
Take Over

Wrapping up their greeting, the siblings entered the clinic before they drew too large of a crowd. Some of the passing people had been able to recognize Elfman due to his catchphrase, even though he was out of uniform.

They ended up parting with Rei a little while later, seeing as Shoto was already being examined with Endeavor, with a promise to meet up afterward to celebrate for the both of them.

After being called back by the doctor, Mira was first made to undergo the standard physical wellness check-up. Just to be sure she was healthy before they checked her quirk. It wasn't a question of whether or not she had one as they had already observed the signs a few years prior, but only what it would be as she showed no signs of a mutation quirk just yet.

Even though she was a little bored of the entire process, Mina still held on to her excitement while being examined and tried to remember everything the doctor said about her results. Even though Mira was an all-around genius in various fields, she still had things she specialized in which were bio and mechanical engineering.

Her brother didn't make enough money for her to get too many chances to physically make anything, but she had tons of blueprints and theories written up in her room for various subjects. She planned to broach the subject of having her brother start up a company for her in his name, but she'd first need a proof of concept at least.


After about an hour of tests, it was finally time to get her results back. Mira would be lying if she said she wasn't a little bit worried. She really didn't want something else to alienate her from her siblings. Perhaps it was childish thinking, but fears were often irrational.

"Well, looking at the results, as expected, she has a quirk." Dr. Tsubasa started off rather slowly. Dr. Tsubasa is a fairly old man of short stature. He is completely bald and has a very large, bushy mustache. He somehow gave off an aura that said he was rather bored at all times for unknown reasons, making him not well-liked among children. Not that Mira concerned herself with him for the moment, far more interested in her potential quirk.

"Is my quirk the same as onii-chan and onee-chan!?" Mira practically shouted before the doctor could finish reading off his notes. He didn't look particularly annoyed by her outburst, most likely from having dealt with similarly eager children before.

"Hmm? I was getting to that. Judging from your results and some medical records from your siblings, there is a strong chance you've inherited a similar quirk. That said, like your siblings, there is a chance it manifested slightly differently." Dr. Tsubasa finished while looking towards the siblings, hoping they would explain the difference with their own quirks so he didn't have to. Which they promptly did.

"That's right, Mira-chan. Even though Nii-chan and I have similar quirks, they are still fundamentally different." Lisa explained a bit. She was also pretty excited her little sister had a similar quirk to theirs as it was proof of their bond. Plus, she's been waiting for the day where she can see her cute little sister with a pair of cat ears like her own when transformed.

"Our quirk essentially allows us to 'take over' the power of an entity and use it to transform and fight," Lisa said as two white cat ears suddenly appeared over her head and a black and white tail wiggled its way out from behind her.

"That's right, Mira-chan! Lisa and I have decided to collectively call our quirk 'Take Over' but we each have a different variation. Mine is 'Beast Soul'!" Elfman continued while one of his arms transformed. It became rust-red covered in reptilian-looking scales which continued on until they came to sharp claw points. Even though she's seen it before, Mira always goes star-eyed whenever she sees her siblings use their quirks.

"This particular form of Take Over allows me to transform all or parts of my body into that of various beasts, gaining the enhanced attributes and abilities of that form! I can increase strength, speed, or durability depending on which I take. Some of them even let me perform special moves the others can't," Elfman said while flexing a little with his scaled arm while Mira grabbed and played with it a little.

"While mine is called 'Animal Soul'. It also allows me to transform parts of my body and enhance them with the abilities of various animals." Turning her attention to her sister, Mira saw her glow a bit before in a poof of smoke she was gone, clothes and all. In her place was a small striped house cat that was casually licking its paw. It jumped into Mira's lap and she petted it slowly on reflex as it spoke in the familiar voice of her sister.

"The major difference between us, however, is that mine allows me to actually turn into an animal I've taken over, while Nii-chan turns into some kind of were/human hybrid of them nya." Lisa finished before she curled up and started purring in her sister's lap. This wasn't the first time they've done this as Mira often asks to play with her sibling's various forms and neither of them can really say no to her, seeing as she's so well behaved most of the time.

