
Chapter 37: Events

Dyllis cooked the meat she had got from today's hunt in the huge oven that she and Tobca build with the help of the system store which had blueprints for an oven to cook the special meat.

which if you ask Dyllis she thought it was pretty convenient to have since that means she didn't have to go full science nerd mood. Of course, this oven is a large wooden stove for what they are cooking on there were huge beings.

During her time in this world Dyllis mind kept on adapting to the changes around such as eating humans and humanoids, she soon starts thinking of them as cattle.

This doesn't mean she thought of everyone that she sees is a piece of meat in her eyes. In the long run, it helped her to be less disgusted with herself since without her food source she would go insane and would only see anything that moves as sheep for her to hunt and eat.

Dyllis thought about a pitiful ending it would be for her as well. During these days she had a lot of time to think about certain things like why would the system want her to form a courtship with Tobca in the first place.

In any novels she had read when she was on earth, there was never such a thing may be getting a lover as a reward but not as a quest itself.

Dyllis also thought about her feelings about the water fae, in the end, she felt like she is in love with Tobca. She snapped out of all of her current thoughts as she stood outside the large wooden stove, it was made out of stone-like materials and had a chimney the went up into the roof.

Dyllis had named her little mole knight Farkas, Farkas has been exploring around the dimly lit cavern and started to dig small holes such as the hole for the chimney so they could get all of the smoke out of the cavern.

In the woman's free time they would play with Pearl and Farkas which created a better bond than any beast tamer could ever make, they were like a small family. Even some of the younger Wendigo's children would play with Pearl or Farkas sometimes even get their help.

As weeks passed by the increase of hunters started to increase and they usually attack any humanoid on-site inside that forest region unless the other party can confirm that they are indeed no harm to the humans and non-humans races alike.

Whenever Dyllis went out hunting she would have usually brought one of her clan members but as it got more dangerous she left them back in the cavern for their safety.

It has started to get increasingly more difficult with each wave currently she had to fight waves and waves of D+ rank adventures.

Sometimes she would bring out Farkas to go fight some overgrown worms and caterpillars to help it get stronger. It was quite the sight to see an animal as big as a stuffed teddy bear eat something twice its size as well as killing such a big beast.

It had at least killed about seven worms and three caterpillars, the caterpillars were much harder for it to chew through and thicker as it could eat only a part of it before it felt too full.

The past month it had been doing its hunting, before that Dyllis and some of the other clan members went searching for food for the little fella.

Currently, Dyllis had everyone part of the clan come to the main cavern to express her concerns. "May I have everyone's attention up hear" Dyllis raised her horse-like voice, it boom throughout the whole cavern tunnels. All of the younger Wendigo's pay attention towards Dyllis and Tobca who were by her side.

"The reason I summon you all to the main cavern today is that a dangerous threat lurks right around the corner, I want you all to explore the caverns and see if there are other entrances" Dyllis paused letting that information sink in before continuing "If you find any I want you to put this orb in front of that entrance but make sure you but it is it will not active" She finished.

The whole room since was soon covered in small discussion, after a few minutes they quiet down. It was now Tobca turn to speak "Any questions?" she asks the audience before her, they look around before speaking out their thoughts towards Tobca.

"Yes, we were wondering what will happen once we place these orbs?" A raven hair child asks curiously "It should put up a barrier of sorts to make it look like rocks or a spring of water" Tobca explains fluently.

It was her idea to make this barrier for their brand new home, Dyllis agreed with it thinking it is an excellent way to protect their home. The small search parties explore every tunnel that they could fit in, when they did eventually find other ways out they did as instructed.

Dyllis had gone out again into the woods to check around her territory, as she did she munched on some cooked human limbs that had been turned in a jerky strip. This made her look more natural and seems like she was just eating some beef jerky while in relatively she is eating human flesh and all but dried up and smoked.

Dyllis continue her scouting till she had picked up a scent of humans nearby. She proceeded with caution, she used the looming shadows to help keep her hidden from the humans' detection ring that laid above their heads.

She continues to quietly num away on her meal as she observed the humans in front of her. A man with fiery red hair coldly stares around at his surroundings failing to notice Dyllis as she had covered herself in shadows to help blend in.

This fiery redhead had freckles covering his high cheekbones, he was also working on a tan to go along with his look. He wore light amour and carried a curved on his hip.

A few others were with him as well, one had a shield but a decent side sword as well as wearing heavy armour that screams "I'm the tank". The other two seemed to be archers, their bows had a glowing green glow to them as well as their arrows had a baby blue shine to them.

Dyllis continue to observe them some more to see what information she could get out of them. One of the archers was paying close attention towards the ground as if something was there.

"Hey, Stan whoever been attacking these adventures lately is very thorough" The archers spoke as they continue examining the colourful leaves on the ground.

The archer picked up a small leaf and raising it towards the sky.

Sorry that this took so long

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts
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