikoto?" Ayami asked, breaking the silence that had befallen us in the car. "Did you have sex with Megumi in my room a few days ago?"

"You mean that time when I offered a massage and you got so flustered?" My offhand reply got a spluttered response from Ayami whose cheeks became flushed. Honestly, she was a little too easy to tease, which made me wonder, was she a virgin or just extremely prudish? "As for your answer, no. We didn't. Megumi wanted to, mostly to get back at you for what you said about her friends."

"Oh," Ayami muttered, sounding almost disappointed with my response.

Which was strange, did she want to actually find out we had sex in her room, which we did of course, but did she want to know that? Though I do remember Megumi saying something along the lines of not proving her right. "I'm curious, what did you say about Megumi's friends that had her so pissed at you?"

"I called them sluts and her too." Ayami's response was shaped. "Which is true. She's sleeping with you, someone nearly four years her junior."

"That sounds almost like jealousy," I smirked as Ayami's head whipped around to stare at me aghast at my accusation. "If you really want to, I can give you that massage. Me and Megumi did it for hours and according to her I can reach very deep parts of her."

The brightness of her face was honestly amusing, but I noted that we were rapidly approaching a red light. I pointed that out to her, the car skidding to a stop as Ayami slammed on the breaks.

"So, what'd you say?" I asked. "I'm already late for school, so you ditch college for the day, me school and we go back to a hotel room and just reach cloud nine? Sounds tempting, doesn't it? I know you want to, you're immediate response last time when I offered was yes."

"...I have a boyfriend." Not exactly a convincing look when she bit on her lip that way, almost like she was resisting the urge to say yes, plus the pause as well.

Shrugging my shoulders, I turned away. "Well, if you have a boyfriend then I won't come in between that. I'm an asshole, but not that much of an asshole." What a load of bullshit, I was exactly that type of asshole. I was just thinking of fucking Arisa behind her husbands back. Do you really think I wouldn't fuck Ayami while she was in a relationship? Please, you should know by now that I would do exactly that.

I was just saying exactly the opposite of what she wanted to hear. Girls like Ayami, expected you to push and they wanted you to, not because they wanted to play hard to get. They wanted you to push because the more you did, the easier it became for them to resist. I mean who wouldn't push for a girl like Ayami who seemed to be susceptible to them? She made such an easy target that all you had to do was just give a little nudge. Except that's what made girls so difficult, girls like Ayami were the type that didn't fall in the direction you wanted and instead fell in the wrong direction.

No, for girls like Ayami you needed to do the exact opposite of what they expected. You needed to back off because they didn't know how to react or compute what you were doing. At that point, the bait had been planted and all on their own, they fall for it. Then it was easy sailing from that point.

Honestly though, girls are confusing. In my past life, I hadn't been an exactly attractive guy and it wasn't like I could just make up for my lack of looks with a stellar personality or wealth. I had none of that, so I had to rely on my brain. Despite my many disadvantages I actually managed to get with a few hot girls by understanding a little of how the mind of a woman worked.

Now it wasn't a perfect guide, but armed with that, plus my looks, well it made for a deadly combination.

"It's green." As soon as I pointed that out, the car behind us sounded his horn, shocking Ayami back to reality. Just like Megumi, Arisa, Mio and Yurine, Ayami didn't offer much in terms of worldly value. No connections to powerful figures that could offer me protection. They had nothing except their beauty and bodies and well, I'm a greedy guy.

Merry Christmas everyone, as you can see I've released a few chapters as a Christmas gift. But due to the situation last year, a lot of stuff we had planned for then is being done this year. So, I won't have much free time to do any writing so I won't be updating again till the New Year. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone.

Carrots123creators' thoughts
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