It also doesn't help that while transformed, they are more susceptible to the instincts of their forms. Elfman has trained himself a little better to ignore them, but Lisa hasn't really tried, so she can sometimes be found lazing around as a cat when she thinks no one will notice.

"Un! I know most of that already, but you two never really told me how you get your forms. You also never explain what 'Taking Over' really means." Mira said while pouting a bit. It's not like she had never asked these questions before, but they always said they'd tell her when she's older and ready for her quirk.

Even though she's the one that usually helps them with their work...

"Well... Usually, these 'forms' can only be recorded by encountering different beasts and taking them over. To take something over means just what it says. To take control of another entity. To be honest, we're both a little vague on how it works ourselves since we also do that differently. But when we take over something, it's absorbed into our body and we subsequently gain a form similar to said entity. Ah, we can keep the form even after we let them go, but strictly speaking, we don't have to let them go either," Elfman said uncharacteristically serious while rubbing his chin in thought.

"For me, I actually have to defeat the beast I want to take over before I can use its form" He finished with a serious glance towards Mira. This was one reason he held off on telling her until now. He knew how adventurous she could be at times, and he didn't want her sneaking off on her own and picking a fight with some random animal. Especially since there was more to it than that.

"Hmmmm. Nyaaa, for me, it's a bit different though nya. I only need to befriend the animal and come to a certain understanding with it before I can take it over," Lisa, still lazing out in Mira's lap, added her piece.

"It also doesn't quite work on just any animal either, you know. It seems like mine only works on things that might be classified as bestial or dangerous, maybe?" Elfman said while scratching his head in confusion. He's had his quirk for 24 years now and he still wasn't entirely sure how it worked. It was a little embarrassing, especially when he went out and encountered a new animal and defeated it, only for his quirk to not activate and he just looked like a bully.

"Yea, mine doesn't work on some animals either, like that bear we met at the circus last year nya" Lisa finally regained her senses and jumped off Mira's lap before transforming back with a small blush on her face having forgotten the Doctor was still in the room.

"Hmm... What kind of things can you both turn into? I'm pretty sure I haven't seen all of them, right?" Mira asked innocently while tilting her head to the side. She didn't think she could help much, but a fresh perspective might shed some light on things. Well, that was only half the reason she asked, the other half obviously being her just wanted to know more about her siblings.

"OHH! Mira-chan's pretty smart, maybe she can figure it out. Well, I can turn into a bull, a bear, a tiger, a komodo dragon, an alligator, an ape, and a lion!" Elfman said rather proudly, thinking about all the fights he's gotten into over the years.

"Mmm, I can turn into a few types of birds, a rabbit, a penguin, a cat, a dog, a mouse, a fish, a snake, and a fox" She didn't think her line up was all that impressive, and she felt a bit embarrassed asking her sister for advice again, even if she had already gotten used to it.

Mira tossed that information around in her head a bit, inwardly shocked she had never seen some of these forms before, nor did she know when they could have gotten them. That said, she did notice a potential pattern already, but she wasn't quite sure neither of them had thought of it yet. Well, she didn't have much hope of figuring it out anyway, but so she asked either way.

"Ehh, does the size or weight have anything to do with it?" Mira asked innocently, not expecting much. She was quite shocked when both her siblings paused, completely frozen in place.

"Well...it's often the simplest solutions that are the most overlooked…" Dr. Tsubasa, who had been quietly watching and listening this whole time, chimed in, looking rather awkward about the whole thing. Especially since he also had tried to help figure it out once upon a time when the family first started visiting the clinic.

"Ahh, don't worry about it Onii-chan, Onee-chan I'm sure you would have gotten it eventually" Mira tried to cheer them up, though it really didn't help much. Noticing that they both only got a little more depressed she changed the subject like a wonderful child that could read the mood.

"So, um, how do I figure out how to 'Take Over' something? Do I need to go hit a doggy? I don't really want to though. Actually, Onii-chan, how did you defeat any of those animals before your quirk activated?" Although she practically worshipped her brother, Mira was no fool. She knew the chances of an essentially quirkless kid beating any of those animals was slim to none without some kind of weapon at least.

