
Chapter 13: Tobca

After a few hours of healing Dyllis gotten off the ground as the gaping hole has finally closed up just leaving a huge white scar, she was servilely burned inside and the fact an arms size spider leg impaled her stomach didn't really help at all at the time. She was lucky she kicked the stupid spider in the face before getting devoured, that wouldn't have been pretty at all.

She would have kept regenerating inside the beast's stomach over and over again in a never-ending cycle of pain. Dyllis shiver at the thought and felt like she was gonna vomit, in the end, she got up and left the cave wincing at the bit as she could still feel a bit of pain coming from her stomach as she hikes her way out.

The first thing she saw was a beautiful night sky filled with thousands of tiny white dots. She stood there in awe for a brief moment as she breathes in the fresh earthy air that was nothing like earth polluted air, a shooting star zip into her version so she quickly closed her eyes and made a wish 'I wish that I and Tobca will live a long and full-filling life'

After her silly little wish, she headed straight towards town. She felt joyful that night on her journey back. Sadly for her, she couldn't find those trees she needed to make the harp which dampen the mood a bit. It was still the middle of the night maybe even early morning?

By the time she made it back to the worn downtown, the sky became a bit brighter making it look like a pale midnight blue, which answers her questions in her mind that it is early morning.

A few people were out and about, most of them were setting up shop/stands. She continued on her merely way. Approaching the place that is filled with the smell of death made her feel a bit hungry but she mange to control her hunger for human flesh/Humanoids flesh.

Swallowing the slight pangs that appeared in her stomach she continued on her way inside, to see if Tobca was in and to her surprised it seem like she was out at the moment doing a quest.

She wanders into her room and laid on the bed to think about earlier events. 'That spider broke through my defences, I was being too naïve earlier when I took this job. she continued thinking that she would hand in the quest after a good day of rest, a rumble from her stomach surge out of her stomach as she thought about the events.

'Too bad I don't have any food in storage at the moment but then again killing all the adults here and storing away their bodies should satisfy me for a while, I will cast Wendigo Fever on all the children.'

Drifting off with that thought she soon began to snore away. Tobca was out in the woods, Her mission is to get the wings of a fae and eyeballs of a summer fae. She followed a trail of yellow dust which symbolizes that a summer fae has been there recently.

Humans nor beasts can track this dust unless they had fae blood in themselves which is almost impossible because any half breed would be killed as soon as it was born. There are a few exceptions, like if that half-breed had royal blood flowing in their veins but even then they would get excel or be treated as if they were an eyesore.

Tobca heard a faint swoosh, feeling the sudden danger she tilted her head to the side to avoid the water arrow, a crackle of laughter rung out. A blue hair fae, wearing blue scaled armour walked out of the shadows "Still alert as ever I see, Princess Tobca~" He spoke with most displeasure.

Tobca made a tch sound as she looked at the handsome face of the other water fae, he had a sturdy jawline and a strong nose, his eyes are fierce like lions eyes. He towered over her. "Zynroo, what brings you out from so far from home" Tobca spoke mockingly. The water fae knew as Zynroo with a sickeningly sweet voice he said "To come to get the future bride of the winter Fae prince of course"

Tobca snorted "I won't marry him, can't my parents get my younger sister to marry that vile fae?" she said snarkily "No can do princess~ You either come back with me now or we can do it the hard way" He smiled cheekily.


Name: Tobca

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: Royal Water Fae

Level: 20

Strength: 200

Defance: 200

Mana: 2,000/2,000

Speed: 200

Magic/Skills: Water barrier(Mastered), Flood (LVL 4), Water sword(lvl3), Dance of Water (LvL2), Royal Summon.

Water Barrier: Covers Tobca from head to toe in the water and deflects magical attacks, Cost 10 Mp every 10 minutes.

Flood: Floods desire area, monsters that live underwater will appear in the water if a caster deems so, to help kill all who is deemed an enemy in the water. Mp Cost 100.

Water Sword: Surrounding water can form into any sword the caster wishes. Mp cost 50

Dance of Water: A unique skill for the royalty of the water which helps support any water-related magic they use. Cost 300 MP

Royal summon: A fae of royalty can call it comrades to help them in a battle, can only be used once a month using about 500mp.

"Water sword" She chanted, a large greatsword started to form in her hand taking away 50 mp from her Mana Pool. The other fae just laughed hysterically as he summons a water battleaxe That was as big as himself, both weapons solidify after a minute's notice.

They both sprung forward with the same idea to attack first. Their weapons clash causing water sparks to fly all over the battle, they both matched at speed and strength as well as defence. They soon flew into the skies, as a few magic beasts decided to interfere, they both swiftly killed them with no remorse before clashing their weapons at each other once more. Sounds of waves appeared whenever they clashed weapons-making nearby beast run away in fear.

Hope you all like this chapter! I have to ponder on who the villain of this story should be so I choose this route. Is it a bit cliche? yes, it is. Have fun, with the new characters I am adding.

I feel a bit better now since I have added the antagonist.

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