
Chapter 34: The twins

Dyllis appeared out of a gaping hole out of the wall of what seemed to be a basement. Not far behind her Tobca landed face-first on the stone-cold floor. Dyllis helped Tobca to her feet as the older women rub her purple nose, it caused her a bit of discomfort but not by much.

She eyed the gaping hole with a harsh glare before commenting "It would have made more sense if we came out of a body of water" Tobca spoke fluently. Dyllis wasn't the kind to always overthink things over "Maybe it form here because my dark magic affinity was also put in the teleportation circle" she wonders out loud.

"And the fact the nearest water source is underground, we could have been trapped" Dyllis continue speaking out her opinion. Tobca couldn't help but think it was quite logical since it takes a lot of mana to start up a teleportation circle to a place.

Dyllis finished her thoughts about that subject for now as a new thought came to mind 'Hey system give me the description about clans' Dyllis asked for this as she had never really taken a look at it but started a whole clan anyways without knowing jack shit.

Clans: Host clan listens only to host, clan members can get upgraded after host becomes a higher rank. Since the host's current clan has gain intelligence after the last upgrade, each member will have their unique personality and will have their own will of their own. Having a clan greatly helps host when in unsavoury circumstances. All member that joins the clan will only follow their future Wendigo Shaman.

Dyllis sketches her head while reading all of this new information 'does that mean they will remember their past life?' she wanted to ask as she felt queasy in the stomach. The system without fail answer "They have no memories from when they were alive host so no worries" the system spoke going quiet once more.

Dyllis was satisfied with the current exploration as she opens her clan tab. Clan size 15 low-grade wendigo appeared on the screen 'I should give them another command to meet me outside this house since I can talk telepathy with them' Dyllis thought at the same time she sent out a weak signal to every wendigo in the small town.

She exited the basement with Tobca hand in hand again and walked

towards the front door, there waiting for them was exactly 15 low grades Wendigos.

a majority of them were still eating their lunch, a child wearing overalls and a white tee stepped out "Clan leader we are honoured by your return" This child seemed to be around the age of eight years old, they weren't the oldest but they seemed to be the first to have upgraded.

She could tell as soon as her eyes laid upon the child, her status window popup showing the following.

Name: Blake

gender: male

Species: low grades Wendigo

age: 8

level: 6

Titles: First clan member

skills: Mimic 1, hand shapeshifting lvl2, language lvl2, bite lvl3, claws LVL3.

strength: E

agility: E

Intelligent: E-

Defence: E+

Most of the other stats were similar to Blake's stats as their defences being their strongest stats out of all of them. They all had their interesting titles as well, even one of them was a novice, black Smith.

She ponders on Blake's title for a bit before lightly shaking her head.

She told all of her clans mates that she needed two vessels for two beings, The younger wendigo's talked among themselves on who should be a vessel. In the end, the youngest of the group came forward as it was decided that they will be the vessels.

These two were around six years of age and were identical twins at that, one male and one female. Dyllis put the neckless on the little girl first and then unsanitary put earrings into the boy's ears.

Which she soon cleaned it up and disinfecting it with the help of Tobca water magic. A few minutes afterwards the twins started glowing as black blood spurge out of their mouths and noses, they both fell to the ground shaking violently as black blood covered their whole bodies.

Everyone that was watching this scene was looking with slight horror but mostly with curiosity as the twin's bodies spasm once more before raising. Their appearance had changed quite a bit, they grew long ears and their skin was dark red and their cat-like yellow eyes.

They resemble the blood elf from before but a child before they could say anything Dyllis put all of her clan's members except the two blood elf-looking children whose soulless eyes turned more feline. Of course, some of the Wendigo traits were still there such as flesh peeling off like it normally does.

The boy looked around confused about how all of those children around them vanish in thin air "Where are we sister?" he couldn't help but ask the girl right next to him "Only this walking corpse would know" The little girl stated with vermin.

The little boy raised an eyebrow at his sister before laying eyes on Dyllis "we are in an abandoned town" Dyllis stayed flatly, the little blood elf looking boy scowled at Dyllis not liking her tone at all before he could think about attacking her his whole body started to burn up.

He couldn't bear the pain as he laid on the floor in a fetus position, groaning in pain, this lasted a few minutes. The female blood elf looked pissed but didn't do anything figuring out that their Cassels bodies were bound by something.

"You are a smart one aren't you?" She spoke harshly towards Dyllis, she could say all the mean things she wanted but she could never attack Dyllis. Dyllis laughed at the blood elf "I am not like my cousin's the zombies" her eyes glinted with glee as she mocked the once so powerful blood elf.

No matter how much Dyllis bullied her and her sibling she couldn't do anything about even when she tried she got the same treatment as her brother. After an hour of bickering they finally tired out "Have fun with your new bodies" Dyllis told them before leaving them behind.

Dyllis and Tobca walked back into the portal in the basement unknown to them it closed right behind the two ladies so when the twin blood elves tried to find the two ladies. They could only meet a wall "They must have teleported" The male blood elf groan in displeasure "Never mind them brother let's regain our power once more" The female blood elf said as she dragged her brother out.

Meanwhile, the girls got back to the cavern, Dyllis looked at her lover thinking about how odd she was acting. Pushing the thought aside she took out thirteen Wendigo children "Alright everyone I am gonna need you all to help turn this cavern into a livable space for you and your future clansmen" They all nodded understanding as they currently had a mind of a young adult.

They quickly started working using any means to help make the cavern more homely. Dyllis turned around to the very quiet Tobca who hadn't said a single word the whole time.

Dyllis gave the older women a big hug as the other party hugged back "It's not like you to be this quiet honey what's wrong?" Dyllis asked with concern "You don't have to do things alone My little piranha you know that?" Tobca whisper.

Dyllis felt a touch at her lover's words "Come on let's go check up on pearl and the little mole infant" Dyllis changed the topic, this made Tobca slightly brighten up at the mention of the little mole.

She quickly got out of Dyllis arms and scurry off towards pearl and picking up the mole infant. The cannibal slowly made her way over before speaking "Pearl you can feed it the fruit now" the elephant passed the fruit to the infant.

It holds onto the passion fruit with its small paws and slowly devoured the fruit as a change accrued right before them.

I hope this clear up the clan explanation a bit.

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts
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