"Hmm? Ahaha, we ended up getting side-tracked. I was just about to get to that since it's pretty important." Elfman laughed and brushed aside the previous matter. It was still just a theory, after all, so she could be wrong about it being something so simple. Even if she wasn't, why should he feel depressed that his adorable little angel is so smart?

"Actually, our first transformation wasn't taken over like the others were. The first transformation came from our very soul itself. At least that's what I think, " Elfman said as his face once again displayed his seriousness. He and Lisa had disagreed on this a few times as her first transformation was just some striped cat while his was something he instinctively only called the 'The Beast'.

"Here you go again with that nonsense Nii-chan. Are you trying to say I'm a cat at heart or something?" Lisa, already having recovered from her bout of depression, gave a pointed glare and pout at her brother. She actually thought it made some sense, but she didn't want to think she had the soul of a lazy cat.

"No, no, not at all Lisa-chan! But even you said that it was the form you felt most comfortable in and also your strongest? It's the same for me, so it has to mean something, right?" Elfman tried to placate his sister. He never could stand seeing either of them upset, so he was quick to correct himself.

"From the soul?" Mira thought about their words but didn't quite know what that was supposed to mean. She understood the concept of a soul, but as it's never been recorded before she didn't really know where she should start.

"Yeah, close your eyes and feel for something deep inside you. Quirks are mostly instinctive, so there's not much we can say to help you since it might be different for everyone, but I believe you can figure it out Mira-chan. Just like a real MAN!" "Nii-chan! Inside voice!" "haha sorry"

Mira closed her eyes and tried to focus as Lisa berated their brother.

At first, she still didn't quite know what she was looking for and it frustrated her a little, but instead of giving up, she decided to stop looking altogether and just see what happens.

For a hyperactive girl like Mira, this might have been hard had she not started to sink into a trancelike state as she fell deeper and deeper into her own mind instinctively.

*Drip Drip Drip*

It was then that she heard a small dripping sound echoing around her. She opened her eyes to find herself in a completely unknown location compared to where she used to be. Chiseled stone decorated the walls. While there were no visible light sources around the walls they seemed to almost give off a glow of their own barely allowing one to see forward.

She wanted to freak out and scream for her siblings but before she could she felt some kind of call behind her...

She didn't understand what was going on, but she felt drawn to whatever it was. Like finally finding something missing that you never knew you lost. It made her feel hollow yet nostalgic.

She was about to turn around and track down the source, but a husky and seductive voice rang out from in front of her, hidden by the shadows cast around the room.

"Hmm? Fufufu, you aren't supposed to be here yet, you know, let alone beginning at the end like this," The voice filled with mirth sounded off the walls around her as Mira was utterly paralyzed with fear. She didn't know why, but every instinct she didn't even know she had practically begged her to be anywhere but where she currently was.

She felt like a mouse being gazed at by a snake once she looked slightly up and noticed the pair of red slitted eyes boring into her.

"Fufufu, it's your own fault, you know? Who told you to challenge the last boss first?" The woman shrouded in shadows laughed before slowly approaching little Mira, still unable to be seen, almost as if the shadows themselves bent to her will.

"Seems like you need to be punished," Finally upon the frightened little Mira the woman said the words slowly, enunciating each one as she wrapped her way around Mira with her head finally resting directly behind hers and she slowly opened her mouth and


She sank her fangs into Mira's neck...




In the comments, I'm doing a small poll. like one comment or the other to vote.

Should I gender-bend shoto and add him/her to the harem?

my original idea was for him to be a strictly platonic male friend for Mira but I'm already gender-bending izuku now since I no longer plan to give him one for all so might as well see if anyone wants shoto to be a girl as well. those two will be the only two gender-bent though. I'll be doing another poll for izuku when the time comes and the reason for it comes out but until then just know he/she won't be getting one for all.

Thanks for the support btw! It really means a lot. Drop a review if you feel like it since feedback is very much welcome!

Phantowhitecreators' thoughts
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